Drama Rewatches

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Now that there's a new Rewatched section, but currently it is only for personal use, however in order to show the amount of rewatches on our drama lists, then I was wondering if something like an extra column could be added to show the number of rewatches?


Yes! I would love that *_*
Something  like  that would actually help me A LOT to decide which drama i should watch next.  If  someone would tell me she rewatched "The Heirs" (for example)  3 times  and i know we have a similiar drama taste i would instantly  watch it. I  mean, sure i could just go with her "highest rated dramas", but even if  you  love a drama doesn't mean you have to give it the highest rating  possible. Right? Or ist that just me? :D

I was also hoping for a seperate section for rewatched dramas, or something you can "re-watch" and be able to share it on the feeds where it says so and so re-watched said drama this many times :)

Sleepninja locked this Nov 8, 2018 11:45 pm