i can't find my notifications or my msgs

my friend list doesn't open

i even tried alot before i can sent u this msg , it always appears (SOMETHING WENT WRONG) for every thing i tried to open

i can't even send msg to my friends or find the old msgs between us  :( :( >_<

i can't find them by name 

that's all i discovered for now 

Some of these issues are with old cookies interfering with new ones. Use this link www.MyDramaList.com/clear and the Something Went Wrong will happen much less. 


after pressing the link u sent


The requested page was not found

You can see this page because the URL you are accessing cannot be found.

nothing , just appears 

errors due to backend fetch

Weird. Using Chrome?

google torch 

i always used it before 

that happened only after making maintenance since yesterday  :( 

as if maintenance erased all the old msgs & comments 

nothing totally in my notifications 

Your Private Messages will be back in a few days. 

ok thank u so
by the way the page is too heavy opening wz difficulty