I'm trying to figure out mine.

Whats yours? 

I'm 35.5 yo and i still don't know. 
To find my way to be happy?
To be free, i mean, not to have this unpleasant feeling to be locked up in my current life?
To be of any utility to someone?
To become the woman the child-me wanted to be (but i wanted to be a super sentai, and there's no giant robot to help me...)?
or just accepting to be the lazy woman i've become?

Las it's quite a difficult and complicated question...
my goal in life?
lets see
meeting my bff, having a nice home. 2 kidss and a good income.
so yeah those are mine
Hm. To have a life where I can honestly say that I'm mostly content (no one can, I believe, have a life that is "perfect" all the time). With that I don't mean "to settle for what I can get" but to accept things, to feel that life is good and I don't want to be anywhere else. But I'm not sure about what that actually means. Right now I believe that it means to get my degree, to find a good job and a nice home. To have enough peace of mind to be able to write. I think it means that my life goal is to feel that I'm "good enough" at my job, that I like doing it and that I'm growing into being better at it step by step. Or maybe not! Maybe my life goal isn't that but to work for a year (which I'll have to after getting my degree in order to get my license) and then go for a PhD and spend my whole life studying, teaching, learning, writing... I am not sure but that's okay because I have time to figure it out. 
i wanna eat alot. be warm. see the sun. spend less time at work. do nothing at times and just relax. 
also if i can find a partner that will enjoy the same stuff as i do. 
Travel more :)

I understand you guys tho... we have this stage wherein we dont know ourselves fully thus wander who we really are. That's why we shouldnt stop knowing ourselves and our purposes. Goodluck to all of us :)