2024 - Finished Dramas/TV Shows

SPOILERS FOR EACH DRAMA BELOW (It's just my own opinion after watching)

Chrystal Jan 2, 2024
29 Titles Loves
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  • Death's Game

    1. Death's Game

    Korean Drama - 2023, 4 episodes

    09/01/24 - 10/01/24

  • Death's Game Part 2

    2. Death's Game Part 2

    Korean Drama - 2024, 4 episodes


    Well, that could have been better. It was tiring and annoying to see them judge and be that harsh to the ML all the time because he committed suicide. The way they dealt with that aspect wasn't something I agree with. Also, that ending was kinda dumb? I couldn't really feel anything I just wanted it to end lol

  • The Bequeathed

    3. The Bequeathed

    Korean Drama - 2024, 6 episodes

    25/01/24 - 26/01/24

    Plot was weak imo, could have been a movie instead. Some parts were boring, also couldn't care for FL.

  • Suspicious Partner

    4. Suspicious Partner

    Korean Drama - 2017, 40 episodes


    10/12/23 - 04/02/24

    Talk about being insufferable at the end, Jesus. I didn't even care if they would get together or not by the end. Last 6?5? eps or something were just something I had to force myself to watch.
    Also don't like that SML kept trying to stay friends with the dude he hurt that bad, don't u have any shame? SFL is just someone who I didn't wanna watch, ever, don't care for her and she annoyed me. Sure go be happy together or something but stay away from ML, dang.
    FL was very dumb at some parts. At least main guy was cool with glasses and his hair up, and ofc the villain was the best part, carried this drama on his back tbh.

  • Gyeongseong Creature

    5. Gyeongseong Creature

    Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes

    12/02/24 - 13/02/24

    It wasn't the best drama ever but it was entertaining. I liked the ML and his character. FL's actress is kinda...she isn't bad but she doesn't convey much of anything lol Also, that ending...it didn't make much sense with that lead up to season 2 (her in the water? when was she thrown there hello? also kinda disappointing since it seems like she's the only one who'll live and he will die normally and get reincarnated or something, I wanted both of them to be reincarnated), still, will watch it when it comes up.

  • Blind

    6. Blind

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes

    24/02/24 - 25/02/24

    It was engaging, made me binge it actually, so I was entertained. FL was kinda useless a bit aside from hiding the ML but ok lol I really liked the brother's relationship and the brother of the ML as well. It's very sad what the kids went through.
    I didn't really like the ending that much though, I felt bad for the bro, dude already went through so much, it would have been better if they somehow made him not know or not agree with the plan of killing the innocent people, instead of making him say "ok" to that part of the plan, so that it wouldn't look as bad for him. Either way, it was a drama I enjoyed.

  • He Is Psychometric

    7. He Is Psychometric

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    27/02/24 - 29/02/24

    Very mid. Weak plot, got extra boring after a while, male lead is especially dumb.

  • Perfect Marriage Revenge

    8. Perfect Marriage Revenge

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes

    01/03/24 - 02/03/24

    Low budget short makjang. Acting was kinda bad tbh lol

  • Evilive

    9. Evilive

    Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes

    03/03/24 - 09/03/24

    It was interesting. I would have changed a little bit of the last bit of the ending so it wasn't so cringe but still, a nice drama.

  • Extraordinary You

    10. Extraordinary You

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes

    10/03/24 - 12/03/24

    Haru was so great and cute at the beginning, then when he came back he became a bit more generic lol It was an ok drama, started off really great, leads had chemistry, it was kinda entertaining, but then it became VERY annoying VERY fast with the second lead, talk about ruining a drama, my God. And that plot lasted soooo loooong, I was glad when the drama was finished because I wouldn't have to deal with watching him anymore tbh. Still, main couple was cute.

  • Mouse

    11. Mouse

    Korean Drama - 2021, 20 episodes


    03/06/22 - 12/03/24

    Took me 2 years but I finished it. This could have been good but it was just mainly boring, with characters that I didn't really care about. Some parts of the plot were really dumb too. Also can anyone inform them that not all psychopaths are serial killers and vice versa? It was getting on my nerves already the way they used the term.
    The ending was unfair af imo, dude already got emotions and hated himself, he didn't need ALL of you judging him and demonizing him like dang dude. To me, as soon as he got emotions, he was a different person. He wasn't the same as before where he did those things, now, he wouldn't do them, so to me, that ending just made me feel bad for him since it's like he got all the blame of a past self that he didn't have control over or something.

