True Or False #2

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The next person loves dogs

The next person has played Pokemon
Can't wait for Saphire and Ruby remakes.

Next person owns a current gen videogame console.
False  :/

The next person still owns an oldie nintendo 64 console.
False :( i wasnt that fortunate but i had a Sega Megadrive and Commador 64

The next person knows how frustrating the final Boss of Sonic the hedgehog 2 is
haha true

The next person enjoys playing MMOs
False I'm more into JRPGs

Next person is waching YG's Mix and Match reality
False ive never watched it :O

Next person has seen atleast one full episode of Star Golden Bell
False :(

The next person watches Roommate
True :)

The next person doesnt like coffee
True :D

The next person doesn't like tea
False,,, i LOVE tea

the next person want a time machine
False :|
The next person doesn't like to read more than 2 books in a week
False, as much as i love reading. The book im reading at the moment is too detailed to finish in a week

the next person prefers fire over ice

The next person lives in a cold weather country.