Nyang. don't get her and I don't quite like her too. But the writers are to blame. I mean it's ok that they made the Emperor a coward and head over hills with her bc she saved him, And it's ok that they made her into a strong woman. But things really got messed up with the characters and their development. The Emperor should change in over so much episodes (Im on ep 38) but not much really changed about him. Sure he got more confident but NOT independent! I feel like he even got more dependent of Nyang now, he seriously can't decide or do anything right without her and thats where the drama is lacking. It would be a lot better of he would finally learn from his mistakes and mature a little bit at least, but he remained of the state of a child (Ji Chang Wook isstill a hot man duh ;D )
And Nyang? Shouldn't she be a 'rightious' heroine swaved by revenge but still wise and gentle? Then why does she exploit the emperor so much? And she should be a faithful woman but she fell for the emperor way too fast, basically in one episode where Tanqushi end the Empress huntet Nyang and the Emperor got hurt bc of her after that she just sleeps with him?! -_- And at least Wang Yu. At first he was this gentle, strong man with a charming smile now and then but now he turned into a grimm reaper or something...He speaks only a few words, his face looks like he's on the edge to run amok and his facial expression never ever changes! -_-
Of course there things to enjoy that's why I'm able to marathon it (and yes I admit it, Ji Chang Wook playes a huge part of it) but they are not worth starting a discussion 'cause they're really common (especially in chinese period dramas)

I realize this post is 24 days old, and surely you must have finished the drama long ago, but let me just address one point: "And she should be a faithful woman but she fell for the emperor way too fast, basically in one episode where Tanqushi end the Empress huntet Nyang and the Emperor got hurt bc of her after that she just sleeps with him?!"

Really, faithful to whom? To The King of Goryeo? Let me remind you that she was the Emperor's Consort, i.e. his wife by the law and yet she has spent months in his chamber teaching him to write instead of sleeping with him. If the Emperor hadn't been so much in love with her, the fact that she still refused to "serve" him in bed would have been considered high treason. So she did not sleep with him one minute too soon, Don't forget that the screen time does never correspond to the narration time, what you see happening in a few episodes means months in the story.
Also, don't you think she had more than enough time to develop feelings for the Emperor? She gave up her revenge on him very early on, and from then on what she felt for him changed very gradually, not abruptly at all. 
@amrita828 Yes a long time passed since I postet my opinion, but I'm still not finished with this drama 'cause I try to drap ot out bc I just Love watching it every now and then and don't want to finish it :D
As for 'faithful woman' yes I meant she should've remained faithful to the Goryeo King longer (even though I really don't like this pairin I'm a hardcore TaNyang shipper) and I'm aware that are a lot of time skips that are hard to notice, but what I meant is not the time actual time that passed and then she slept with him, but they should've still show more of her developing affection for the Emperor clearly. With more scenes where we see that she kind of falls for him. Those were just skipped. I felt like Ta Hwan saving her from this poisoned arrow was the only reason she slept with him... Now that I'm on ep. 47 I can really see that she suffers when Ta Hwan is suffering and she even sais that her biggest fear is that someday he'll be 'done' with her. That was where I finally could see that she really loves him now, but up until then I always suspected that she still loves only Wang Yoo.

I actually don't like that they kinda fast foreward things with time bif time skips, I like it when everything is told day by day and many many many things happen, I would love to see 100 Episodes of Empress Ki^^
Yes at ep.38 I could have seen your point but wait till its complete. I personally feel that it is one of the few almost flawless dramas. enjoy it
@KiRa thanks :) I will ^^
Yes, I understand your complain a little better now, and, like you, I too would have loved to see more affectionate moments between Nyang and Ta Hwan (another hardcore shipper here). :)
Now that you are so further on, I can also add that her not showing her affection is actually central to the story, because a lot of the Emperor's choices would have been completely different had he known for sure that she loved him. Which is very sad, really. Beautiful, but still sad. :(
@amrita828 You're absolutely right! Many thrilling and interesting (though sad) things happened bc of his misbelieves, misunderstandings and insecurity.
Funny enough, that's precisely what I love about this drama's writing: how little character development the Emperor has during the series. It's perverse and realistic. After watching some segeuks you'd expect a banished prince to only play an idiotic coward, but with him it wasn't a trickery to fool his enemies. He really was this way. Later on, you'd expect him to have typical character development, overcoming his shortcomings, grow some spine and become a great ruler. And yes, he learned to read and write, but that's it. His only accomplishment was starting a useless, vainglorious war her couldn't support financially. He stayed the same petty, insecure man he always was. He's only redeeming (almost) quality was his devotion, even though it bordered obsession.
Or take Bayan Khutugh - when she entered the picture, I thought she's going to be much worse than Tanasili. And she was, but she was smart. Too smart to play the way Tanasili did. She stayed in the shadows and waited.
Or how Taltal never becomes romantically involved with Nyang. One could imagine it happening, after all that scenes of plotting together in tight, dark places. But they had different priorities. It was plausible (especially with the way he was treated as a fanservice in a drama) but only stayed as a potentiality.
/Also: how little relevance becoming an empress has! After watching how miserable and powerless two former empresses were, when we're finally emerging from this gigantic retrospection the coronation and having her status publicly aknowledged matters so little and she has even less time to enjoy it.

It's specifically because this is, in mosts aspects, a drama depicting realistic human nature, that you didn't find such idealistic changes in the characters' personality. That is, in essence, the beauty of Empress Ki.

The end goal just made me mad ... 51 episodes just for nothing ...nothing to expect other than the character development thru hurdle which is extremely realistic and it's not without reason like any other kdrama which makes it legendary...another thing that makes it legendary is the pure amount of heartbreak u will suffer watching it ...A good watch but also makes u age (mentally)

@ kritsna 

If this is the storyline then certainly not of my likings. 

What you wrote and you disliked it, exactly me too just can't stand it.

Hence instead of giving it try (one more minus is the number of episodes) i am dropping it.

it's historically inaccurate, so there's no point. The rating is even too high

Hi!! From 2024 ? 

"And Nyang? Shouldn't she be a 'rightious' heroine swaved by revenge but still wise and gentle? Then why does she exploit the emperor so much?" I wanted to talk about this part. She was never supposed to be the rightious heroine. She went back to the palace only to take her revenge and she said Tahwan that she was planning to use him. She said it from the beginning. She and Baek Ahn didn't have that much difference. Nyang sacrificed her men in purpose to prove emperor that she was in danger. The difference was that Baek Ahn did it for his dream and he was obsessed with blood purity, she did it for her survival and her people. She is a kind of grey character. When she has no choice, she can go with the darkest path she has.