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266 titles 834 voters 44 loves 1
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580 people 779 voters 31 loves 12
83 titles 168 voters 6 loves 1
Fav Male Korean Actor
59 people 111 voters 4 loves

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I was toootally gonna watch but oh! no?!

OR idk where to watch it OR maybe i just don't want to watch it anymore? Just clearing out my "Plan to watch" list

7 titles
21 titles
Favourite Actresses

List of actresses I usually enjoy watching in dramas and movies (I suspect that I identify some of them with the characters I like though), or that I liked very much even for a single role.

9 people
Favorite BL of all time

these show will be in my heart forever and I would do anything just to rewatch them all over again… I RECOMMEND ALL OF THEM

11 titles 1 voter
Comfort rewatches...

not all are comfortable but Ive seen them all at least 3 times

56 titles
Actresses I Like (Chinese Series)

Lusi and Reba are the best btw :3

6 people

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