Guilty or Innocent

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guilty... you like cn blue
Guilty You switch your bias a lot
Guilty You love masters sun
Innocent. It really wasn't anything special. Switch the actors with 2 ugly ones and most people wouldn't like it nearly as much. Love Action dramas.
Innocent...innocent...jk guilty all the way! You re-watch dramas you really like
Guiltyyyy You are having hard time with life, work, study etc
innocent you would like to escape
Innocent You like won bin than lee min ho in heirs. :D
woo bin right? innocent... > i'm one of those people that like that his character's straightforwardedness with everything you like BOF
innocent you aren't really that dedicated to drama
false you have 600 dvd's at your home
innocent you rather sleep on a couch
innocent you sleep through a movie
guilty you clean toilets with bleach
guilty (i am pretty sure my toilet cleaner has bleach in it) you love watching currently airing dramas