My account is just full of information about me.
Hope you like it :D
Lots of gifs and info about my favorite actors/actresses, movies and dramas... tad about me too. 
Thanks for stopping by!

Ohhh, thatis pretty interesting and there are many great users with fantastic profiles))))

Finally, I stopped being lazy and whipped something up. It's not that informative, but I don't really have much to say about myself. Next time I want to make a pastel themed profile, though! 

I just finished my profile for now, some feedback would be great, will probs change/add stuff in the future when I can be bothered.

You all have very different profiles so cool... I'm proud of mine even if I don't understand why my coding isn't working ! That's a mistery, it just keeps messing around LuL well for now, basic coding is OK. You'll have to excuse me for my approximate english, French people have language issues not tongue issues of course *wink*

My profile is just super mminimalistic, it only says what I am watching and my kakao ID (feel free to add me).

My profile is pretty basic, but I'm gradually making changes to it. :D

I like coming here just to look at other peoples' pages. Im too lazy to make mines all fancy shamncy like you all lol.  

My profile is pretty basic: i started caring about it a little less than a year ago and now I try my best to update it every other month, but still keeping it minimal (i'm too lazy to scroll down  xDD).

Hey guys! my profile is pretty basic but im looking for ways to improve it!! if you have any tips let me know

I tried to do something with my profile, check it out if you want to ~

My profile is just a humble, little holy shrine for our beloved lord and saviour Sehun. Nothing fancy 'cause I don't like to scroll for ages before reaching the actual drama lists. I might add some 'about me' stuff under spoiler later on.

Aesthetics? No, I'm just lazy and new with editing.