Hey Guys,

Who is going to be alone in Valentine's Day? I know I am. And I was thinking that this weekend we should do something starting Friday, so those of us who are alone, don't feel the pressure of tv commercials or social media posts. I know that most, if not all the dramas, we watch are around romance, but somehow don't we feel some sort of comfort, happiness even? So, let's come up with something and perhaps it'll become a MDL tradition, no?

Let me know!

me. i will be at work tho.
Me! #ForeverAlone 
Alone, i have my "solo" friends. Its sunday so we will probably go to out in evening and watch couples and be depressed.  Then come home, watch some anime or drama and forget about it.
Im more worried how i still have no job than no gf.
I will be alone :(, it would be nice to be with someone though
I've always been alone and so happy like that, and I guess this Sunday I'll be watching movies  ;)
me xD luckily it's on Sunday this year, so I just gonna spend it by watching and dozing off at home
Alone in Seoul, which is probably the place where I have seen the most couples ever. Very depressing.
@Narco - Makes two of us. LOL. I need a job more than a relationship!

I wonder what things could we do in MDL to not feel so alone? Any suggestions. I'm  planning on doing the same stuff as @dounie !