Thank you so muchh!! Now I feel prepare for the battle, the battle of tears and tissue lols :’) I will totally sobbing along with you and expecting for the great beautiful ending hahaha  :’) 

Thank you CloudA and Rina! Do you guys know what crime Lou Ben commits (as teased in the ep 45-46 previews)?

Thanks CloudA and Rina! This is why I'm hoping that LBY getting revenge happens next week or the beginning of the week after. We need time for the reconciliation. 

These are interesting revelations and basically cement some of my thoughts about LBY. He's a great character, but he's not really a good man lol. Wu Lei is just doing a good job of making him dreamy and adorable. I don't mean that LBY is ignoble or unrighteous, but he's definitely ruthless, single-minded, and selfish. Dude comes back after five years and changes his mind about CSS on sight...and after everything she's been through. He deserved the pain of regret and he still couldn't let her go. I know he's been through a lot but we are all responsible for our own healing okay.  Well, I guess love makes you selfish like that sometimes. A better man might've walked away from the beginning. But he just couldn't help it and we all know what it means to be simply human. It's a good thing this is fictional, cause I wouldn't be able to take the two leads decisions irl LOL. 

I better see LOTSA angst and apologies from LBY after the separation to satisfy my petty heart. I'm completely excitedly for it haha. 

Thank you CloudA for the link (and everything else you post that adds so much more depth to this story)! I just finished reading the novel and I'm absolutely gutted. What a beautiful story. 

And thank you Rina for the excellent summary of events. 

One moment that especially stood out to me was when Empress Xuan was on her deathbed and she spoke to the Emperor for the first time in 5 years. And then Consort (or Empress I should say) Yue came rushing in as well. So much mutual affection, respect and understanding in such an unfortunate situation. I absolutely bawled while reading this part. 

I was really dreading the 5 year separation and all the issues our leads are facing but I found myself really loving them find their way together again. 

So I keep seeing references to an epilogue but I've read to chapter 179 and I don't see anything past that? Can anyone please share a link to the epilogue?! 


Thank you CloudA for the link (and everything else you post that adds so much more depth to this story)! I just finished reading the novel and I'm absolutely gutted. What a beautiful story. 

And thank you Rina for the excellent summary of events. 

One moment that especially stood out to me was when Empress Xuan was on her deathbed and she spoke to the Emperor for the first time in 5 years. And then Consort (or Empress I should say) Yue came rushing in as well. So much mutual affection, respect and understanding in such an unfortunate situation. I absolutely bawled while reading this part. 

I was really dreading the 5 year separation and all the issues our leads are facing but I found myself really loving them find their way together again. 

So I keep seeing references to an epilogue but I've read to chapter 179 and I don't see anything past that? Can anyone please share a link to the epilogue?! here it is, 11 chapters of epilogue 

Thank you for all your comments here! 

To  @ mtxo, Epilogue link:  ps: The link starts from Chapter 8. Chapter 1-7  are the epilogue of another novel, please just read forward, don't look back. Chapter 8-12 are for this novel.

Rina thank you for your summary and explaining the 5 year split and how / why it came about. To save my sanity I have stopped, yes stopped watching this drama until it ends. Instead I rely on clips and convos like this to get my fix. I'm absolutely obsessed with this drama and wishing my life away for it to hurry up and finish 🥰 as waiting for the episodes would be even worse.

CloudA and Rina..what can I are both ⭐️ 

Btw…I hope the last episode covers the epilogue…that’s the happy ever after isn’t it?  The link is not in English so am guessing 


Btw…I hope the last episode covers the epilogue…that’s the happy ever after isn’t it?  The link is not in English so am guessing 

Yes. HEA~


Thank You Rina… your notable lines helps calms curiosity. Betting on those lovey-dovey scenes must be very cute and adorable. High hopes it would made the live version.

ShanJian is an interesting character isn’t it. He learns how to fall in love and be in love thanks to LBY & CSS, subconsciously.

LBY’s deciding on leaving is a must decision. This irritated me to even acknowledged it. I mean, was he ever ready in facing the truth. Since the truth made him sees dark and red and bleak. His grieves and anger to avenged, threw him downward spirals.

He needed regrets to calm his angst. Being away from CSS, missing her and knowing his love for her still beating strong is to drained his rage. That all silently protecting business and the plan of willingly letting her go, was to give him hopes. Since deep down, LBY is not the letting go type. He knew it in a heartbeat that the seconds CSS within his eyesight, he’ll went above and beyond to get her back.

That part when he wanted CSS not to be cruel, was his despair. That banished his monster that gave in to vengeance, for good. And in that moment. He is nothing but a man in front of the woman he is immensely in love with. And in that moment, CSS is the air he needs to live.

Thank You CloudA, heading to the links excitedly 🙂

Wow, what a lovely, careful, heart felt and detailed summary, thank you so much for doing this. It helps to ease my thirst for a great ending of the drama, as great as its start. Thank you again,-.