  • Moon Embracing the Sun

    12. Moon Embracing the Sun

    Korean Drama - 2012, 20 episodes

    15/03/24 - 16/03/24

    It has cliche parts but it was still entertaining, including the political part. I really loved that one OST lool Second male lead was there just because, I didn't care about him for most of the drama tbh, at least he didn't get in the way that much, but what was that dumb sacrifice at the end noooo I know why he felt he needed to do that but it was so unnecessary of the drama, they could have made him just leave or something. FL's adult actress was bad imo.

  • My Dearest

    13. My Dearest

    Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes

    16/03/24 - 17/03/24

    That ending of ep10 made me so mad at FL for not saying bye properly and just leaving the dude hanging there. It was a very frustrating drama, miscommunication 101. They always end up fighting or saying shit they don't mean to each other and regretting it. I do ship them though, and I like the ML a lot.
    FL annoys me at some points, but she is very good at keeping the others surviving and they stayed alive thanks to her, I like that she's smart and proactive. Her friend is cute, her friend's husband got me mad in this season. Political/historical plot is very interesting.

  • Tell Me What You Saw

    14. Tell Me What You Saw

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes

    17/03/24 - 19/03/24

    It was meh, nothing stands out that much tbh. SFL was infuriating with her actions from a certain point until the end. Best character (SFL's friend) died rip

  • My Dearest Part 2

    15. My Dearest Part 2

    Korean Drama - 2023, 11 episodes

    20/03/24 - 27/03/24

    The suffering is finally done lol I really shipped the couple and ML totally won my heart. It got that frustation only My Dearest can make us go through again lol Political/Historical plot was good, I liked the prince and the princess, sad that they died. Also rip for that friend of ML that died.
    Enemy princess was SO ANNOYING MY GOD. Worst character, I was so glad she when was gone, it took so long. FL's ex husband sucks ass as well, what an asshole. And FL's friend's husband that made me think he was ok from a certain point in the drama got me to hate him at the end, wow. I don't think she should have taken him back tbh, he didn't deserve it, but fine then. COULDN'T SOMEONE KILL THE KING FFS DUDE TOOK SO LONG TO DIE WHAT A POS.
    About the ending, he was really gonna kill himself and not tell FL about how he thinks ML was alive? Talk about being double the asshole. He only managed to tell her because they saved him. Ending was kinda rushed tbh, and seriously? Dude got amnesia a SECOND TIME? He wasn't even hit on the head on that fight bro. Can't believe they got separated for what? 10 years or something? Because of that shit. Also, ML's friend who liked him...why is his hair white?? Stress? lmao
    Either way, I don't regret watching it, I wanted to see main couple happy and I'm glad they finally got their happy ending.

  • Less Than Evil

    16. Less Than Evil

    Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes

    20/03/24 - 01/04/24

    It was kinda ok kinda meh, could have been shorter than it was tbh. Villain was like the Terminator, just didn't die lool Didn't really care for anyone in the police team, the corrupt cop was the most annoying bit of this whole drama, ML's sister was annoying af as well. Also, could anyone just go into the police station rooms like? lol ML and FL had some nice chemistry at least. That case with the Punisher was so annoying and hypocritical of the ML that it made me like him a bit less.

  • 365: Repeat the Year

    17. 365: Repeat the Year

    Korean Drama - 2020, 24 episodes

    01/04/24 - 09/04/24

    Leads had great chemistry, ML is nice, I also quite like the actor. Characters make some dumb decisions at times (girl why would u just go to "save" people when you don't even know how to fight and don't have a weapon, what good would u even do?).

    I think this drama could have been even shorter because it got tiring by the end (with all the lies and that they kept going back to the lady, it was a bit annoying). With every single person with their own lies and secrets that got revealed one by one, I wonder why the main characters kept trusting people lol This drama had a couple of plot holes and the killer was kinda obvious. Honestly, most of the people who went back were trash.

    Ending was rushed and kinda... I think they could have worked this out in a better way. About the couple, sad that she doesn't remember and he does, but I hope they get to begin a proper romantic relationship this time because I shipped them so hard and their partnership was so good and they never gave us many scenes with them in a romantic light lol Overall it was an ok drama.

  • Dark Hole

    18. Dark Hole

    Korean Drama - 2021, 12 episodes

    11/04/24 - 13/04/24

    A frustrating drama. Stupid decisions all around and some very frustrating characters (how many unlikeable characters can you have? And some of them died too easily for the amount of annoyance they gave) lol Didn't really cheer for anyone in specific to survive this because I didn't really care about anyone that much. The "zombies" were kinda cool even though the main monster was kinda lame, I was expecting more I guess. Meh drama.

