Please help! Saw a video on Facebook of a drama where a guy gets his hair caught in a girls button and she ends up cutting it off and then he gets a hair cut and sits behind her at school. Then he grabs a page of her notes that she dropped and throws it out the window. The girl runs down and a nice guy hands it to her making her happy. The first guy teases her and the next scene was her in some gym closet angrily cleaning basketballs. First guy walks in and messes with her again locking the door and pinning her to a mat before easing up on her. It looked so cute but I could not find a name... 

The Black Devil and White Prince, it's a Japanese drama and movie. The video you saw was from the drama part.
Thank you so much! 
There are three parts of this "movie"=== Episode 1, Episode 2 and the Movie which takes off from where Episode 2 ends and concludes the whole thing. :D Just so you don't get confused!