Yes, I confess I´m a re-reader, re-watcher, re-doer!

I watched Pride & prejuidice like 12 times. Read my fav manga like 5 times and books I also read at least 3 times.
I`m hopeless :D
lol I wouldn't call it hopeless, really, especially when rereading books. I firmly believe in the value of rereading stuff at different stages of your life because you read and see things from a different perspective. It's also a learning experience because it helps you either reassert or challenge your likes/dislikes so far.
I like the thread!

Personally, I have a good memory of details. I hardly re-watch anything. If I do, I won't do it until I've forgotten parts of the main storyline (usually 3-4 years after the first time I watched it). Same goes for re-reading, except manga. For manga, I can re-read a story again only 6 months after, because I tend to forget the details if they're drawn and not in motion. (If that made sense)
It makes sense, Ashu.

In my case even if I remeber the whole book/story I´m rereading/watching to get the feeling from that time back. Of course this is just for stuff I really like. Sometimes I´m like: Back then I liked that and that I should go read it/ watch it. there is that drama written by Sophokles called Antigone I`m re-reading it every few years. I just like reading it.
Really, sometimes I just get this thought: Its time to re-read/watch blablabla! If I don´t do it i`m getting down.

I´m a hopeless addict....
akai-kitsune wrote: It makes sense, Ashu.

In my case even if I remeber the whole book/story I´m rereading/watching to get the feeling from that time back. Of course this is just for stuff I really like. Sometimes I´m like: Back then I liked that and that I should go read it/ watch it. there is that drama written by Sophokles called Antigone I`m re-reading it every few years. I just like reading it.
Really, sometimes I just get this thought: Its time to re-read/watch blablabla! If I don´t do it i`m getting down.

I´m a hopeless addict....

Wow, Antigone is a fantastic read. :) Now that you reminded me, I may re-read it since the last time happened when I was around 16. ;)
I like re-reading because books are made of a story, but also (and I could say foremost) of words. So, although I remember the main plot, I dive with pleasure in the world of words, if those are well combined. There's a pleasure about them which is renewed at every read.
Because of this, I do believe some books MUST be reread. Böll, Kafka, Pirandello, Wharton, Maugham (don't worry, I won't mention them all, lol) always have double, triple, multiple reading layers.
And I could read the hilarious scene of Mr Collins's first letter to Mr.Bennet until I know it by heart. Genius.
I love Antigone, Akai.
Bur I like to reread Dickens Christmas Take every once in a while and every Christmas or whereabouts I also like to rewatch It's a wonderful life..sonmetimes it's just..seasonal thing too.
Hmmm, we`ve got too much in common...
Bladey wrote: lol I wouldn't call it hopeless, really, especially when rereading books. I firmly believe in the value of rereading stuff at different stages of your life because you read and see things from a different perspective. It's also a learning experience because it helps you either reassert or challenge your likes/dislikes so far.

oh u are so very right. as a teen i collected sweet valley high books. i started with sweet valley kids and worked my way up to sweet valley university as i grew up but sweet valley high senior yr was my fave. i recently found a blog where the writer goes back to read her collection in order starting from book one and her take on the books were hilarious. she made me want to go back reread my collection and what i discovered after only one book amazed me. if u know the books or even the t.v series you know the twins jessica and elizabeth. i used to hate jessica and love liz but after rereading it switched to love jessica and hating liz. and the stuff that happens to these characters are pretty random and very crazy, the writer had some issues when she wrote those books. and even though they hold a special place in my heart i wonder now what was wrong with me back then to make be so addicted to SVH. lol. it's really amazing how time can change us.
Not so much, mostly only when I am watching with a first time friend.
boutux wrote: oh u are so very right. as a teen i collected sweet valley high books. i started with sweet valley kids and worked my way up to sweet valley university as i grew up but sweet valley high senior yr was my fave. i recently found a blog where the writer goes back to read her collection in order starting from book one and her take on the books were hilarious. she made me want to go back reread my collection and what i discovered after only one book amazed me. if u know the books or even the t.v series you know the twins jessica and elizabeth. i used to hate jessica and love liz but after rereading it switched to love jessica and hating liz. and the stuff that happens to these characters are pretty random and very crazy, the writer had some issues when she wrote those books. and even though they hold a special place in my heart i wonder now what was wrong with me back then to make be so addicted to SVH. lol. it's really amazing how time can change us.

I read Sweet Valley High too.. =/
I'm a re-watcher but with the only conditions that the drama or movies must be exceptionally good. And I reread most of my book every 3 years . For some reason I collect manga but do not reread them once I'm done with them well except kaikan Phrase go figure it's not even the best manga that I have.
I'm a re-watcher! After I complete a drama, if I really liked it, I try to find the DVD online and after I buy it, I'll re-watch with friends Then I'll re-watch random episodes just because I want to watch a certain part I think the ones I've re-watched the most would be Boys Over Flowers, Lie To Me, and Heartstrings
i'm an impatient person so i can easily get bored while rewatching. the only movie that i rewatched so far was star wars series...
I'm a rewatcher.Because I love Johnny Depp so much I think I've seen Piratws if the Caribean at least 4 times, all 4 movies....I've even bounght the DVD's:) I really like to rewatch some dramas as well...but only the light ones.For melodramas I rewatch only specific scenes from it:d
i rewatch scenes of my fav dramas or movies, but i hardly rewatch the whole thing :p i hate knowing whats gonna happen!