"Since the mysterious cabal that is FIFA announced that the 2022 soccer World Cup would be played in Qatar, there have been rumors of graft, concerns about the exceedingly high temperatures, and most importantly multiple reports of human rights abuses at worksites for the new stadiums and other facilities being erected around the country. As more people call on the event’s largest sponsors to pull their support, some are responding, though none are giving any indication that they won’t slap their name on the wildly popular tournament."

What do you all think about this? Do you think Fifa should move the World Cup to another location?

It's always the same story with World cup or Olympics Games , destruction , human rights problems ....Just boycott them...
As a soccer fan, it's REALLY hard to boycott them. Think of it as your favorite Kpop bands competeting for the ultimate title lol. 
I don't like k pop :-)
^ Lol, Jpop?
Wow, a few FIFA officials were arrested today. 
Not really more rock lol
Thanks for the link
You can share articles of what happens , sign petitions ...
Hmmm seriously, no one saw that coming? They've got to be in a dream world if they didn't know the conditions of migrant workers in ALL of the Golf countries. Not only Qatar. The latter only got exposed because of the World cup.
That won't make me boycott though...
valid point.

Btw, thijs is really weird: