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climb a tree?

pink vs blue

Pineapple vs. Mango
soccer Vs news XD 

Dunkin' Donuts vs Starbucks
Dunkin' Donuts

Cupcake vs. Icecream
sun Vs rain
Generally sun

Hot dessert vs. cold dessert
Cold dessert 

Deodorant vs. parfume
deodorant ,,, I'm practical ^^"
full mark Vs good sleep 

Good sleep lol 

Concert in a small venue vs a really big stadium?
Small venue

Big lonely mansion vs. small cosy flat
Small cosy flat. I'd get scared in the mansion !

Car vs bicycle ?
Car (TBH, I don't even know how to ride a bicycle) LOL xD

Sleeping with clothes on vs Sleeping with nothing on
sleeping with clothes

shorts or pants
sleeping with light on Vs light off