  • Mad for Each Other

    19. Mad for Each Other

    Korean Drama - 2021, 13 episodes



    4 first eps were really hard to sit through, they got me very angry and annoyed. I was considering dropping it, I'm not very fond of the whole "fighting all the time" trope and the girl never apologized for the wrong things she did either and always thought she was right, I know she has trauma but she was still harming an innocent person's life, the least she could do is apologize. The situations weren't funny.

    Drama finally got better and started moving forward from ep5 onwards. I didn't care for the ladies from the building and they were annoying at points + the second plot with Samantha and the part timer was totally unnecessary, there was no substance there, could have been cut out. Main couple was cute after I got used to them. 

    But bro what was that ending? From like the middle of ep12 until the end it was a disappointment, not satisfactory at all. I should have just dropped this at the beginning.

  • Thirty but Seventeen

    20. Thirty but Seventeen

    Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes


    09/04/24 - 20/04/24

    What a gem of a drama! Refreshing! I was surprised that I really enjoyed this since it's not usually the type of drama I enjoy lol I barely recognized Ahn Hyo Seop, my God lool
    Main couple had great chemistry and I liked the characters. Weakest character was that girl that liked Chan (she even disappeared after one point lol), and the rival was not that developed but overall they made very charismatic characters and I liked their developments. It's a slice of life that you watch and it's like nothing happened it that ep but stuff actually does happen at the same time? lol If I had one complaint it would be about how they explained the uncle and aunt thing and how that aunt of hers behaved, but I'm glad she wasn't a big part of the drama.
    Anyways, what a joy it was to see these characters grow and find a family with each other. The ending was very cute as well.

  • The Victims' Game

    21. The Victims' Game

    Taiwanese Drama - 2020, 8 episodes

    24/04/24 - 26/04/24

    For the first 4 eps +- I liked the vibe (serious/gloomy) but I thought the drama was just alright, wasn't really grabbing me fully and the characters weren't really vibing with me but then it got better and the main characters also got more depth. Journalist was annoying at the beginning but grew on me as she changed as a person and learnt to face her trauma.

    I think this was a decent drama, it wasn't perfect in its approach of suicide but I think it did a better job than most dramas I've seen and watching the bts bits at the end of the eps showed that like they really believed the message and the issues the drama addressed came from a place of empathy from the people who worked on this which was nice to see. Wasn't expecting much but it was a nice/decent short drama.

  • Diary of a Prosecutor

    22. Diary of a Prosecutor

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes

    27/04/24 - 04/05/24

    It was ok, I liked the second half more than the first half.  The FL on the first eps was annoying af and the ML was annoying in some other bits. I kinda liked the vibe of the characters when they were together, but they did annoy me from time to time, they aren't very likeable in the normal way, it was very much like that the whole way through lol I don't like bickering so their fighting (and over misunderstandings sometimes) wasn't appealing to me, I'm glad they kinda stopped fighting as much after some eps. I did like the first chief at first but was so disappointed with him at the end and team 2's boss was def my favourite character. 

    It's a strange drama, not sure how I feel about it. There's a theme for each ep, some things they say I agree with and some I don't. Ep 11 was kinda boring, but the drama isn't boring per se. Some cases I didn't really care for. Idk how to feel about it since there are some parts that I like and some that I don't, so my feelings are mixed. I think it's not that memorable, but I don't regret watching it.

  • Tomorrow

    23. Tomorrow

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes

    05/04/24 - 30/05/24

    It was ok. Sometimes it felt like they were pushing too hard to make us pity people and cry (even though yeah their lives are sad, sometimes it just felt like I was watching something the writer wrote just to get a reaction out of us and that took me out of the story), with some scenes even being kinda cringey to me. FL was cool, even though I disagreed with her convincing methods on the first few eps (resulting in her failing multiple times) since I thought she was way too harsh on people, but she developed nicely and grew on me, she def carried the drama and had great chemistry with her husband. It's sad that they'll never be able to be together again since they're reapers now, I still shipped them :( Rowoon wasn't a good fit for that character imo (his acting wasn't quite there) and his character also came off as annoying and childish.  Some acting in the drama by the guests wasn't that great.

  • May It Please the Court

    24. May It Please the Court

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes

    20/05/24 - 31/05/24

    Kinda predictable and some actions by the FL were frustrating but it was enjoyable enough. Leads had chemistry.

  • Designated Survivor: 60 Days

    25. Designated Survivor: 60 Days

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes

    28/01/24 -

  • The Princess's Man

    26. The Princess's Man

    Korean Drama - 2011, 24 episodes

    29/02/24 -

  • Be Melodramatic

    27. Be Melodramatic

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes

    31/05/24 -

  • Crash Course in Romance

    28. Crash Course in Romance

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes

    01/06/24 -

  • Blood Free

    29. Blood Free

    Korean Drama - 2024, 10 episodes
