
is this rare? She's quite amazing, especially in episode 1.

I'm not referring to her physical (fighting) skills, but more her personality in general, how capable she is and that she doesn't let anyone push her down, control her, think lower of her or otherwise discriminate her, because of gender.

I don't know many shows yet, so I have no idea how rare that is. But judging from the various scenes of different shows I've looked into, this doesn't seem to be that common.

The only other show with such an amazing female lead, I've noticed so far, is "Angry Mom".

Thank you!
Cruel City has one strong female, but she is the second lead.
It's Okay, That's Love and Producer, pretty much any of Gong Hyo Jin characters!:)
Thanks the 2 of you! Got to watch It's Okay, That's Love anyway, nice to hear. Going to look into Cruel City and Producer :)

Edit: just started It's Okay, That Love and Gong Hyo Jin really is awesome!!
I really liked Uhm Jung Hwa's character in Witch's Romance. She didn't take shit from anyone.
King2Hearts- She's the unit leader in a North Korean special forces team. 
it might be a dorky one but I liked the strong quirky personality of female lead in Bride of the Century. She was not the kick butt to throw punches type, but she stood up for herself no prob and was out spoken about it too when she had to deal with egotistical male lead.
Mina saiko, arigato gozaimasu!! :D
added them all :)
Mrs. Temper and Nam Jung Gi <3
Danke K-Freak :) I've added it. I like that there's also romance.
35 sai no Koukousei
The Painter of the Wind
Super Daddy Yeol
Hello, God
City hunter the female lead can definitely kick some butt. Also, if you like gender bender these all have strong female leads: bromance,  gu family book, and sungkyunkwan scandal.
Thank you May!

Kicking butt is not that important to me though (maybe just figure of speech, just making sure),
it's more the personality, that she doesn't let anyone push her down or think lower of her, or push her around/control her, tell her what to do, just because of outdated, misogynistic gender roles.

I should have made that more clear in the 1st post, sorry, edited now :)

If it's not body switch or where she's just only  (mis)taken for a man, but to defy traditional gender roles, then "gender bender" is awesome.

Thank you :)
I am watching Good Wife atm. Jeon Do Yeon is awesome