impeccable taste
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Sep 23, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
This drama in short was quite beautiful. It was extremely funny, with two leads that I absolutely fell in love with. Despite being a cliche high school love story, I found the plot quite enjoyable and easy to relate to. It reminded me of all the crazy things my friends and I did in school that I would've otherwise forgotten. Despite the initial cliches, for me, this movie was unique at the same time and very light hearted (for the most of it) and a total stress reliever.

I really loved the character development on the main guy, from someone who made me face palm myself to someone that managed to melt some of that icing off my unfeeling heart. The story, I'll admit, took an emotional turn at the end, but I think that made it even more beautiful. Despite the laughter, the story wasn't itself a joke; it had an underlying serious story that portrayed two young reckless teenagers finding their first love and stumbling around in the unknown as they grow to become adults.

Absolutely beautiful. Definitely worth watching.
Overall, totally RECOMMEND it!!!

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May 4, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
Truth be told, this is my first time writing a review on here but if there is a movie that I want to be my first one, it's this movie right here. Because I'm not kidding when I say that this might just be one of my favorite movies of all time. So strap yourselves in, this is a rather long one.


1. short summary
Our Times tells the story of Lin Zhenxin's youth and her first love - her school's resident bully Xu Taiyu. Originally just a socially awkward, shy wallflower who has an obsession with Andy Lau, she gets to know him through a chain letter prank. The two of them form an alliance to destroy the blossoming love of the school's popular kids Ouyang Feifan and Tao Minmin in order to get with them themselves. However things start to get complicated once Zhenxin realizes that there is more to Taiyu than just an annoying jerk with a big mouth and Taiyu on the other hand realizes that in her he has found someone he can truly trust and let his guard down with for the first time in years. Before they know it, they develop feelings for one another and are faced with the decision of either saving their friedship and being with the people they originally desired or risking everything and giving their love a chance.

2. story progression
At the end of the day, Our Times is a romance story through and though so you can't expect it to have a perfectly linear structure like for example a story-driven action movie would - we do have to take some time to explore the characters' feelings and thoughts. But considering that I think it is very well constructed and definitely able to keep your interest especially if this is your kind of genre. The plot gets tangled a bit around the final act but once the reveal hits everything makes sense again and even on my 8th watch I haven't found any continuity errors yet.


1. Vivian Song Yunhua as Lin Zhenxin
I know some people find socially awkward nerd characters like this annoying, but on one hand, that's the whole point - she's a weirdo and doesn't really understand social cues, of course that's frustrating - and on the other hand even with all that I actually found her really endearing. Sure, there are some slapstick moments where she makes you want to die of second-hand embarrassment but deep down you can tell she is kind and wants the best for everyone she treasures. But the important part here is that they didn't make her a perfect little Mary Sue either - she can get angry, she can get spiteful and she grows beyond her cowardly self over the course of the story and it's beautiful to see.

2. Darren Wang Dalu as Xu Taiyu
Look, I have the guy as my profile picture. If that doesn't tell you how much I love this man, allow me to elaborate. I have a weak spot for the "bad guy with a heart of gold" trope and Xu Taiyu is the actual embodiment of that trope in its most perfect form - he is the misunderstood school bully / gangster you read about in every fanfiction exept done right. The way he slowly softens up to Zhenxin once he realizes she actually cares about his feelings and how he in turn expands her horizon to see just how many possibilities she has in this world is so heartwarming. That slow yet steady transition from him being an impolite jerk that treats her like an idiot to him looking at her with this appreciative warmth like she's his whole world and how she becomes his reason to drag himself out of the hole he was digging himself into. I could go on like this forever but to make it short - he is one of my favorite male leads of all time.

3. extended cast
The most important characters exept for Zhenxin and Taiyu are their original love interests; Li Yuxi as Ouyang Feifan and Jian Tingrui as Tao Minmin. In my opinon, they both provided solid performances and the characters were believable within the context of the story, but I feel like both actors kind of missed out on the chance to make their characters uniquely "theirs". Because of this, I don't necessarily connect Ouyang to Li Yuxi or Minmin to Jian Tingrui and also their personalities simply aren't interesting enough to make them the reason someone would pick up this movie. To make it quick: These two won't be getting a spin-off movie any time soon. Apart from them, the movie really focusses on the main couple so that the rest of the supporting cast really stays just that and nothing more but it had some enjoyable performances in there nonetheless. Cai Yizhen and Wen Yiguo as Zhenxin's comic relief BFF's were a bit stereotypical but still cute and I really enjoyed Na Weixun as the crazy, choleric maths teacher, but my favorites were without a doubt Chen Yanyun and Lin Hexuan as Taiyu's gang buddies; both hilarious and genuinely endearing at the same time.


