Suspicious Partner

Matsuda san love and over 10 dramas in common

Yay Panda! (love shuffle --more shota not on your list)

Dramas/ Movies / Actors  = GTO / IP Man / Yamada Takayuki (Taiyou no Uta) 

Favourite dramas - Are you human too, Devilish Joy, Eulachacha WaikikI, Manhole, Partners for Justice

 Eternal Sunset:

Favourite dramas - Are you human too, Devilish Joy, Eulachacha WaikikI, Manhole, Partners for Justice

Movies/Actor? :D


Movies/Actor? :D

Actors - Kim Jae Wook, Gong Yoo, Lee Jong Suk

Movies - I don't have a list but I liked A Werewolf Boy, Along with the Gods,  Train to Busan,  Rampant

 Eternal Sunset:

Actors - Kim Jae Wook, Gong Yoo, Lee Jong Suk

Movies - I don't have a list but I liked A Werewolf Boy, Along with the Gods,  Train to Busan,  Rampant

 Eternal Sunset:

Favourite dramas - Are you human too, Devilish Joy, Eulachacha WaikikI, Manhole, Partners for Justice

Yeay, thanks! Maybe you can make the list for the person after you to join. Or they can point what's there on your list.


Yeay, thanks! Maybe you can make the list for the person after you to join. Or they can point what's there on your list.

I don't have that many favourite movies so that's why I didn't bother making a list xD

I usually rate movies lower than dramas too. So next person won't have to compare movie lists with me 


Ah, I see. I'm the contrary. I'm stricter with drama because it has many episodes so my rate will decrease if there's a problem among the episodes. But so far, by proportion, I think it's quite balanced between dramas and movies. I like around a third I watch.

I feel the same about dramas. I just usually rate lower than other users. But even if a drama isn't the best written or low rated on MDL but I find it entertaining I'd still give it a high rating - like with Manhole other people disliked the drama but it was fun for me and I loved the OSTs! :D


Same. I also often rated lower than others. But same with you, I don't care about other people' s opinion about the drama or its popularity/rating, as long as I like it. And for Manhole, indeed I also love the ost by Kim EZ. We have some similarities. Maybe we can continue in message. I'll send you a friend request.

Run Away by U-Kiss was my favourite OST! I usually enjoy less popular dramas more than the hyped ones.. thanks for the friend request :) 

 Eternal Sunset:

Run Away by U-Kiss was my favourite OST! I usually enjoy less popular dramas more than the hyped ones.. thanks for the friend request :) 

I'm 50 50 I guess. There are some popular dramas and unpopular ones, unintentionally. Thanks for the approval. I sent you a message. I will delete all my messages here so it can go on with the game.

Dramas - Coffee Prince, God's Gift, I Hear Your Voice