then someone from the female leads past comes back and tries to get inbetween them. Maybe it brings back some lingering feelings. If the leads are together, maybe the female lead breaks up with the male lead to get with the past person. In the end though, the male and female lead end up/get back together.

Like Witch's Romance.
Heart to Heart
Boku, Unmei no Hito desu
It's Not That I Can't Marry, But I Don't Want To
My Queen - the original taiwanese version of withv romance. Personally i like this than the korean one. 
Delightful Girl, Chunhyang
That Fool
Lovers in Prague
Falling for Innocence
Goho's Starry night
you are my sunshine
loving never forgetting

more of someone from the guy's past/life made them go into  rocky patch: Another Oh Haeyoung, my Girl, My Name is Kim samsoon, Full House
I'll check them out, thanks. If anyone knows of anymore, please post.