...it repeats itself so much it's a parody of itself. I can't help but assume the only reason why adults watch it is because it has novelty value because once the novelty wears off it becomes obvious how cliche filled, childish, regressive and degenerate the entire anime industry, along with its fans who have watched only a little and think it's the best thing ever, really truly are. 

What do you think?

A lot of anime does suck, and often times quite pervy. Yet there are several awesome ones with deeper stories to. It just takes some time searching to find them. Some of the ones I really enjoyed that don't give off the cheap, cliche, been-there-seen that feel:

One Outs
Slam Dunk
Black Cat
Ghost Hunt

I really suggest you look at older animes, late 90's and early 00's, because they tend to focus more on creating a story rather than flashing panties or having a cast full of tsundere. Good luck!
I can see where you're coming from, most anime can be overbearing with its teenage (build from mix of tropes) characters, in a setting clearly designed to please fantasies rather than to connect with the viewers, spurting over-idealistic and ignorant lines, has overused plots, everything solved by power of will and strong heart. Perfect dreamland for escapist. Total nightmare for realist.
But well, just like everything else in this world, there's good anime and bad anime, childish ones, thoughtless ones, thoughtful ones. There are dozens of anime released each season, can't expect everything to be original. Only one or two stands out, and even rarer stands the test of time. I've been watching anime since I'm 8 so I'm pretty sure it's not the novelty that makes me keep watching. Tho maybe the nostalgia makes me a bit lenient toward its quality. Yet I genuinely think anime could offer compelling stories and characters the way other mediums of storytelling couldn't.
There is crap in every medium, and the main reason why most of it exists is because
a) uncreative creators 
b) everything that sells well will be milked -> e.g. ecchi [harem] series...
c) not enough money -> too afraid to take risks -> need to make money

Especially in terms of anime, majority of the time series get adapted that will surely sell well, simply because they are too afraid to take risks.. ironically, it's often sleeper hits that end up making anime history.
I'd advice to dwelve deeper into manga as there is SOOOO much variety, and a lot more stuff aimed at adults.
That is to say there are quite a few anime series that are truly outstanding, and as bossmama mentioned, I believe no other medium is able to portray that the way anime does. There are also so many different art styles and that is where the creativity of the medium truly shines.

Source: I've been watching anime since I'm a small child and I'm quite knowledgeable about the medium (manga as well), much more than asian drama, sadly..
For me, I feel like the charm of the anime medium is really starting to wear off. I mostly love it due to nostalgia (a lot of anime I've already seen that I love..) but I've been having huge trouble finding a series I enjoy for the past few seasons.. I'm more into manga now but even those I'm not enjoying as much as asian drama.... I guess I just prefer asian drama^^'

As for recommendations, I say it depends on what genre(s) you like, but some I'd recommend are:
The Tatami Galaxy
Uchouten Kazoku
Serial Experiments Lain
Haibane Renmei
Kino no Tabi
Aria Series
Natsume's Book of Friends
The Twelve Kingdoms
Ping Pong
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Nodame Cantabile
Shinsekai yori
Kyousou Giga (TV)
Cowboy Bebop
Paranoia Agent
Perfect Blue
Anime is a joy to watch. Much more refreshing than any TV show. It is often inspiring and filled with novelty with art, music, action, acting, that cannot be reproduced as well by real actors.