My Fav BLs (with some GL’s)

An ordered list of all the BL (and GL) series and movies I have completed, ranked from my PERSONAL favourites to least favourites with a plot description and short review of my thoughts. I will not be including shows I’ve dropped as it’s unfair to state if it’s bad or good when I haven’t completed it. (Includes some Bromances!!!) [WARNING-not including special episodes]

ScarlettaMay Apr 3, 2019
240 Titles Loves
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  • My Roommate Is a Detective

    101. My Roommate Is a Detective

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 36 episodes


    Originally I dropped this because I couldn’t stand the FL but nw that I finished it I’m so glad I picked it back up. Although this series is only a light bromance but the ML and FL get together, this isn’t one to watch specifically for this aspect. However if you want to watch it for the amazing plot as they work together to solve crimes then you won’t regret it! This series is set in 1920 and is about Lu Yao, an intelligent man who recently returned to China after studying in Cambridge. When he was framed for a murder he didn’t commit the chief inspector/ex gangster Qiao Chusheng forces him to help the investigation joined by the reporter and Chusheng’s bosses daughter, Bai Youning. After the case is solved Lu Yao lost his job and eventually joins the police force with Chusheng to have some income. As he can’t afford to pay his rent Bai Youning moves in with him as his roommate after having a fight with her father who is a large crime boss in Shanghai. However as the 3 of them continue to solve crimes and murders committed, it appears each case they handle has got something in common that connects them all, and this connection could be the end of Lu Yao’s life. I really didn’t expect to enjoy this so much, and I will give you the warning that at first Bai Younings character is really annoying, but I promise you she gets so much better and I actually liked her in the end. I would definitely recommend this series if you love detective thrillers as much as I do!

  • Between Us

    102. Between Us

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    No matter how much I enjoyed this series, I can’t deny how disappointed I was with it. This series is a side story for Until We Meet Again focusing on Win and Team. You definitely need to watch UWMA before this as the timeline and events are the exact same, it just focuses on Win and Team’s relationship with the occasional moment with Pharm and Dean, and Pruek and Manow. There are are 2 new side couples, though they don’t have very many moments. The main reason I was so disappointed is because of the awful pacing. 12 episodes of miscommunication that easily could have been brought down to 7-8 episodes, then they could have spent more time showing Win and Team as a couple instead of having them make their relationship official on the very last episode. I had very high expectations for this drama and unfortunately I was left very disappointed. There was an amazing cast, each of the couples had great chemistry, the fault entirely lies with the director. Although I would still recommend watching this if you’ve seen UWMA, it’s definitely not a must watch and you may find yourself fast forwarding a lot of it.

  • Great Men Academy

    103. Great Men Academy

    Thai Drama - 2019, 8 episodes


    I don’t know if I would completely consider this as a BL, but I’m putting it anyway as it was so good. This is about a girl called Love, that likes a guy called Vier. He goes to the Great Men Academy, where they hold an annual contest and the winner gains the title of The Greatest, and gets a wish from a unicorn that lives in the nearby forest. Vier has won the contest for the past 2 years and wants to win again so he can be The Greatest 3 years in a row like his father. One day after Love gets suspended from her school, she comes across the injured unicorn, and helps it, receiving  a free wish. She thinks of Vier and tells the unicorn she wants her love to be fulfilled, but it interprets her wish differently, and turns her into a guy. She/He enrolls in The Great Men Academy to try to get close to Vier, but attracts the attention of his roommate Tangmo (who is the best character in the series) and he falls for her/him. I can honestly say this is one of the few BLs where I love all the characters. Other than Vier (who sometimes can be an idiot), all the characters are amazing and loveable! Also you may get worried about who she will end up with, but I will say the person you want Love to be with most will most likely be the person she/he gets with, depending on who you like the best! The plot may sound tacky, but it was so good, and is a must watch. You will most likely have second lead syndrome and fall in love with Tangmo, like all the fans of this series have!! Definitely watch this one and you won’t regret it!!


    104. SOTUS S

    Thai Drama - 2017, 13 episodes


    The second season of Sotus!! This was definitely not as good as the first season, but I  still really enjoyed it. It’s set 2 years after the first, when Arthit has finished his 4th year of university and starts a job at an engineering company while Kongpop has taken over his place as the head hazer. When Kongpop must complete his work experience, he is accepted into Arthit’s company, which causes problems between them, risking the exposure of their relationship. Other people have said they didn’t like this season and while I did enjoy it, I do see where they’re coming from. The couple don’t get as many moments, but we get to see what goes on in their lives, and have the chance to see some new couples forming. If you have watched Sotus definitely continue with this second season.

  • Silhouette of Your Voice

    105. Silhouette of Your Voice

    Japanese Movie - 2017


    I’m quite surprised this isn’t more talked about. This was an emotional, cute rollercoaster. I just wish they will make a second one, so I know if they will officially get together or not. It’s about a boy that is partially deaf called Sugihara Kohei, and the only sound he can hear clearly is another boys voice called Taiichi. So he gets that boy to write notes for him in his classes in exchange for lunches. But eventually he ends up falling for him. It’s really sweet and cute. It was like nothing I was expecting, and I really enjoyed it! I’m sure you will too!

  • Don't Say No

    106. Don't Say No

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    This is one of those series that you’ll either love it or you’re gonna hate it and wish you never watched it. This is a side story to TharnType season 2 based on the side couple from that series, Leo and Fiat. You will have to watch their story before watching this series otherwise it will basically make no sense. This is set shortly after TT2 and begins with Leo confessing to Fiat and the 2 beginning to date. I really loved that they instantly started this series as a couple as they showed several difficulties in a relationship that aren’t often shown in other BL series, such as the change in their relationship going from best friends to lovers. Sex is a topic often brought up and discussed which made me really happy to see 2 consenting males able to communicate about sex and the things they like and dislike. There’s also a deep level of trust between them, although there can be a lot of jealousy, so I like that they actually can communicate. I really loved Leon and Pob, who were the side couple this series, but was incredibly disappointed by their ending so I hope we can get a season 2 with them. Overall, this series could have been much better but I honestly didn’t think it was as bad as some of the reviews suggest.

  • Customized Companion

    107. Customized Companion

    Chinese Movie - 2017


    I still can’t believe this was a Chinese BL. It was such a good film! This was about a boy called Xiao Fang that had fallen out of love with his partner. So he downloads an app which gives him his own companion, Lin, that only he can see. He can’t touch the companion until he falls 100% in love with him, and when he finally does he grows to love the companion more than his boyfriend. However when his boyfriend, Wen discovers his secret, he decides to download his own companion that he soon falls in love with. The 2 grow even further apart, until a situation brings them back together, and they realise the companions both brought them further apart, and also back together. I really enjoyed this one, and it had plot twists which I never expected. I would definitely recommend this film a lot!

  • Drama Special Season 7: The Legendary Lackey

    108. Drama Special Season 7: The Legendary Lackey

    Korean Special - 2016, 1 episode


    This was unfortunately a bromance, but had something for everyone to enjoy. This film is about a boy called Kang Chan who is a tough guy well known for his strength. He transfers to a new school and befriends the “Top Dog” of the class, Jin Woo. But when one of his old classmates, Tae Woong, appears and threatens to expose his tragic past he must fight to protect his secret, while Jin Woo begins to get jealous of Kang Chans strength. This had a bit of everything for you to enjoy. It had a lot of violence and drama, but also some enviable friendships, and a lot of comedy, especially at the end. I honestly don’t understand how anyone could hate this film, it was so good and inspiring. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone as long as you are aware that the scenes between Kang Chan and Tae Woong, who are the bromance, are minimal, and the bromance is implied, but leads no where, so if you are watching this expecting them to have any romantic moments, think again. But please give this a go and I assure you that you won’t regret it!!

  • Why R U?

    109. Why R U?

    Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes


    This started so well but unfortunately was ruined due to filming difficulties caused by Covid, however I still did enjoy aspects this drama, featuring 2 main couples. Saifah is Zon’s worst enemy, however after his sister Zol witness them accidentally kiss, she begins writing fanfiction about them and publicly sharing it so everyone begins shipping them. Outraged, Zon tells Zol that if he was really attracted to guys then he wishes her fiction will become real. Zol’s fanfiction takes over until Zon and Saifah begin deeply falling for each other, but Zon’s fears that his love is due to Zol cause him to push Saifah away. The other main couple contains Tutor, a smart student struggling financially, and Fighter, a rich play boy who happens to be in a relationship with Tutors best friend HwaHwa. They can’t stand each other but eventually after Fighter helps Tutor and asks for his help studying, the 2 form a deep bond. However, the bond begins to tear as Fighters selfish father takes over. We also have quite a few side couples, but the only explicit ones are Japan+Tanthai (senior on the football team who loves cats, and his junior who has a deep crush on him), and Dew+Blue (senior bully of the football team, and his smaller junior that he picks on). Everything from the main and side couples, to the unique plot was enjoyable to watch. If only Covid hadn’t appeared then this would probably have had much higher ratings from me, but unfortunately (although understandable) the series fell flat towards the end, however that didn’t stop me crying on the last episode when they looked back to the past.

  • Two Weddings and a Funeral

    110. Two Weddings and a Funeral

    Korean Movie - 2012


    Even though this is rather low on my list, this is actually one of my favourite LGBT films, and while it may be old, it’s still incredible! This is about a gay man called Min Soo, and a lesbian called Hyo Jin. They are colleges and neighbors. Hyo Jin has been with her girlfriend Seo Yeong for a while, and the couple want to adopt, while Min Soo’s mother wants him to get married. Min Soo and Hyo Jin decide to have a fake marriage, so Hyo Jin can adopt a child, and Min Soo can satisfy his mothers demands. However when Min Soo falls in love with another guy and gets tired of his fake marriage with Hyo Jin, the situation gets threatened after one of Hyo Jin’s old school friends outs her as a lesbian. Then as you can tell by the title, the ending will feature 2 Weddings and 1 Funeral, so someone will die. I will let you know that none of the main 4 die, but that still doesn’t make it any better, and you will probably cry during the death. I will say that the movies ending is during the weddings, and it ends on a really cute, happy moment. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone looking for a good BL film to watch!

  • My Pistachio

    111. My Pistachio

    Korean Movie - 2018


    This was a really cliche but cute, short movie around 19 minutes long. It’s about an aspiring actor named Muyeong who has a crush on his senior Hanbit. He is too nervous to confess his attraction, so he tries to audition for the lead role in a play Hanbit is directing about someone who has hidden feelings for another. However Hanbit doesn’t take him seriously and refuses him the role, believing Muyeong doesn’t have what it takes. One day when the acting club are all having a drink Muyeong drinks too much and decides to act out the main character of the play, and impresses Hanbit with his acting skills. However when the lead actor turns out to be sick on the day of rehearsal for the schools director, it’s up to Muyeong to save the play, and along the way find the courage to confess his feelings to Hanbit. This was so cute and romantic, and I had no problems with it being short. But I would love to have a sequel to it and see what becomes of Hanbit and Muyeong’s future and relationship. If you liked the movie ‘Long time no see’ you will like this, as it features the same actors, which was amazing! I would definitely try this one out and see what you think of it.

