I used to watch  novelas in Spanish with my parents growing up. This included Cuban, Mexican, Venezuelan, Colombian.. etc. Since I discovered Asian dramas/movies I never looked back. I haven't watched a show in Spanish in about three years. Have you watched any recently, any recommendations? I would prefer something that isn't too recent, something that would be easy for me to find online. Thank you for the suggestions!

The last telenovela I watched was La fea más Bella, that was almost ten years ago. Before that it was Betty LA fea. And I didn't finish either of them. I had long ago given up on telenovelas because they are so darned long and drag on and on and on.

Oh, I did watch Sin tet... No hay paraiso, the Colombian version (around 10 years ago too...lol)  not that deus ex machina ridiculousness of a remake that had Catherine Siachoque. 
Oh my don't try to go back. Telenovelas are still as awful as ever. Sometimes I put them on the TV but I don't last 5 minutes and they only make me laugh because they are still overacting and making a huge deal out of every little situation.The best telenovela out there is Betty La fea because it has character development, interesting plot and it deals with fashion business and friendship. Also, most telenovelas with Fernando Colunga are good or at least interesting. 

There are some series from Spain that are very good such as El Internado and Grand Hotel. I know this was a late reply but such in case you come back to the forum! ;)
The last ones I watched are Una Familia con Suerte, Porque el amor manda, and Que Pobres tan Ricos.
El Internado is a good show