Hello my dear friends

I am fine and I hope the same from you.I am looking for a perfect action drama.If anyone come across my requirement,please let me know.What does mean by action drama? If some one asks me,I will say this,'Story of a hero who fights with villains for some good cause',it may be for society ,for justice,or for the girl he loves,or for the family.whatever may be the cause,it should be action based drama.

IF possible my dear friends,suggest me a not so routine drama.Thanks in advance.

City Hunter
Healer (optional)
Inspiring Generation
Cruel city
Bad guys
My beautiful bride
City hunter
The guardians (airing)
Missing noir m
Pied piper
@soojungstrash's suggestions are all high rated ones. I personally like IRIS (only the first one) and City Hunter. The Guardians is also a really good one as well. It's airing right now.