  • Ingredients

    112. Ingredients

    Thai Special - 2020, 21 episodes


    I still can’t believe that this has ended. I started watching this when it first aired in April 2020, and now I have finished it in January 2021. This is a mini series with 21 episodes (22 if you count episode 0) and each episode is around 10 minutes long. This series is about Tops, an aspiring chef, and Marwin, an aspiring guitar player and performer. This series follows their lives as they live and take care of each other until they soon fall in love and realise they will have to choose between love and their dreams. Although it’s short, it’s very impactful. The actors, Gameplay and Jeff, have been apart of 3 series together as a couple (this series, He She It, and the upcoming KinnPorsche the series) so their chemistry is well established and just from watching you can almost feel the love from the screen. This is a series without the typical drama and heartbreak, instead it’s light and sweet, perfect when wanting to fill up some time with something interesting, or if you’ve just finished a sad drama, this is perfect to make you feel happy again. I loved this so much and I’m so glad I stuck with it!

  • Life: Senjou no Bokura

    113. Life: Senjou no Bokura

    Japanese Drama - 2020, 4 episodes


    This series made my heart break, although it’s short, it’s also very powerful. This is about 2 schoolboys, Akira and Yuuki that meet while following the white lines on the road. They grow closer with their childish fantasies as they meet everyday at the line. However when Akira kisses Yuuki they need to learn how to walk the line together. This follows their relationship as time goes on, from 16 all the way until they’re 40. Although their relationship isn’t defined as normal in societal standards which leads to a large strain in their relationship, the love they feel can overcome any obstacles they face, even after 10 years apart. Their chemistry was overwhelming and I was so excited to see Wayne Song and Huang Juan Zhi from HIStory: MODC in the last episode. Although I was heartbroken in the 3rd and first part of the 4th episode, this series overall was amazing.

  • Fish Upon the Sky

    114. Fish Upon the Sky

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    This is one of those cute, lighthearted dramas you can watch whenever you’re not really feeling like dedicating yourself to a full dramatic series, but still want to watch some good BL. This is about Pi, a small “nerdy” boy with braces and glasses who has never had a real friend before and is always being compared to his handsome older brother. One day when a boy called Nan shares his umbrella with Pi, Pi begins to fall for Nan and decides to change himself and become more handsome to beat his ‘rival’. His rival is Mork, Nan’s best friend who is always by his side. After an incident where Pi got drunk and accidentally kissed Mork thinking he was Nan, a picture of this went viral and everyone in the university began shipping Mork and Pi. As Pi tries to clear the misunderstanding with Nan, he slowly begins questioning if the feelings he had for Nan are strong enough to last, especially when being around Mork causes his heart to pound. Will Pi continue to fight for Nan’s love, or will he give in to his heart and Mork’s steady advances. I really did enjoy this series although it was very slow, predictable and the ending had a random and disappointing plot twist. I also didn’t like the problematic scene where the characters wore a fake beard and turban and used heavy accents to creat a distraction as it felt uncomfortable to watch, but other than that I enjoyed it.

  • The Effect

    115. The Effect

    Thai Drama - 2019, 3 episodes


    Have you ever wanted to watch a show that was so dark and depressing that it left you angry, crying and emotional? A show that touches into serious, somewhat taboo cases, and handles them so well that it becomes deep and painful to watch? Well, look no further than this show right here. This is about a boy called Shin that has just joined his 1st year in University. He is grouped in his first project with 2 boys, Bright and Pramote, who end up becoming his close friends. One day he runs into his senior, Keng. Keng is the model student, that everyone admires. When he and Keng become closer, and Keng begins to see Shin as more than just a friend, jealousy occurs. Keng’s friend Man has had a crush on him for a while, but has been rejected many times. When he sees how close Keng and Shin have become, in a moment of jealousy, he posts a photo of Keng and Shin from a highly suggestive angle, leading the school to think Keng and Shin are dating. Shin gets very upset and tries to cut ties with Keng, but when Keng comes over to a Shins house, forces himself on Shin, then gets rejected, he can’t handle it. This is the turning point. This is where Keng forces himself on Shin, and rapes him. The series is called The Effect, because it’s about cause and effect. For every cause there is an effect, for every action there is a consequence. Now we’re looking at the effect, the consequences of Keng’s actions, and what they do to sweet, gentle Shin. Will he survive after his world is broken apart, and can his friends save him from the thoughts in his head? 

  • Dark Blue Kiss

    116. Dark Blue Kiss

    Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes


    The sequel of Kiss: the series, and Kiss Me Again. This series is based on a continuation of Kao and Pete’s relationship while the engineering students are currently looking for their internships. Kao is working as a tutor to bring in money for his sister to continue her studies abroad, while Pete is competing in the Aboyz competition to win the title of most handsome boy against his enemy Non. Non happens to be the son of Kao’s mothers boss, and Kao is pressured to tutor Non after his mother gets a promotion. However after Non begins to flirt with Kao, Pete intervenes, driving a wedge between Kao and Pete that they must work together to get over. We also look at Sun and Mork as the 2 grow closer after Mork starts working at Sun’s cafe. There they must confront their feelings and help each other to stay safe. While this series did have its flaws, I would definitely recommend that all KaoPete and SunMork lovers should watch this!

  • Step by Step

    117. Step by Step

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    Let’s be very clear with this one, if you don’t like slow burn romance stories you’ll absolutely hate this one because this is 12 episodes straight of pinning that hardly goes anywhere until the end. But if you’re like me and enjoy a good slow burn you may find that you’ll really enjoy this. This series is about Pat who has recently started working in a digital marketing department where many of his coworkers are unprofessional and force him to do every task they are given, big or small. One day Pat meets Jeng (not knowing he is his new manager) at a cafe and spills the worries his coworkers have shared about how awful the new manager is rumoured to be, Jeng listens amused. When Pat finds out Jeng is the manager he is very embarrassed but luckily Jeng pretends they have never met. Pat quickly realises why the rest of the office hate Jeng’s work ethic and considers resigning until Jeng starts to teach him more about the work he is delegating and begins handing him larger and more important roles. Pat slowly begins to fall for Jeng as a small office crush until he discovers Jeng is actually gay. Pat, having only shortly escaped a bad relationship doesn’t know what to do with this information and decides to avoid Jeng hoping his feelings will disappear. However, when Pat is outed at the company and Jeng begins to flirt with him, Pat has to decide whether he wants to take the risk of dating someone so much older and successful than him, or should he stay where he is and loose out on potential happiness and heartbreak. This is VERY slow paced and there were several plot holes that I wish they focused more on. I also hated Pat’s attitude at times and was a little unsatisfied with the ending. Despite that I LOVED the first half of this series and don’t at all regret watching it. Although my review probably sounds a little negative I did enjoy this series and would definitely recommend this if you like slow burn.

  • Takara-kun to Amagi-kun

    118. Takara-kun to Amagi-kun

    Japanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    This series is just something sweet and simple. This is about Amagi, an innocent student who realises he has fallen for the schools most popular student, Takara. Amagi accidentally confesses to Takara and is shocked when Takara accepts his confession and asks him on a date. However, Takara is very shy and doesn’t want to push Amagi too far, which leads to a lot of misunderstandings between them as Amagi believes Takara doesn’t really like him. There were a lot of issues in this series that could have been solved with more communication but this was a really cute series and I really enjoyed it, it was definitely too short but they made it work well. 

  • Together with Me

    119. Together with Me

    Thai Drama - 2017, 13 episodes


    This is the side story to Bad Romance. This focuses on the hilarious, sad story of how Korn and Knock became a couple, and the objects attempting to prevent this. While there are a few boring moments, overall it’s really cute and fun, but I wish they had gotten together earlier, not on the very last episode. We also meet some new characters not in Bad Romance, like Farm, and see his abusive relationship with his first ever boyfriend, who I absolutely despise!!

  • Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey 2

    120. Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey 2

    Thai Drama - 2017, 8 episodes


    The second season to Puppy Honey. This is set shortly after the first, when Porsche has to leave to work at a vets, leaving Emma alone. She also meets her brothers friend Night, who expresses an interest in her. We also see Rome and Picks relationship slowly forming, and Pick finally coming to terms with his sexuality. This one is not as good as season 1, but still worth a watch. The ending is also one of my favourite BL endings ever!!! Definitely try it out, and see what you think!

  • Kiss Me Again

    121. Kiss Me Again

    Thai Drama - 2018, 14 episodes


    This is the second season of Kiss: The Series. I honestly love this one even more than the first season! It shows a beautiful take on Kao and Pete’s relationship. There are also many other straight couples, and another implied gay couple. I do have some complaints with this one, as the other straight couples made no sense. One of them got back with her ex, who she broke up with because of his violent history. Another got with a guy that had basically been bullying her. The other got with a guy who she had been investigating to find out if he was gay, and told his mother he was gay, even though he wasn’t. I mostly skipped past the boring bits, but was in love with Pete and Kao. Don’t be afraid to skip parts if it gets too much!!!

  • Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey

    122. Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey

    Thai Drama - 2016, 6 episodes


    This was actually super cute and lighthearted enjoyment after some of the more heavier themed BL’s that have been released previously!! If you are new to BL series then definitely go for this one first, as it is not as full on as others!! It’s about 2 boys named Porsche and Pick, who are the leaders of a Dog and Cat club. Their club is about to close down due to lack of funding, so they try and get the principals daughter and her gay best friend Rome to join, but the only problem is she is terrified of Dogs. Eventually Porsche helps her get over her fear, but in the mean time Rome and Pick slowly begin to develop feelings for each other. It has a male and female main couple, and the BL couple (Rome and Pick) as the side couple, but they get just as many moments as the main couple do. It’s a super sweet show, that completely breaks down stereotypes, and shows that love can be between anyone! Off and Gun play Rome and Pick, and they are 2 very popular Thai actors, whose chemistry was so amazing that they even became the main couple in the BL drama Theory of Love, proving no ones doing it like them!

  • Be Loved in House: I Do

    123. Be Loved in House: I Do

    Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    This is one of those series that starts amazing and ends up getting worse towards the end. This series is about Shi Lei, an employee at Seisei studio which is gradually going bankrupt so they decided to bring in a new director, Jin Yu Zhen, to help keep the business going. On his first day he establishes a set of unfair rules, including a single rule, prohibiting the employees from being in relationships. Shortly after working there, Shi Lei is forced to let Yu Zhen live with him while he tries to find a way to abolish the single rule. As time goes on they begin to develop strong feelings of each other when a mysterious stranger from Yu Zhen’s past appears named Yi Zi Tong and Shi Lei begins to discover the reason the single-hood rule exists in the first place. This had such a strong start, but as soon as Zi Tong appeared as the jealous ex it just went downhill. Don’t get me wrong, it was an enjoyable series, but it will leave you with a little disappointment.