1. scene design
At first I didn't think much of the backgrounds in this movie since it's for the most part set in yards, streets, shops and classrooms but what won me over at the end of the day was the attention to detail they used to craft this retro setting. Most of all the way most sets are very crammed and seemingly overloaded with tiny details and kitsch that all play into the spirit of the 1990s is so endearing to me - like Zhenxin's room for example is cluttered with plushies, Andy Lau posters and random crap scattered about. Even bigger, open spaces like the rooftop the two lovers often meet on is full of trash and graffiti supposedly left behind by Taiyu's gang, making the place not just more interesting to the eye, but also giving it some history. This kind of meticulous attention is given to basically all of the important sets throughout the whole movie and it makes for some very unique and recognizable surroundings.

2. character design & styling
What makes the character designs in Our Times so memorable to me is that they manage to tell you exactly who these people are but without leaving the realm of reality. Since the movie is set at a Taiwanese high school in the 1990s, where not having uniforms was out of the question, all visual characterization is done through hair and accessories. Especially during the more comedic first half of the movie, Zhenxin and Taiyu including their respective friend groups come close to looking like carricatures of their character archetypes. Her as the nerd with her wonky, oversized glasses and thick, rather unkempt hair and him as the gangster with his messy attempt at a pompadour and his dog tag necklace. But alongside them stepping out of their emptional comfort zones, the glasses come off and the hair goes down and they start looking more like actual people instead of parodies of themselves.

3. framing & editing
Alltogether, the movie's strong suit is the story itself rather than its presentation. The camerawork and the editing definitely take nothing away from the quality and I do believe it's competently shot , but apart from taking breaks from the actual story every once in a while to have adult Zhenxin deliver a little monologue there isn't all that much in terms of a directing style that creates a special atmosphere or anything like that. Like when I think of great cinematography I think of Something in the Rain and how its director Ahn Panseok used every bit of framing, composition and timing to create the perfect mood, leaving me wondering who the director was. With Our Times, I'd look it up once out of curiosity and then probably forget because the focus of the movie lies with its characters, the actors that play them and the story they tell within the medium - not with the way it is told in reality by the decisions of the producing staff.


Our Times's representative song is of course the movie's main theme "A Little Happiness" by Hebe Tien, which is very touching with both its lyrics and composition and is sure to stick with you even after you finish the movie but aside from this they also throw in some of Zhenxin's beloved Andy Lau to underline the retro atmosphere. As for the instrumental BGM, it very organically and subtly supports the tone of each scene and you won't really notice it, unless you go out of your way to pay attention to it, which is pretty much the point of BGM to begin with.


This is my perfect cheesy, nostalgia-enducing tearjerker romcom. I have lost count how many times I've seen it, but it's at least eight times by now and yet I still laugh at the comedy scenes, I still feel my heart beat faster out of compassion for them when the two main leads have a moment and I still cry at the final reveal at the end. I feel like everybody has this imaginary perfect story, which would be a get-together of all of their favorite tropes, elements and guilty pleasures. I have a soft spot for nerdy leads, mean-guy-turned-nice-guy love interests, retro settings and best-friends-turned-lovers relationship dynamics and in this movie I have found my holy grail. I have found my perfect story I never thought would become reality in this form and I am so happy about it. Sure, it's cheesy. Sure, it's saccharine. Sure, not everyone's taste, but it's mine. This is my taste and I'll treasure this movie for as long as I can. And if there is anything for you to take away from reading this way too long review: Give it a try, just once. If your taste is anything like mine, you'll absolutely love it.

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Jan 31, 2021
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I do not know what to say. Just perfect. I love that movie. All the actors were great. And Darren Wang and Jerry Yan in one movie ... what more could you want. Maybe a little more of Jerry :)

The story was nothing new, but I wasn't bored with the film for a moment. A nice story from high school about life, first loves and friendship. With such films, I always have a nice rest. And if a few butterflies get in your stomach during the watch movie and you are finally moved to tears... I am completely satisfied.
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Casein Nitrate
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May 25, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Is there any like it?

