Never have i ever....

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True :(

Never have I ever seen real elephants before my eyes.
never have I ever ride a horse 
False, I enjoy going to the Zoo xD
Never have I seen two giraffes fighting 
Oh lol @zan True, I dont like horses 
Never have I seen two giraffes fighting

Never have I ever played XBox
false I play Kinect gams with children XD "they win LOL"
never have I ever tried baby milk 
False, according to my mom xD
Never have I seen tampons as earplugs :x
Lol true
never have I ever thought drugs are candies  
True the way around I have though xD
Never have I put mentos in a bottle of coca cola 
false and nothing happened that day I lost 5 bottles of coca 
never have I ever hidden a treasure 
Really, it worked fine when I did it xD
True, want to do it sometime
Never have I fell asleep on my desktop
false the desktop is my real bed hahaha 
never have I ever did experiments on ants
Lol xD
False, used to destroy their piles of sand.. feel a little sad now after killing their homes :x
Never have I tried to open a can with various kitchen tools (bc you lost your can opener ._.)
hahaha my experiments were differentt
 I used to put some sugar and what for an ant to find it and just before it come back with friends I take it off XD after third attempt,, I think they executed her 
false I  just try everything to open it including my teeth XD
never have I ever tried to put an egg in instant noodles 
Wow.. the world of ants is sure harsh xD
False, first attempt was not so good though :x
Never have I ate something what was over the experience date