There has been a lot of talk lately about the way people choose to update their feeds, what they post/share and so on.
You should add more tools that allow us to manage what we get to see in our feeds (more similar to FB options)... we should be able to decide if we want to see or not updates from specific friends, to hide posts that fall under a specific category and so on.

As the feeds are public and a shared space, many people seem to be bothered by some of the posts coming from their friends (that they consider as spam or spoilers)... They want to stay friends, but also to have the means to choose what they get to see in their feeds.... right now that is not an option, as long as I add someone to my friends list, I am stuck with whatever they post on my feed... and I think we can all agree that is not cool...
I was about to suggest the same thing until I saw your post :)
Suggestion :
On the profile of each person you'd have the possibily to see a button "Block this User's Feeds", which doesn't change at all the "friend" status. Also the blocked user would not be automatically notified that a friend block his/her feeds (for obvious reasons).
also : maybe a spoiler button on posts, not only in comments ?
yes! a spoiler button also n the post itself
Or maybe just add a HIDE button for each post because you might like most of the stuff people otherwise post, but want to block certain items. For eg spoilery screen grabs.
Maybe it is better if you make post you must gathegory/tag it and thous tags are already given:
(something like this)

- Spoilers
- Opinion / freely written or when you finish episode or drama/movie or write review and tag/link drama title /
- Drama trivia / images,ost,/
- (Drama) News / about actors, coming dramas, rateings aso./
- Slice of life / all about yourself and your everydaylife /
- Other / all what doesnt belong under previous tags /

And you can choose on your friends profile list what kind posts you want or not want see from him. 
If he/she posts spoilers tagged and you dont like spoilers then you just block from him/her posts with that tag a.s.o.

And you can do this from your profile list to be by default, not personalised but in general too.
If you dont want get on feed posts with that tag at all.

And  i think that some feedback to posting person is nessesary, of course not by names but by numbers - how many his/her friends block some tag.
It is kinda sad of person is posting and posting even not knowing that majority of his/her friends dont read thous posts.
Seeing numbers he/she can decide itself - keep up posting under this tag or not.
yea we do need more options for the feeds on got my votes ♥
I like all the suggestions made above ..... especially @Raincat 's option of  "tags" or "types" of posts and then, choosing the types of posts you want to see from a particular friend....

I'm sure we will after we get everything sorted out with our final version.
thanks @Ji-N :) ^_^