No there isn't! Such a sweet and heartfelt drama that has me in tears each time I rewatch. Out of all the romance I've read or watched, this is probably my favorite of all time. It shows how you don't need much to love someone, and how affection doesn't always need to be shown with hugs, kisses or just skin-ship in general, even so, you can still tell how much Taiyu cared for Zhenxin. Seeing feelings develop here and there through a comfortable relationship where two share the same braincell is just so cute and refreshing, it has its own uniqueness in a way, not needing many words or contact exchanged to absolutely melt our hearts and have us absolutely sweating from our eyes. (Crying)

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Jul 5, 2016
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
The moment i watch 20 minutes of this movie, it really reminds me a lot with You Are The Apple Of My Eyes. Some people say this is the girl version of it, though it maybe different in plot but i really do feel that.

i couldn't say much about the's typical first-love-flash-back and it gives similar vibe to the 'apple of my eyes', What i really like the most about the plot is although this is really cliche, and the ending too, the writer developed it really well. This typical plot is really risky, you can either make it fail (like BBF) or really good. I could say this one is a success. I really like how they developed each character and knowing each other, recognize their feeling slowly, and i really did not expect the love line between the character. It really left me with a sweet feeling. ((and got me emotional over Darren Wang' narration)) Also, the story really brings out the purity about our adolescent days with a little bit humor this and there and they put right amount of emotion; not too dramatically sad, funny at the same time.

well.... i really like Truly character. She got that nosy typical female lead character, but it really give me a picture about a girl who's in their teenage days, still pure and innocent. Vivian Sung did really great at picturing Truly's character, i could say. And for Darren Wang, yep he is really charming. The more you see, the more he is handsome-r in your eyes (lol). And for Darren character, it didn't have any impactful remarks for me except, yes, he is gonna be your ideal badass-but-really-sweet-hearted boy. And Darren Wang really remain me of Jisoo. The supporting character are really fun, such us both friends who's really silly. They live up the mood.

I tried so hard to focus on the music too!and i could say the music is really pretty, the sound producer really make a good job about the sound placement. There's no music or sound that really annoys and distract you. It really blends well with the movie.

i personally really like about the cinematography. The movie's tone is really great, and the angles they took is good. The set is really suit with their plot and overall, i think they're really make a good job about the set.

personally, i am not the type who's gonna rewatch something. I probably dont, but i think this is worth-watching twice.

Afterall, this movie is really sweet. It even good without kiss scene or excessive romance. I think the main charm of this movie is the pureness that it gives, reminding us how innocent our adolescent days. Making me throwing back my memories about highschool!

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Jun 25, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 3.5
Having watched many school slice of life movies, I've got to say that this one follows the same logic as the others. It did remind me of Reply 1997 as well. Also, I loved the sweet innocent romance, as the love story, even though it was full of cliche, it was enjoyable and warm. The performances helped with it as well. The pace was nice, not too fast but not to slow to be tiring and boring. However, the ending was a bit of a disappointment for me. As I've said, after watching many school themed movies, I should have expected this to happen. Few of them had a satisfying ending with a closure or at least a conclusion to the romance. Even though the ending was better than others, and gave some nice touch to the story, it still didn't feel right. Other than that, it was an enjoyable movie.

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Dec 26, 2016
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
I’m not really sure why this story decided to incorporate older actors for the grown up characters. It really lacked emotional punch.

I’m usually not one for high school romances. The story starts with a bumbling, cowering heroine.

The actors are great though. They really portray the feel and emotion of the characters beautifully.

It is also one hell of a cute romance.

It has all the tropes but it kind of worked.

The characters sometimes were very sensible and logical.

The beginning was cringey, the ending was a flop but the middle....the middle was GORGEOUS.

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Oct 30, 2019
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
SIMPLESMENTE AMEI! Eu nem sei quando foi a última vez que um filme me emocionou (até pingou umas lágrimas) por conta do romance em si, e não por algo super sad tipo morte e tal. O que significa que tocou fundo, achei muito lindo e tudo bem bolado. Atuações, ambientes, texto, cotidiano escolar bem fácil da gente se identificar e se sentir nostálgica, várias situações engraçadas e realistas. Além do romance sensível, o enredo é ótimo, tem drama, comédia, lições de vida, e cenas das quais eu acho que a gente não esquecerá fácil nessa vida de dorameira. Ou seja, já podemos facilmente considerá-lo um clássico. Vale muito a pena assistir. Já tá guardado com carinho no meu coração.
Enfim, MEU REINO POR UM DORAMA, mas com os mesmos atores e/ou equipe envolvida porque fizeram um trabalho incrível.

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