  • Big Dragon

    124. Big Dragon

    Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    The best was to describe this drama is an okay series with an incredible cast. This is about Yai, a student who takes over his fathers bar. After he gets drugged and sleeps with his rival Mangkorn, who finds and keeps the video of them as blackmail, he destroys the bar in his anger and focuses on its renovation to distract himself. He is later shocked when he discovers that Mangkorn works for the company that are renovating the bar. Yai tries to find some dirt on Mangkorn so that he will delete the footage and stay away, but they end up spending more time together as a result. As feelings develop between the two of them, will things work out when Mangkorn’s father reveals that Mangkorn is to be engaged to his long term childhood friend? Honestly, this series was okay, the plot wasn’t the best, what really draws you into this series is the chemistry between the main couple. Mos and Bank are incredible actors and their chemistry both on and off screen is amazing. If anything, you should watch this series for the actors rather than the plot itself. 

  • Project S: SPIKE

    125. Project S: SPIKE

    Thai Drama - 2017, 8 episodes


    I’m including this beautiful drama because of the implications between the 2 main leads. This is tagged as a Bromance, but it’s much more than that. This is about a volleyball team that falls apart after their star player (Singha) leaves for another team. When recruiting new players, we meet Than, a rising setter that joined the team after failing to join the same team that Singha left them for. Because of this, the new team captain Puen,immediately doesn’t like him. However, the captain must rely on the settee to deliver him the ball. So the 2 must work past their hatred and become closer. The captain, Puen, has admitted to being bisexual, and although Than never mentions his sexual preference, you can see their are more than just friendly feelings rising between the 2. However they don’t really touch into their relationship, and leave it where it is. I wouldn’t say this is a romance at all, but it’s good enough, and short enough to watch and enjoy in your free time. 

  • 2gether

    126. 2gether

    Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes


    This is a series you really will either love or hate. Everything about this was so good up until the ending, but honestly I’m not sure if it was that bad, or if people overreacted because they were annoyed there was no kiss. This series is about Tine, a player that has had many girlfriends, all of which ended in disaster. Finally when Green, an obsessive, feminine guy confesses his love to Tine and won’t leave him along, Tine begins brainstorming ways to get rid of Green. Finally he meets Sarawat, the most handsome guy in the year, and Tine asks him to pretend to date him to make Green leave him alone. However, real feelings get in the way and begin to mess everything up. However as secrets get revealed there may be more connecting Tine and Sarawat than just Green. What happens when fake love turns into real love when you begin questioning yourself and the people around you? I think the reason this fell flat was Win and Bright looked kind of uncomfortable kissing or doing anything romantic, but even if you watch it imagining it as a Bromance, I still think you will enjoy it.

  • Love O2O

    127. Love O2O

    Chinese Drama - 2016, 30 episodes


    I’m only including this because Hao Mei and KO are too cute to ignore, but if you’re watching this for BL only, I wouldn’t bother as much. This is mainly a straight drama, with a side couple that aren’t explicitly in a relationship, but it’s heavily implied that they like each other. This is about a girl named Bei WeiWei who is a gaming expert and one day captures the attention and heart of Xiao Nai, the campus’ gaming expert and heart breaker. When Xiao Nai asks WeiWei to be his online girlfriend through their game, she slowly begins to fall for the mysterious player, and when they finally meet for the first time she realises her in game spouse and campus crush are the same person, she is quite understandably lost for words. They begin dating and she volunteers to help the gaming company he owns, but when they face challenges while trying to beat their competitors and design the perfect game, they must work as a team with the help of his 3 companions, Hao Mei, Yu Ban Shan, and Qui Yong Hou, and the newly joined master of hacking KO, to help win the competition. KO joins the company after losing a battle with Xiao Nai while trying to compete for Hao Mei’s attention, and the 2 become close as they work and soon live together. As I said before, I wouldn’t recommend this if you only want the BL aspects, but if you want to stay for the plot and sweet relationship between the couples, I would absolutely recommend this!

  • Once Upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain

    128. Once Upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 37 episodes


    Have you had enough of all the heavy, emotional dramas recently and want to watch a fun, lighthearted bromance series with limited tears and so much comedy your stomach hurts from laughing so much? Well, look no further than this amazing series right here. I love my historical dramas so much, and I loved the bromance between the 2 male leads even if the main lead gets his own love interest. This series focuses on Wang Lu, a young genius, who enters the Spirit Blade Sect and embarks on an unconventional journey towards immortal cultivation. The Spirit Blade Sect was established in the year 4233. Through years of producing martial arts prodigies, it has been hailed as one of the five great sects. As the nine continents face a crisis, Wang Lu joins the Sect and comes under Wang Wu. Despite Wang Wu's beauty, she is hundreds of years in age. Famous for having a sharp tongue and an erratic temper, she and her disciple Wang Lu engage in endless squabbles while trudging on a path to becoming the strongest sage in all the lands. While joining the sect, he befriends Hai Yunfen, the son of the leader from a different sect that was murdered by his brothers demonic powers. They decide to work together to grow strong enough to take revenge and become the greatest sages of all time. Again, this series was so funny and enjoyable. It’s not for everyone, but it’s great for a nice funny series to watch.

  • Stand by Me

    129. Stand by Me

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 20 episodes


    A very short bromance with great acting and a pretty interesting plot, I just hesitate to call this a great series. This is about Wei Jie who works for the patriotic organisation with the goal to find and expose Japanese spy’s. One day, whilst on a mission, he meets an old friend of his, Guan Yu, who he begins to suspect could be a spy. He decides to keep an eye on him and fins some incredibly incriminating evidence. Is Guan Yu really a spy, and if not what exactly is he hiding? This was an interesting plot but because of the short run time, so much key information was left out so I was left feeling confused and unsatisfied by the ending. It’s not a bad series overall, but I admit I wasn’t super impressed by it.

  • My Dream

    130. My Dream

    Thai Drama - 2018, 12 episodes


    This one has some negative reviews, and a lot of people said the beginning was good, and ending was bad, so I decided to try it out. This is about a boy called Runway whose father died in a plane crash. He has been having nightmares, but finds his fathers dreamcatcher that he used as a kid to help him sleep. After hanging it up Runway starts dreaming of a man called Dream, who he used to dream about when he was a child when the dreamcatcher was still up. Next door to Runway is a boy called Tanai. Runway likes both Dream and Tanai, and both of them like Runway. But he has a difficult decision to make between the real boy next door, and the made up boy of his dreams that he may love just a little more. It gets even more complicated when his best friend develops feelings for Tanai, and Tanai has feelings for him, but doesn’t let go of his crush of Runway. I really enjoyed this drama honestly, but I have a couple of complaints. For one thing, it basically romanticised rape, after Runways best friend was raped, but he later kissed the guy who raped him. I thought that was wrong and completely messed up. The other thing is the show ended on a cliffhanger, and no couples were confirmed. Other than that it’s kinda weird, very cute, and (to me) very enjoyable. 

  • 2 Moons

    131. 2 Moons

    Thai Drama - 2017, 12 episodes


    This was really sweet. It’s about a boy named Wayo that goes to university so he can see his lifelong crush Pha. They originally fight but eventually become something more. Also Wayo’s best friend Ming eventually falls for one of Pha’s friends, Kit. Both the main and side couples are adorable, and It’s really well budgeted!! I wish it could have been longer and I wish we could see the side couple actually getting together. Also in the novel there is another couple that is supposed to form, but they don’t have any moments at all, which is disappointing. I also didn’t think the actors had much chemistry, and while they were all good looking, they weren’t that great actors and didn’t really look like they were described in the novel other than Wayo. Other than that it was relatively good. But honestly I would recommend watching the remake, called 2 Moons 2, which has a completely new cast as the new actors are perfect for the roles, and the series has everything that this one lacks.

  • Innocent

    132. Innocent

    Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 4 episodes


    This was a short mini series with a really interesting, unique plot. This series was about Zheng Yu Shi who, after a serious incident when he was 5, developed a condition called DID (dissociative identity disorder) and gained a second personality called Noah, who became his protector to shield him from those intending to hurt or harm him. One day Yu Shi meets Wu Zheng and the two of them fall in love, but Noah, worried for Yu Shi, doubts Wu Zheng and tries to keep him at bay. Will Wu Zheng discover Yu Shi’s secret and will he eventually win over Noah, or will Noah succeed in pushing Wu Zheng away? This was honestly sweet, and as I have a huge interest in psychological disorders I really enjoyed this. However, Yu Shi remains in the mind of his five year old self as they enter a sexual relationship which made me really uncomfortable to watch. Maybe I’m just a little sensitive to this stuff, but it was uncomfortable to think about that happening.

  • Unforgotten Night

    133. Unforgotten Night

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    Did I love this series? No. Would I recommend it? Not really. Do I rewatch this series all the time despite having mixed feelings over it? Absolutely. This is another mafia style romance series about Kim, an office worker who is broken hearted after just having been dumped by his ex-boyfriend Day. He goes out drinking to try and forget about Day, when he meets mafia boss Kamol. Kamol is immediately attracted to him and takes him back to his apartment. Kim is confused when they not only sleep together, but delve into BDSM that leaves him satisfied but confused. He runs away, unaware that Kamol expresses immediate interest in him after finding someone so compatible with him in bed. Kamol convinces Kim to move in with him, and they begin a relationship,p. However, Kamol’s position as a mafia leader puts Kim in serious harm. Can Kim convince Kamol to leave the mafia world behind, or will Kim spend the rest of his life fearing for his and his families safety? As I mentioned before, this series honestly isn’t great. The acting is very stiff but there’s something about it that makes me keep coming back to watch it. If you’re interested in mafia and gang related plots this may interest you, just don’t come into this series expecting another Kinnporsche, or you’ll be very disappointed.

  • Seven Days: Friday - Sunday

    134. Seven Days: Friday - Sunday

    Japanese Movie - 2015


    This is the second film to Seven days. This is about the final 3 days of Seryous relationship with Shino. It’s super cute, and the ending leaves it at a bit of a cliffhanger, but I think it was actually a good place to finish. I really hope that they will make a 3rd film, but I don’t think they will. If you watched the first one you absolutely need to watch this one, as I thought this was way better than the 1st!!!! 

  • Call It What You Want

    135. Call It What You Want

    Thai Drama - 2021, 6 episodes


    This was such an amazing drama, not for the acting abilities or even for the chemistry between the main couple, but for the incredible plot that really drove deep into the corrupted nature of the BL industry. This series is about a director named James who begins to work on his first project. When introduced to the actors playing the main couple, he meets Ait. He and Ait quickly fell in love and began an on-set romance. However, it seems they will be facing constant hurdles to remain together and in love. This series really explores the darker side of the entertainment industry, more specifically the BL aspects of this, and the pressure actors receive from talent agencies; revealing the corrupted BL industry that is indeed far from perfection.

  • Naughty Babe

    136. Naughty Babe

    Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    I’m gonna be super controversial here and say most of the people who hated on this series are just haters who came into the comment section knowing they weren’t going to enjoy this series and just wanted to spread negativity. This was honestly pretty good, it’s definitely not Domundi’s best production by any means, but some of you just hate on Domundi series just because it came from Domundi. This series is a kind of sequel/side story to Cutie Pie the series. This focuses on the relationship and engagement of Khon Diao and Yi, including the misunderstandings, the car accident that caused Yi to lose his memory, and the struggles with family as the two work together to discover who was the mastermind behind Yi’s accident. This was so sweet, heartwarming and easily had the best ending from any BL series I’ve ever watched and I’m not at all exaggerating when I say just how amazing the ending was. The acting and pacing of this series left a lot to be desired but it honestly was not nearly as bad as the reviews make it out to be. Please try watching this series, in my personal opinion it was just as good (if not better) thanCutie Pie the series, and I think if you come into this with an open mind you’ll enjoy it just as much as I did. 

  • My Baby Bright: Best Friends Forever

    137. My Baby Bright: Best Friends Forever

    Thai Special - 2018, 1 episode


    This featured Singto and Krist, the actors from Sotus. This was only a short film made as an advertisement for the cosmetic company Baby Bright. This is about 2 boys called Pla Thong, and Tod. One day Tod dies, but he has unfinished business, which means he can’t move on. The 2 try and work out what it was together, and finally realise his unfinished business was to confess his feelings. It’s very short, and I wish they would make it into a series, but I loved it so much and have rewatched it many times. 

  • Love Sick Season 2

    138. Love Sick Season 2

    Thai Drama - 2015, 36 episodes


    The second season of Love Sick!! If you liked the first season you will LOVE this season!!!! This was so much better than the 1st season and it was so cute. It continues from where Season 1 left off, as Phun and Noh are still struggling to accept the feeling they have for each other, especially while they both have girlfriends. This season also has a variety of straight and gay couples, some of which deserved more screen time!! Even if you didn’t like the 1st season I think you should still watch this one, and if you aren’t interested in watching the 1st season, you could just watch this one straight away instead, as the plot doesn’t really have much to do with the 1st, and the characters are reintroduced. Definitely try this one out, cause you won’t regret it!!

  • Cutie Pie

    139. Cutie Pie

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    This was a very cute series. This is about Kuea Keerati and Lian Kilen Wang who have been engaged since they were children. Kuea has always loved Lian but because of his feelings he decided to hide his true self in order to appear perfect for Lian. Lian is smart and successful but hates that Kuea lies about himself so obviously. After they spend time getting to know each other they begin to fall earnestly for one another, but how easy is love hidden behind so many lies. This series was cute but it could have been better, that’s all I’ll say.

  • La Pluie

    140. La Pluie

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    Amazing plot with a strong start but unfortunate weak finish which shouldn’t be a surprise considering the previous works the scriptwriter has done. This series is about a world of soulmates, when it rains two soulmates become deaf and can only hear each other’s voice, they gain their hearing back when the rain stops. The main character, Saengtai, hates the idea of soulmates after witnessing his parents love and marriage fall apart despite them also being soulmates. As a result he ignores his soulmates voice for two years, until one day he meets his soulmate in real life and recognises his voice. Phat meets Saengtai in a cafe and is immediately attracted to him, expressing his interest not knowing the two are soulmates. Despite Saengtai’s hatred of soulmates and the idea that fate determines who you love, he is surprised to realise Phat has feelings for him even though he doesn’t know they are soulmates. Will Saengtai give Phat a chance to let their soulmate bond grow, or will he continue to run from the idea of his soulmate? I really loved this at first, but unfortunately after episode 6 I noticed it was slowly going downhill. It had a lot of potential and was an enjoyable series, I just wish the screenwriters and directors did a better job because the actors were amazing.

  • Oxygen

    141. Oxygen

    Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes


    This is my reminder not to get overly excited for a series, because sometimes it won’t live up to my expectations and will let me down. This series is about Gui, a fourth-year engineering student who works at a cafe to support himself. One evening he meets Solo, a handsome but silent freshman in the music department. He’s talented, good looking and rich, but he lacks a smile after his mother’s death when he was younger. They meet in the cafe and Gui brings Solo some warm milk to help him sleep. Solo begins to visit Gui every night at the cafe, and they begin spending time together until the realise how much they need the other, they are each other’s Oxygen. We also have Solo’s best friend Kao who meets his senior, Phu, when he is being attacked by Thugs. He helps Phu escape the situation and secretly takes his ID to find out who the handsome senior is. Kao quickly falls in love with Phu and makes it his mission to make Phu fall for him. But what will he do when he discovers the rumours that Phu has once killed a person? If this series sounds interesting to you then I would recommend reading the Oxygen novel which is translated to English on Wattpad. While this series had the 2 sweet main couples, the “background” characters were awful, it was clear they were all rookie actors because they were so awkward it ruined the series. I would definitely recommend watching this series for GuitarSolo and KaoPhu, but other than that, this series doesn’t live up to its expectations.

  • The Tasty Florida

    142. The Tasty Florida

    Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes


    This is such a sweet and cute mini series without much drama, just mainly focusing on love and friendship. This drama is about Seo Hae Won who moves to Seoul and discovers a restaurant called Florida Banjeom, which is owned and run by 4 handsome guys. The owner and head chef, Baek Eun Kyu, immediately draws Hae Won’s attention and after spending time with him learning how to cook, he gets hired as the new chef and begins to develop feelings for Eun Kyu. However, when their coworker and Eun Kyu’s childhood friend of 15 years, Cha Ji Soo, also begins developing feelings for Hae Won, Eun Kyu must decide whether he will fight for Hae Won, or step back and let Ji Soo pursue him. The best way to describe this is “short and sweet”. I wish it was longer and I hated the love triangle plot because I thought it was completely unnecessary but other than that it was an adorable mini series that I thoroughly enjoyed.

  • Falling in Love with a Rival

    143. Falling in Love with a Rival

    Chinese Drama - 2015, 8 episodes


    This was kind of strange but good. It’s about a man called Wu Suo Wei who’s girlfriend breaks up with him, so in revenge he makes the new guy she is dating, called Chi Cheng, fall in love with him, but eventually he starts having real feelings for him. When I first watched it I grew bored and stopped, but I tried again and once I got past the first 2/3 episodes I couldn’t stop watching it. Despite being a Chinese BL, they got loads past the censorship bans, and it was a cute little mini series. I would absolutely say try it out, and don’t be worried if you are bored at first, because it does get better, and the ending is hilarious!!!

  • Mood Indigo

    144. Mood Indigo

    Japanese Drama - 2019, 6 episodes


    Although this wasn’t as good as the first season I did enjoy it. This season is focused on the events before the series Pornographer. Here we look at the relationship between Kijima Rio and Kido Shiro, including how they met, and how their relationship formed and fell apart. They first meet at a school reunion after the death of their teacher, and Kido offers to take Kijima home and ends up staying the night. Kido works in a company that produces Pornographic novels and asks Kijima if he is interested. Kijima meets Gamoda Ikuo, a famous erotic novelist, who tells him he can take part in the production of a novel if he is able to make Kido cum. After that sensual encounter they continue a relationship less that lovers but more than friends. However, how long does that relationship last when Kido has a girlfriend of his own that he’s not willing to give up? Years later when we reach the events after the first series and Kijima gets a boyfriend of his own, does Kido still regret not choosing Kijima when he had the chance? Although the first season was much better, I did enjoy learning more about Kido and Kijima’s past so if you’ve seen Pornographer, definitely check this out.

  • My Dear Gangster Oppa

    145. My Dear Gangster Oppa

    Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    This series wasn’t awful in theory but unfortunately I was very disappointed with this. This drama is adapted from the Korean webtoon, The Ideal Relationship, which is one of my favourite webtoons. Because of that I had very high expectations for this series and I was really let down by it. This drama is about Guy, a gamer who is secretly in love with his best friend Wal. WhenWal gets a girlfriend he is depressed and turns to his online friends to help. They plan to all meet up face to face and Guy tries to convince his closest online friend “Yuri” to show up. “Yuri” doesn’t have a mic and doesn’t talk about himself so they all believe “Yuri” is a shy girl. Guy decides to meet up with him hoping to make him more comfortable and at ease with them, but when they meet he realises, however, that “Yuri” isn’t a girl, but instead is a tall, gangster looking man called Thiu. Guy is immediately intimidated by him and Thiu admits this is the reason he didn’t want to meet the rest of the group, because he was afraid to make them uncomfortable or scared because of his appearance. Guy feels bad for judging him and resolves to bring them closer, unaware that Thiu is actually working for the mafia and his closeness to Guy has drawn unwanted attention. Can Thiu keep Guy safe whilst finding himself developing feelings so strong for him that he considers leaving the mafia world for good, and when Guy finds out what Thiu does, will he still want to be around him? As I mentioned before, this had so much potential but unfortunately they deviated too far from the webtoon’s plot and I was left very disappointed. It’s not a bad series but it’s not something I’d recommend very strongly.

  • The Best Story

    146. The Best Story

    Thai Drama - 2021, 3 episodes


    I absolutely love YinWar as actors so I was really excited about this series. This is about Best, an ordinary, boring guy with nothing particularly special about him. One day, while walking to class, he gets hit in the head by a basketball and is taken to the infirmary by Dew. Dew is the most popular, hottest guy in the school and is well loved by everyone. After a video of Dew carrying Best is uploaded and people begin poking fun at Best, he confronts Dew who apologised for what happened. After the confrontation Best realises he has feelings for Dew but is too afraid to confess. He decides to write him a song and sing it at the school festival, but when Dew’s best friend Fern sees that Dew is beginning to fall for Best she decides to stop his feelings the only way she knew how, by outing him to his mother. Can Dew confront his sexuality to be with Best, or will he give up and agree to move miles away for university and never see Best again? This series was good but it either needed another episode so we could have properly seen Dew’s feelings form for Best, or it needs season 2 to give us a happier ending.

  • TharnType

    147. TharnType

    Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes


    The side story to Love by Chance. This is a story about 2 roommates, Tharn and Type. Type is homophobic because he was raped by an older man when he was very young. So when he finds out his roommate Tharn is gay, he is not happy. He begins picking on Tharn hoping he will move out, but Tharn makes it clear no matter what Type does, he will never move out. The two of them fight and argue everyday, until a situation pushes them together and Tharn reveals his feelings for Type. Originally Type asks Tharn to sleep with him as a one time thing, which eventually leads to a friends with benefits relationship. After Type gets a girlfriend and breaks Tharn’s heart, it seems like it will be over between them, until Type realises he loves Tharn and breaks up with her, confessing his attraction later to Tharn. They begin dating and move out to live with each other in their own apartment. However when Tharns ex boyfriends show up, and Tharns best friend Llong is pulled into the middle, complications arise. How long can they hold onto their love when everyone is trying to break them apart? This show made me a quite uncomfortable due to the heavy and dark themes, however the chemistry between the actors and the quality of this drama, is incredibly high. i love the actors together, but Tharn was honestly toxic and Type, despite not exactly being the greatest person either, deserved so much better. I wish I could have loved this series as much as everyone else seemed to, but I can’t do that.

  • Love by Chance

    148. Love by Chance

    Thai Drama - 2018, 14 episodes


    When I first started this BL series I thought it was so cute and I couldn’t understand how anyone couldn’t love it. However, after maturing and watching several higher quality, better BL series, I realised how problematic this was. This series is about 2 boys called Ae and Pete, one day Ae accidentally hits Pete with his bike and  takes him to hospital. They later meet again and become friends. But eventually feelings develop and they become a couple. There are quite a few side couples, who also get their own  moments! The main couple and one of the side couples (Tin and Can) are adorable in this season. My main complaints of this dramas is the romanticised scenes of sexual abuse and mentions of rape. Unfortunately BL’s tend to romanticise these things but it’s wrong and really uncomfortable, not only that but another couple were step-brothers who (unlike other series where you could try to justify this) actually grew up together and treated each other as real brothers. If you can look past that then sure it’s a cute series, I just can’t get past the problematic plot..

  • Our Skyy

    149. Our Skyy

    Thai Drama - 2018, 5 episodes


    I’m so grateful for this, as we get to see more of our fav couples again. There are the couples from Sotus, Puppy Honey, My dear loser:Edge of seventeen, Kiss me Again, and My Tee (‘Cause you’re my boy). Only complaint I had was with Sun and Inn, because it took ages for things to actually happen, and I felt as though it dragged out. Other than that I loved the others. Kongpop and Arthits made me cry, and I couldn’t stop laughing at Rome and Picks. I was also smiling like an idiot throughout Pete and Kao’s. Definitely watch these when you finish the series each of the couples are from!

  • Gloomy Salad Days

    150. Gloomy Salad Days

    Taiwanese Drama - 2010, 20 episodes


    Although the first few episodes weren’t great, I really enjoyed this series. This is an episodic series with 12 different stories all based on real life events but with a supernatural twist. All these stories revolve around Du, the god of death that can kill and in return their soul will be turned into a rock to support her bridge that souls cross to the afterlife. When a rock from this bridge is found in a school, you will see Du and can make an exchange to kill for your life. Shen Qi is the only person who can see Du without the rock and tries to help people give up on their hatred. The LGBT storylines first feature Mei Li,  a rich transgender student who falls for his friends sister Xiao Ju who finds out that he was born in a girls body and the discrimination he faces after his secret is revealed until he summons Du and tells her if his best friend won’t accept him, then he wants to die. Then you have his ex girlfriend Xiao Ju who falls in love with her best friend Qiao Qiao and runs away to be with her, however after she is outed and shamed on social media she calls Du to take her and her girlfriends life so they can stay together. Finally the best storyline (in my opinion) is about Xiao Lun, a feminine gay guy who is badly bullied by Da Dong. After they are forced to join the school musical they grow closer. When Da Dong is forced to attack someone, getting injured in the process and is found and treated by Xiao Lun, he sees him in a different light. However when Da Dong kisses Xiao Lun in a haunted house Xiao Lun asks him if he’s gay, causing Da Dong to freak out and call on Du asking her to take away his life so no one can find out. However in the hospital he later regrets his decision and begs her to bring him back even if he turns into a rock. This series was so heartbreaking but I really enjoyed it, I just wish we established Xiao Lun and Da Dongs relationship before the plot moved on.

  • My Sweet Dear

    151. My Sweet Dear

    Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes


    Although this did feel quite rushed and the ending wasn’t the best, this was only a short mini series so it could have been worse, I did think it was pretty cute. This is about Yoon Do Gun, who is the head chef of Laura Dining. One day when the owner brings a new chef in, Choi Jung Woo, and announces they will both create a signature dish and the winner will become the new head chef. Will the rivalry they face turn to love, or further hatred? This was short but cute and I did enjoy it as a lighthearted mini series with little drama.

  • Bite Fight

    152. Bite Fight

    Chinese Movie - 2016


    This is definitely a hidden gem in the BL world. It’s about a boy called Ai Fei that gets saved from being beat up from drunk guys, by a vampire named Thomas. He then stays with the vampire and they fall in love. Then some weird stuff happens. At first the plot seems complicated, but the ending perfectly ties it all together! It’s so good, and I am still hoping that they will make a second film. If you are interested in the supernatural then I suggest trying this one out!

  • Tinted With You

    153. Tinted With You

    Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes


    This was an okay drama but was probably more successful because both of the main leads were idols. This series is about Eun Ho, who is a college student preparing for this exams when he is suddenly transported back to the Joseon period and meets the crown Prince Heon who is on the run from his brother who wants him dead. Eun Ho needs to try and find his way back, but the feelings that grow between himself and Heon constricts him to the past. I feel like the flaw in this drama was the pacing and time constrictions. Honestly, the actors are good at acting, the main couple had okay chemistry that it wasn’t the best but with a few more workshops could have had the potential to improve much more. The kiss scenes weren’t the best I’ve seen from a kdrama but it’s also not the worst so I guess that counts for something, the OST was great and I absolutely loved listening to it, the plot was great with the whole time travel dynamic but because of the short run time it all had to be rushed to the point there was almost no plot progression. If they at least doubled the length of the episodes and added in more scenes to show the relationship buildup of Eun Ho and Heon then I probably wouldn’t have any complains but despite this I did genuinely enjoy this series.

  • HIStory3: Make Our Days Count

    154. HIStory3: Make Our Days Count

    Taiwanese Special - 2019, 20 episodes


    Do you want to watch a light hearted drama that slowly grows darker and depressing. Look no further. This series is about 2 boys called Yu Shi Gu and Xiang Hao Ting that originally are very different and don’t get on well at all after Hao Ting’s girlfriend starts flirting with Yu Shi Gu. However when Hao Ting falls for Yu Shi Gu and begins chasing after him, their lives change for the better. In order for Hao Ting’s parents to accept him Yu Shi Gu helps Hao Ting study and apply for one of the top university’s so they can have his parents permission, and Yu Shi Gu’s parents were killed in a car accident when he was young. This was so sweet and cute, with many intimate scenes which is why it’s rated 18+, but the last episode was so bad that the plot was ruined for me. I’m not going to spoil it but if you don’t like sad endings then watch every episode except the last (episode 10 or 19 & 20 depending on whether you’re watching the 10 or 20 episode version.)

  • En of Love: This Is Love Story

    155. En of Love: This Is Love Story

    Thai Drama - 2020, 3 episodes


    This is the third and final part of the En of Love series. This series is about Nuea, recently heartbroken after his crush Mark and best friend Vee fell in love. One day at a party he sees Praram, the younger brother of Gun Tossakan, his friend’s boyfriend. He immediately falls for Praram’s smile and reaches out for permission to court him. However his brother Gun is less than pleased while Praram’s identical twin brother Pralak is supportive but concerned after hearing thatNuea is considered to be a “playboy” in the university. But when 2 people fall in love, nothing can get in the way. This was the best of the 3 series and although it was short, it was so sweet. 

  • Together with Me: The Next Chapter

    156. Together with Me: The Next Chapter

    Thai Drama - 2018, 13 episodes


    The second season of Together with me, and side story to Bad Romance. This has so many cute moments, and focuses on Korn and Knock after they get engaged and are at risk of being outed to their parents. This can really help to break down stereotypes, and also shows the ridiculous views that people think a gay person is like. I just wish there was a certain scene that was removed, not spoiling it though. And I wish a certain character hadn’t got back with his asshole ex boyfriend. Other than that it’s definitely worth watching!!!!

  • Hwarang

    157. Hwarang

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes


    The K-Pop fan in me jumped out when I saw this series. Originally I was interested because Park Seo Joon, Go Ara, and Park Hyungsik were in it, but after I heard Shinee’s Choi Minho, and BTS’ V were going to be here, I dropped everything to watch this. This is only light Bromance so it probably doesn’t really belong on this list, but it’s really cute and there is a decent plot. This is about the Hwarangs, who are trained as protectors to serve the Queen and future king. The only problem is, no one knows who the king is. After Sun Woo’s best friend is murdered by the unknown king just as he found his real birth father, Sun Woo decides to get revenge. He joins the Hwarangs under the fake identity of his best friend, and is taken in by the father who introduced him to his daughter as her new brother. As Sun Woo begins to fall in love with her, he has to move out and into the Hwarang dormitories so she decides to follow as the new doctor. As he comes closer to working out the kings identity, he realises this mysterious person may be closer than he expects. This series wasn’t fantastic, but as a huge fan of historical dramas this was pretty good and I would absolutely recommend this to any other fans.

  • ReminderS

    158. ReminderS

    Thai Drama - 2019, 3 episodes


    This was kinda strange. This featured Phun and Noh from LoveSick, and also had Saint, Perth, Mean and Plan, who played Pete, Ae, Tin, and Can in Love By Chance. This was not a continuation of Love Sick, or Love By Chance, and I honestly don’t really get the point of it. However I did enjoy it, and as long as you watch it forgetting all you know about the dramas, you could enjoy it to. There’s not really a solid plot, so I can’t write much about it, but as it’s only short, I would suggest watching it for yourself and seeing what you think. 

  • Triage

    159. Triage

    Thai Movie - 2019


    This is only a short movie with the potential to become a full series! As a resident in the hospitals emergency room, Dr. Tihn should be used to encountering situations he cannot control. However when Tol, a boy suffering from a serious heart condition dies in front of him, he is determined to find a way to save him. So when he has the chance to reverse this moment over and over again, can he find a way to save the boy he has fallen hard for? This was cute but very short. Now that a full length series was made I recommend watching that instead of this.

  • Tootsies and The Fake

    160. Tootsies and The Fake

    Thai Movie - 2019


    This film was a sequel to season 1 and 2. In this Golf accidentally sends the superstar Cathy to hospital, so they must find her lookalikes to take over to shoot a TV commercial that Gus’ ex Top happens to be running. As Gus and Top reconnect while Gus’ current boyfriend Win has agreed to babysit a child, to the annoyance of Gus, they grow further apart as Gus begins meeting with Top. Again, this was hilarious and enjoyable, I really loved this.

  • Golden Blood

    161. Golden Blood

    Thai Drama - 2021, 8 episodes


    I gave this quite a generous rating because I loved the side couple and storyline, but it was honestly the acting that let me down in this series. This is about a boy called Sky, who is the son of a mafia boss. One day after his father gets into an argument with another boss, he sends his adopted son, Sun, to be his bodyguard. When Sky first meets Sun he hates him because he’s forced to live with him and is constantly shadowed by him, but after getting injured saving his life, Sky sees him in a new light and they become friends. As time goes on Sky and Sun begin to develop feelings for each other, but with their lives in danger and Sky’s unsupportive father, how will their relationship turn out? Although I love Gun and was excited to see him in a main role, he really let me down as his acting was rather poor, and Boat was also rather stiff and expressionless making scenes between them quite awkward and boring at times.

  • Make It Right

    162. Make It Right

    Thai Drama - 2016, 12 episodes


    This was a really good Thai drama during its time, but it can be confusing at times and is definitely bad compared to several newer series. If I were to rewatch this now I’d probably hate it, but I’m keeping my review the same as when I first watched it. It’s based in a high school, with around 5 or 6 different couples. We see the main couple Tee and Fuse, and how they got together. We also get to see the side couples, like Book and Frame, who were one of my favourite BL couples when I first started watching Thai BL dramas. The good part is that the side couples get just as many scenes as the main couple, so even if there is a couple you don’t like, there are plenty of others to watch. My main complaint is that at times the acting could be better, as it feels quite unrealistic, and I wish there weren’t so many product placements. Other than that it was a really great series. This was the first one I ever watched, so it also holds a very special place in my heart. i wouldn’t say it’s a must watch, but it’s definitely iconic.

  • The Underwear

    163. The Underwear

    Thai Drama - 2017, 10 episodes


    This has a little bit of everything. It has a gay relationship, a lesbian relationship, and a bisexual character, and a few straight relationships. It has comedy, romance, good friendships, and lots of drama, but there is also some darker themes of suicide and PTSD, eating disorders, and obsession. I did enjoy it, but it felt quite slow and we didn’t really get anywhere with it. This is about a girl called Jay, whose ex boyfriend Chin committed suicide and she is still struggling to deal with this, while knowing that his brother Jump still blames Jay for his death. We meet several different characters and look and the different lives they all live. This is either one you will love or hate, but I actually really enjoyed this one, and would  recommend giving it a go.

  • En of Love: Love Mechanics

    164. En of Love: Love Mechanics

    Thai Drama - 2020, 4 episodes


    This is the second part to the En of Love series. I would recommend watching TOSSARA first as it makes this series less confusing. One night Mark, broken-hearted after being rejected by his crush Bar, gets drunk and has a one night stand with Vee, who happens to be Bar’s close friend. After they sleep together, they begin a strange relationship as Vee battles with his feelings between Mark and his girlfriend who he knows has been cheating on him too. This is not a perfect relationship, but it is a human one, prone to heartbreak and jealousy. I obviously didn’t like that Mark was drunk when he slept with a sober Vee, and I didn’t like the whole girlfriend mess, but it really wasn’t as bad as I expected so I suggest giving it a go. This has also been remade into a full length series which is 10x better than this so I suggest giving that a go instead of this, unless you want to watch both like I did in which case go for it!

  • This Summer

    165. This Summer

    Chinese Movie - 2015


    This was very short, and very strange but in a good way. This is about a boy that breaks up with his girlfriend, then finds a stray cat. He takes the cat in and takes care of it until one day it disappears and in its place is a boy. He takes in the boy and looks after him, while praying he won’t leave him alone. This has the same actors from Falling in Love with a Rival/Counterattack. It’s not really anything special, but I just watched it to see them again.

  • Make It Right 2

    166. Make It Right 2

    Thai Drama - 2017, 14 episodes


    This was a continuation of the second season and I’ll be honest, I completely forgot what this was about. I tried to rewatch it and just couldn’t. Best way to describe this is that I loved it at the time and can barley watch it now, the only reason the rating is as high as it is is purely for nostalgia. The best part of this series was the end with Book and Frames wedding.

  • A Round Trip to Love

    167. A Round Trip to Love

    Chinese Movie - 2016


    This is a film about 2 boys, Xiao Chen and Lu Feng. They are 2 students at the same university and are deeply in love with each other. However when their disapproving family finds out, they are forced apart with nothing but a small ring to remember their fond relationship. Several years later they meet again, when Lu Feng unknowingly takes over the company Xiao Chen works at, still wearing the ring they exchanged all those years ago. They both realised they still hold the romantic feelings they shared long ago, but the universe clearly does not want them to be happy. Their once sweet relationship turns sour, toxic, and abusive. It’s such a shame that they felt the need to turn such a sweet BL into this, however, as long as you don’t watch the 2nd film, I would definitely recommend this as a stand alone, it’s so sweet and cute and luckily doesn’t really look into their manipulative relationship as much as the second one does.

  • My Dear Loser: Edge of 17

    168. My Dear Loser: Edge of 17

    Thai Drama - 2017, 9 episodes


    This is a BL, but just barely. There is a couple, but they don’t get together until close to the end, and they have little moments. However, the series as a whole is good. It’s about a boy called Oh, that is really badly bullied by his crushes boyfriend. Her name is Peach and she is nice, but it’s really irritating that she knows her boyfriend is a bully, yet she stays with him. Then a boy called Sun joins the school, and he and Oh became friends, meaning Sun also started getting bullied. But later one of the bullies, called Inn, leaves that gang and becomes friends with Oh, Sun, and another girl they meet called Ainam. From there we see the love triangle between Sun, Inn, and Ainam, as they are all in love with one another. But eventually Sun and Inn are implied to have gotten together, which later was confirmed during the standoff series Our Skyy. It’s kinda cute, and definitely worth giving a go, who knows, you may love it!!

  • Mr. X and I Season 2

    169. Mr. X and I Season 2

    Chinese Drama - 2015, 6 episodes


    This was sooooo cute! I still can’t believe this was based on a real life story! This is about a boy called Zhengxi who falls in love with his friend Tao Ye. But Tao Ye is in love, and gets into a relationship with another girl, who makes it her mission to keep Tao Ye and Zhengxi apart. Meanwhile Zhengxi’s best friend Ai Tong has his back and stays by his side no matter what. I loved the friendship between Zhengxi and Ai Tong, as she was an amazing best friend, who was always there for Zhengxi whenever he needed her, and she always stood up for him. The ending I was so happy with. It probably won’t end how you expect it to, but I loved the ending couple, and I was crying on the last episode because of how sweet it all was! I would definitely recommend this to anyone interested!

  • Hello Stranger

    170. Hello Stranger

    Filipino Drama - 2020, 8 episodes


    This series wasn’t the best Filipino series I’ve seen, but I still did enjoy it regardless. This is during the Covid pandemic in high school. Mico is an intelligent boy with his whole life preplanned out. Xavier is the schools star basketball player that needs to get his grades up for his final project or he will he kicked off the team. The 2 polar opposites are paired together for the final project and must work together to achieve the marks they need. But while they study they form a bond more than friends, but will Xaviers girlfriend get in the way of this? I don’t know if I enjoyed this as much as everyone else seemed to, but it was still really good and I’m glad I was able to watch it regardless. 

  • Nobleman Ryu's Wedding

    171. Nobleman Ryu's Wedding

    Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes


    This is one of those dramas that has a great plot, but wasn’t done as well as it could have. This is a mini series about a wedding between Ryu Ho Seon and Choi Hwa Jin, however after the ceremony Ho Seon discovers that the person he married was not Hwa Jin, but Ki Wan, her brother who agreed to pretend to be Hwa Jin and get married after she ran away days before the ceremony. Ki Wan asks Ho Seon to pretend with him until Hwa Jin returns, but as the two of them begin to develop real feelings, how will their relationship proceed? This was such a cute, awesome plot but unfortunately this series has many inaccuracies culturally and historically, and there were many unnecessary scenes which just ended up wasting the limited time this series already had. Overall I think it’s a nice series when you’re bored with nothing else to watch, but it’s not the kind of drama you’ll ever go back to and is rather forgettable.

  • Kiss

    172. Kiss

    Thai Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    This is based after the events of Kiss Me Again, but you should watch this one first. This is based on a girl called Sandee who is constantly surrounded by her male friends. But one day she wakes up in bed naked with her best friend Thada, and neither of them have any memory of what happened. They tried to hide it from all their friends, but it becomes quite hard when she gets a boyfriend, and feelings between her and Thada begin developing. It also looks at Sandees older sister Sanrak when she takes on an apprenticeship at her sisters ex boyfriend Na’s company. We meet Sanraks awful, 2 timing, ex boyfriend First, and see their relationship fall apart, and her and Na slowly becoming something more than friends. To be honest I skipped a lot out, mainly Sanrak and Na’s story because I was bored, but it is definitely worth a watch, especially for the ending!! I will say that there is a gay couple, but you don’t find this out until close to the end, but they are one of my favourite BL couples ever, so you should definitely watch, even if it is just for them. This series is on Netflix now, so you can now watch it through there, which is really great!

  • The Shipper

    173. The Shipper

    Thai Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    This series started off as a comedy but soon ventured into a darker and sadder territory. This series is about Pan, she and her friend Soda are shippers who write fiction about boys love, including the schools bad boy Way and the intelligent student Kim who are best friends and shipped by most of the school despite Way’s girlfriend Phingphing. However one day Way is nearly expelled after fighting with Kim about the fiction, so Pan reaches out to Kim to apologise, and he offers to take her home. On the way back they get into an accident and are killed, however the Angel of Death made a mistake and they shouldn’t have been killed so they are pushed back to the living world, but there is one problem. Pan was pushed into Kim’s body while her own body is in a coma and Kim is nowhere to be found. Pan must live as Kim while the Angel of Death finds a way to send her back to her own body. While Pan lives as Kim she realises life isn’t as simple as the Shipper once believed it to be. Can Pan successfully make her ship a reality whenSoda and her friend Khet are close to discovering her secret? I had many reservations about this, and while it was better than I expected, I also knew from the beginning it wasn’t going to be aa amazing as other GMMTV shows. This will be controversial but I actually liked the ending despite how sad it was, possibly because I guessed it would happen all along. 

  • Nitiman

    174. Nitiman

    Thai Drama - 2021, 10 episodes


    As a novel reader I was a little disappointed with this series as they didn’t really do the best job with this adaptation, especially the actors who looked nothing like how they were described to be in the novel. This series is about Jinake Saman who is the university moon in the engineering faculty and known across the whole campus as the hottest moon. One day when he broke up with his girlfriend, Aim, he fell apart in despair. He later discovered she was the cousin of law student Be Bomb. Jin misunderstands that Bom and his cousin were flirting when actually he likes Jin. Bom has liked Jin since he was a freshman one year ago after Jin exchanged Bom’s lunchbox (because he couldn’t eat anything spicy) with his own food and rice. As feelings grow between them, can Jin understand Bom’s true intentions and come to see Bom as more than just a junior? As I said before, the acting choice for this wasn’t great which was a huge let down for me, but other than that it was a nice series for when you’re bored with nothing else to watch.

  • You're My Sky

    175. You're My Sky

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    This was definitely a series I was disappointed by, which sucks because the plot and second couple were super cute. There are several couples in this series, the main couple includes Thorn, a basketball player who has had a crush on his friend and senior, Tupfah, for several years. He decides to try out for the same university hoping they’ll make in onto the same team. Thorn is afraid to confess to Tupfah at the thought of being rejected, but maybe this isn’t just one sided love after all. The second couple includes Aii, a senior working hard to get a scholarship to study in Japan is shocked when one day his junior Saen publicly confesses to him infront of his classmates and friends and starts openly courting him. Aii struggles with his feelings, desperately avoiding Saen because he doesn’t want to fall in love, only to leave him in the end, but Saen isn’t giving up and is determined to make Aii fall in love with him no matter what it takes. The third couple suffer a complicated fate, Dome has been dating Pan for a while and although he has good feelings for her, he finds himself more attracted to Pan’s brother Vee. Vee has also been in love with Dome for a while but pushes his feelings down to not hurt his sister. Soon the pull between Dome and Vee grows stronger than either can ignore, will they pursue a relationship at the cost of Pan’s happiness? This series was great plot wise but unfortunately the acting of several characters and the low budget ruined this series for me, I wanted to like it but honestly it was pretty simple and boring. If the plot sounds interesting definitely give it a try, but don’t go into this series expecting a masterpiece.

  • Chapter of Green

    176. Chapter of Green

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    This was a really short series made up of 12 episodes all 1 minute long. It’s a series of episodes about Green and Chap working in a cafe together and falling in love. It’s short and sweet, but was very cringey and needed more episodes to establish the plot better.

  • The Moment

    177. The Moment

    Thai Movie - 2017


    Watched this only for Kim and Karn after seeing so many fan made videos of their kiss. This tells the story of 3 couples in London, New York, and Seoul. I’m only going to talk about Kim and Karn as they were the only gay couple and the other couples didn’t interest me that much. Kim works in an office where he meets the new employee Karn. Karn presents the idea of “drinking for personal pleasure” and they work together to present this as a theme for the companies annual meeting. As they spend time together they begin falling deeply in love, and soon they realise even if their idea is rejected, something much better came out of it than they ever expected. Honestly I would recommend watching this just for their public kiss on the bridge at the very end. That’s one of the most daring things I’ve seen a BL couple do, and it was incredibly heart warming.

  • The Moment

    178. The Moment

    Thai Drama - 2020, 4 episodes


    This mini series is about a young veterinarian called Mok who travels to a hotel to get away from his heartbreak. There he meets Bay, a barman known for his looks and skills making drinks.The 2 of them decide to create their own version of love, pure and untainted from what they ever intended. Even though Mok’s stay in the hotel will never be permanent, can he find love in the short week he stays there? This mini series was so cute and despite how short it was, the actors really established themselves well.

  • HIStory: Obsessed

    179. HIStory: Obsessed

    Taiwanese Special - 2017, 4 episodes


    This is a really good, short bl to watch in your spare time. It’s about a boy called Shao Yi Chen who dies in a car accident because his boyfriend Jiang Jing Teng reveals he is engaged. He is then sent back 10 years in time to try and change his future by avoiding him. However, he loved Jing Teng for a long time, and cannot easily forget his feelings. He starts by destroying his diary which was filled with drawings of Jing Teng, but the wind blows one of them away and Jiang Jing Teng finds it. He then starts chasing after Yi Chen, while Yi Chen runs away from him. Eventually Jing Teng gets in an accident while saving Yi Chen, and he takes care of Jing Teng while he recovers. Eventually they begin accept the feelings they had been denying. It’s a great show, but some could interpret Jiang Jing Teng as being manipulative, which I kind of agree with, but if you ignore that it’s really good! Definitely worth a watch!

  • 7 Project

    180. 7 Project

    Thai Drama - 2021, 7 episodes


    As much as I tried to like this there were only certain episodes I actually managed to watch. This is an episodic series where each episode is a different couple and I only ended up watching the LGBT couples. Episode 1 featured Earth/Cooheart and Santa. I follow both of them on social media so I knew they had great chemistry already and it really exemplified through this episode. This was set in a boarding school where Ozone and Sun both transferred to, Ozone is immediately bullied and Sun stands up for him. The 2 form a fast friendship which soon develops into something more. It was a great episode but was too short to have a real, emotional ending. Episode 3, one of the few GL series out there with Sammy and Pineare. Proud was dating a boy who cheated on her, leading her to dump him. After this she starts a new school to find out her ex is there and is apparently a massive playboy. She befriends Jaidee who sticks up for Proud when her boyfriend approaches her, and the two girls create a fast friendship which soon turns romantic after the two share a kiss. The episode itself was okay but the ending was very unsatisfactory. Then was Episode 4 with Boun and Prem. I expected this to be the best episode but it was so poorly developed with too much happening in the hour episode that it felt too rushed. Overall it was okay but there is better stuff out there.

  • My Gear and Your Gown

    181. My Gear and Your Gown

    Thai Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    Although I was a little disappointed with this series, there was something enjoyable about it. This is the kind of drama that I would have loved 4 years ago, but BL series have come a long way since then, especially ones by GMMTV. This series is about Pai, a smart medical student who moves to a new school with his parents who own a hospital. When he is there he meets Itt who saves him from an attacker threatening him with a knife. They both join separate clubs but the clubs they are in require them to share a room, creating some conflict between them. Pai begins tutoring Itt to help him get into university, and after their exams they go their separate ways. At least that’s what they thought, until they ended up going to the same university. Their friends Waan and Pure joined them. Waan immediately fell in love with Beau, a member of the student body. Meanwhile a boy called Folk began flirting with Pai despite his feelings not being reciprocated. However when Pure and Folk meet their is an immediate spark between them. There was a lot happening this series but there were some good things and topics it raised such as safe sex and STD awareness.

  • Diary of Tootsies Season 2

    182. Diary of Tootsies Season 2

    Thai Drama - 2017, 12 episodes


    This was nowhere near on the same level as the first season, but I thought it was worth giving a go. This is a continuation of the first season with the gays: Gus, Golf, and Kim, and the Lesbian: Natty. Each of them is trying to find love, which most of them get. I will say I was very disappointed as I was a huge lover of Gus and Top, and really wanted them to be together, so if you are like me then by the end of the 9th episode you will be disappointed. However Win, the guy Gus ended up with, was really sweet, funny and obviously cared deeply for Gus and all his friends. This had some plot twists, and wasn’t all comedy, there were some serious moments in their as well, which I liked. I will say if anyone watches it, don’t have too high expectations.

  • Beating Again

    183. Beating Again

    Thai Drama - 2024, 4 episodes


    I’ll be honest, I watched this series because I knew Cooheart was in this, if he wasn’t then I honestly would not have bothered. Currently there are no subtitles so I missed most of the plot, but this is what I picked up. Nai and Focus are both dancers with previous controversies that left them receiving a lot of hate. They decide to return to their hometown and start up a dance club and advertise to new members. The people who join are Famous, Focus’s brother who she has a bad relationship with due to their parents neglect, Kay, a poor boy raised in a temple who works multiple jobs to make a living, Jid Rid, a transgender woman living on the street after being kicked out with a dream to become a professional dancer, and Thantawan, a young girl who deeply admires Focus and wants to be just like her. This group, along with their instructor Dindaen, grow closer through dance and the bonds formed as they spend time together. In theprocess, Nai and Focus begin to see each other in a different light. Meanwhile, Famous and Kay have been spending alot of time together but Kay believes that Famous is in a relationship so avoids him, hoping his feelings will eventually disappear. Can Kay gain the courage to confess to Famous? Can Famous mend the bridge between himself and his sister? Can they all make it as a successful group? I don’t know because it’s still not subbed —crying :,-(. This was an okay series but nothing I’ll ever come back to, it was nice to see Earth dancing though and Kaownah and Earth as a pairing (never thought I’d see that happen but I actually loved it!) You could give it a go but it’s nothing I’d recommend that strongly.

  • Meet Me Outside

    184. Meet Me Outside

    Filipino Drama - 2020, 6 episodes


    This was actually pretty cute but far too short and I don’t think a strong enough storyline was carried over to be effective enough. This series is about Dale, a staff member working in a hotel who has a guest influencer visit named James. He came after a breakup with his ex, Paul, and visits on Christmas to have some time to himself. The two of them meet and are naturally drawn together, while knowing that their time together is limited as soon James has to go home. As I said before, it was really sweet and cute, but far to short to be effective. It was a nice watch while I was bored and quick to finish as well.

  • Seven Days: Monday - Thursday

    185. Seven Days: Monday - Thursday

    Japanese Movie - 2015


    I was pleasantly surprised by this one. This is a very well talked about BL film, so I finally decided to give it a go and quite enjoyed it. It’s about a boy called Seryou Touji who is well known in the school for dating whoever asks him out for a week, then ending it. One day another boy called Shino Yuzuru decides to ask him out, and Seryou agrees. However, Shino just believes the relationship won’t be taken seriously, but is thrown off once he realises he may be developing real feelings for Shino. The only problem is, he is certain that the relationship will end after a week. This looks into the first 4 days of their relationship, and the 2nd film looks at the final 3 days. It’s well worth a watch, and I have never really been that into Japanese BLs but this was really well made!!

  • Love Stage!!

    186. Love Stage!!

    Thai Drama - 2022, 10 episodes


    A Thai live action drama of one of my favourite Yaoi animes that honestly could have been done better. This series is about Izumi, an otaku born into a family of actors, but his stage fright prevents him from also taking this path despite his parents wishes. He is forced to take part in a commercial where he dresses as a girl where he meets Ryouma, a famous actor who has had a crush on Izumi for years, beliving him to have been a girl all along. The two of them grow closer and Ryouma realises, even with the knowledge that Izumi is a boy, his feelings for him haven’t changed. I was super excited about this series, not only because it’s based on an anime I like, but because the main couple were played by Kaownah and Turbo, which I believe was their first main project together despite being paired together and known as a BL couple for a while. I have to say the main problems with this series lay in the directing and editing, plus the awfully translated captions. I admit I had very high hopes for this series so I felt a little let down watching it, but it honestly could have been worse and I don’t think it was awful.

  • House of Stars

    187. House of Stars

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    …I didn’t get it. Although I understood the basic premise and actually enjoyed watching this series, with every episode I was getting more and more confused with what this is actually supposed to be about. From the little I could gather, this series is about several actors who live together in a house with strict rules to follow. They all begin to date and sleep around, despite there being a rule against this. Towards the end it turns into a murder mystery and there are so many different plot events and twists that it made my head spin lmao. Overall, I didn’t understand what was happening but the couples had great chemistry and the murder mystery part towards the end was interesting.

  • TharnType Season 2: 7 Years of Love

    188. TharnType Season 2: 7 Years of Love

    Thai Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    Honestly speaking, I’m very disappointed with this season. This series looked at 7 years after the events of season 1, when Tharn and Type are both working and still living together. This season focuses on the ups and downs of their relationship with an abusive, overbearing boss, and a stalker determined to make Type fall in love with him. Honestly, in season 1 I didn’t particularly like Type, however those feelings switched to Tharn this season with how unreasonable he was the whole time. I’m still very disappointed with this season, but I’m at least looking forward to the special episode with TharnType’s wedding.

  • Pearl Next Door

    189. Pearl Next Door

    Filipino Drama - 2020, 8 episodes


    The biggest disappointment, while I didn’t think this was super bad I knew I’d hyped it up wayyy too much, so there was no way it was meeting my already high expectations. This series is a GL spin off focusing on the story of Pearl from Gameboys the series along with her two potential love interests. The first is her friend Karleen who she has been friends with for years and in love with for a while. However, Karleen is a lesbian and due to some bad experiences in the past, is rather biphobic and refuses to date a woman if she is bisexual. Pearl, being bisexual, confesses her feelings knowing she won’t have a chance and is rejected. Heartbroken she turns to online viewers through her YouTube channel where she meets her other love interest Alex. Alex immediately expresses an interest in Pearl, constantly flirting with her and asking her out. She is very persistent and helps Pearl gain back some confidence. In the mean time, Pearl is spending less time with Karleen, leading her to get jealous of Pearl and Alex’s growing relationship. Karleen begins to express an interest in Pearl despite her being in the beginning stage of moving on. Pearl now has a choice, should she return and give her old love Karleen a chance, or should she move on to the new girl Alex making her feel loved and happy again? I didn’t like this series mainly because I think Pearl made the wrong choice and the acting felt a little too over the top. Like I said, it wasn’t a bad series but I wouldn’t rate it very high either.

  • Mr. X and I

    190. Mr. X and I

    Chinese Drama - 2015, 4 episodes


    This is a series of 4 episodes, each with a different couple and issue, and the best part is that all the stories are based on real events. The first episode was set in Highschool where 2 best friends were bullied after rumours circulated about one of them being gay. They face a lot of discrimination but in the end they confess their attraction to the other and become a couple. The second episode is about 2 boys whose relationship was torn apart by their parents, and 3 years later they meet again with the same attraction for each other that they had all those years ago. The third episode is where a gay couple are celebrating their third anniversary when their mother admits she wants her son to have a wife and kids. So he sacrifices his love so that his partner can have the life he deserves. The last episode is about 2 men who move away from their hometown and struggle with having no job and threatened homelessness. Each of these stories are real events that have been portrayed in such an amazing way. Each episode is only around 10 minutes, so it’s not even that long to watch. The 1st episode is by far the best and I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking to watch a short but impactful drama.

  • U-Prince: The Single Lawyer

    191. U-Prince: The Single Lawyer

    Thai Drama - 2017, 4 episodes


    This one isn’t heavily a BL, there is just a gay side couple, but they are pretty cute so I added it to the list. This is about a girl called Minute, who is very rich, self-centred and spoiled. One day her family goes bankrupt, so she moves in with her gay best friend BM, who is moving out to live with his boyfriend Pitcher. This leaves Minute living with BM’s brother Firstclass, who is very serious, strict, and punctual. However, Minute and Firstclass cannot stand each other, so how are they going to be able to cope living under the same roof? This was pretty good and the relationships were really sweet. My only complaint is the overuse of the word “rape” as they claimed they were being raped when someone tried to kiss them. Other than that it’s good, but BM needs to get his priorities straight!!!

  • Bad Romance

    192. Bad Romance

    Thai Drama - 2016, 13 episodes


    This is based after Together With Me, and you are supposed to watch this one first, but I didn’t, so you can start either one. This is based on a collage girl named Yihwa, who is celebrating her best friend Korns anniversary with his boyfriend Knock, when Knocks best friend Cho shows up and expresses and interest in Yihwa. The only problem is, she thinks Cho is gay and likes Knock. It’s pretty interesting with some weird plot twists, but if you are looking for a serious, realistic BL series then don’t watch this one. The BL is only on the side, so I would recommend watching Together 1 and 2 instead, rather than this one. However the ending of this one is so cute it actually made me cry. 

  • The Fairy Fox

    193. The Fairy Fox

    Chinese Drama - 2017, 23 episodes


    Unfortunately this series was very low budgeted which ruined the effect for me, however I still enjoyed it regardless. This is about the past life of Xiao Jing Chen, a great general, who sacrificed himself in order to save Lu Bai, a fairy fox. Now, in the modern day, Lu Bai has tracked down the reincarnated Xiao Jing Chen to watch over and protect him.  Xiao Jing Chen is now a college student called Xiao Mo, and he is the only one who can protect Lu Bai's clan against the evil Wolf Clan. The Wolf Clan wants to seize and obtain the power of a sacred stone, which fell on Earth thousands of years ago and has been under the protection of the Fox Clan ever since. Lu Bai stays by Xiao Mo’s side while preparing for the inevitable doom after discovering the head of the wolf clan was reincarnated into Gu Hai, their classmate who is in love with Xiao Mo’s sister. This series was really low budgeted and some of the camera angles were awful, however the series itself was pretty good and I really did enjoy it. It’s worth trying just to see what youthink of it, but don’t expect too much.

  • Dark Blue and Moonlight

    194. Dark Blue and Moonlight

    Taiwanese Drama - 2017, 12 episodes


    This show started absolutely amazing. It’s about a boy called Hai Qing, who dreams of becoming an artist despite his fathers disapproval. He sees Yan Fei at a swimming pool and takes a picture of him, and then saves him from drowning while his instructor is busy flirting with some girls. Later Yan Fei kisses Hai Qing to thank him, and gets his phone number. Unfortunately Hai Qings phone is later thrown into the swimming pool, and loses his number. Yan Fei has a boyfriend, Jimmy, who he begins to fall out of love with, and Hai Qing gets his own boyfriend, Ping Jun. Hai Qing and Yan Fei believe they won’t meet again, but are proved wrong when Ping Jun’s sister starts working at Yan Fei’s company, and they meet again. This series was very slow paced, and I felt really sorry for Ping Jun. But it is such a great series, that shows the cliche storyline of love at first sight. 

  • Second Chance

    195. Second Chance

    Thai Drama - 2021, 6 episodes


    This series was a very low budget, small production that definitely wasn’t near the quality that we’ve seen previously. Despite this I did genuinely enjoy it in some ways, but that was main because of Chris and Jeno’s relationship. This series focuses on Tongfah (Sky) and Paper, who are childhood friends. They grew a lot closer after Tongfah’s father past away, and gradually their relationship turned from friends, to something more. Jeno is a timid student that is attacked by his ex and is saved by Chris. Jeno no longer believes in love after Arthur (his ex) became abusive and started beating him. Chris helps Jeno get away from Arthur and report him from the school, and falls in love with him in the process. However, Jeno has already had his heart broken once before, so is he ready to open his heart again? The final couple (that I didn’t particularly care for) is Near, a student working at a board game cafe, and M, the owner of the cafe. They work together and, unbeknownst to them both, are lovers on a game they like to play. However, after Near finds out M’s account name is the same as his online boyfriends, how does this change their relationship? Like I said before, this is very low quality and not the best I’ve ever seen, but I would still recommend giving it a go as long and you don’t have much expectations for it.

  • Sanaeha Diary Series: Buang Sanaeha

    196. Sanaeha Diary Series: Buang Sanaeha

    Thai Drama - 2017, 11 episodes


    Well, this was quite dark. This is about a woman called Mintra who is so happy when she finds the perfect guy to marry, Peem. But when Jack, a model, shows up at their wedding ceremony without invitation, things start to fall apart. He and Peem have been secretly lovers for years and now Jack is the presenter of the new product Peem's company is launching. Everything changes as soon as Jack comes into Mintra's life. She knows that Peem is having an affair with him, but can't get a divorce since she needs money for her sister's treatment. She finds confort in Ton, her junior, who's secretly in love with her. Meanwhile Jack is angry that Mintra is disrupting his relationship with Peem, and tries to get her out the way, but she won’t back down in the hope that Jack will give up. Peem refuses to choose between the 2, and forces them all to live together, uncaring of Jack and Mintra’s feelings. I will say that Mintra gets her happy ending, but she suffers a lot in order to get there. Other than her, no one else is happy. They all get depressing ending that (other than Peem), they didn’t deserve. I would probably recommend this to someone that likes very dark dramas, but it’s definitely not for everyone.

  • HIStory: Stay Away from Me

    197. HIStory: Stay Away from Me

    Taiwanese Special - 2017, 4 episodes


    This is another enjoyable season in the HIStory series, and it was actually quite sweet. This is about a celebrity actor called Cheng Qing, who moves in with his new step brother, Feng He, after their parents get married. At first they don’t really get along and argue a lot, but over time they gradually become closer. They are also drawn together by Feng He’s best friend, and extreme fujoshi, Meng Meng, when she starts to push the 2 together. But a case of misunderstanding drives the 2 apart, so can they mend this bond? This series was enjoyable, but not on the level that the others in the HIStory series were. The actors were really good and attractive, but there wasn’t as much chemistry as there normally is. If you are going to watch this I would recommend watching this one before any of the others, because while this season is good, there are definitely better ones to make your way through after this. 

  • The Lover

    198. The Lover

    Korean Drama - 2015, 12 episodes


    This was a really good, iconic series for lots of long time BL lovers. This series is about 4 couples living in 1 apartment complex together, so i’ll only talk about the gay couple here. Lee Jun Jae is forced to find a roommate for financial reasons, and when he advertises the dorm he accepts a foreigner by the name of Takuya as his new roommate. Takuya is a Japanese student currently studying in Korea. As they begin to live together several misunderstandings occur between them and their neighbours which pushes them close together. Takuya tries to help Jun Jae leave his apartment and begin to pay attention to the real world. In time they begin thinking of each other as more than roommates. Will their love last when Takuya will be going back to Japan as soon as his studies are over? This is such an iconic series and I really enjoyed it, I actually liked the other couples but Jun Jae and Takuya were by far the best.

  • With Love

    199. With Love

    Thai Drama - 2019, 15 episodes


    I enjoyed this because the With Love household was awesome, but it wasn’t that well done sadly. This series features 4 couples, 3 gay and 1 straight. The main couple Nathee and Prin first meet when Prin nearly runs Nathee over, and they later find out they were victims of a scam and both bought the same room in the With Love house. So they must share a room together while battling feelings that arise between them. The next couple features Prin’s younger brother Plod, and his older friend Kaowkla. Plod has loved Kaowkla for a long time, but Kaowkla believes Plod is too young to understand love and rejects him. However he won’t give up his love and fights to make Kaowkla return his feelings. The third and final gay couple is about Nathee’s cousin Thann and his ex boyfriend Kavin who now has a girlfriend but still has feelings for Thann, and tries to get back together with Thann despite already being in a relationship and having feelings for them both. The three gay couples are pretty cute but due to production value this series wasn’t as good as it could have been. However I would still recommend just as a light simple watch for something funny and comedic in your free time.

  • Love Sick

    200. Love Sick

    Thai Drama - 2014, 12 episodes


    This season is definitely not as good as season 2 was, but it was still pretty enjoyable, so I would recommend sticking through this one, because the 2nd season was just incredible. This is about a boy called Noh that is a member of a music club, and needs money from the school to buy more instruments for the club. Unfortunately the school board won’t listen to him and denies his request. Phun, a member of the student council, has a girlfriend but his father wants him to date his friends daughter. To stop this from happening he needs his sister to help convince his father, but his sister, Pang, is a huge fan of Boys Love. He decides that he needs to convince Pang that he has a boyfriend so she will help him. When Phun finds out about Noh’s situation he asks Noh to become his fake boyfriend, and in return he will increase the music clubs budget. However the deal between them brings the 2 closer, and soon they begin to fall in love. The first 1 or 2 episodes weren’t that good, but it got much better afterwards. Noh and Phun are both very likeable characters with great chemistry, and the relationship forming between them was very sweet, and paced nicely. This has also just recently been added to Netflix, and I screamed when I saw it. I would absolutely give this a try, and I’m sure you will love this series just as much as I did. 

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