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Oct 7, 2012

Gets better every episode!

This drama is slowly becoming better with each episode. I am loving Mike He and his character Ahmon. What an awesome guy! He breaks my heart because he is so misunderstood.

Rainie isn't a bad actress and she is easier to stand when she isn't enacting anime humour. I am hooked to this show. Their relationship had some good developments in this episode. I am excited to see where things go.
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Mar 18, 2014

The emotional ride has started

I felt bad for Doo Rim and Kang Ju in this episode. My complaint is that it became serious too soon. They should have dragged out the cuteness for two episodes more rather than letting it on this track.

I would like Kang Ju to find out out Doo Rim's identity soon. Guess they're saving that up for later.

BTW nobody stopped Kang Ju and Doo Rim from living together, right? They can just not get married and stay together LOL. Won't that work? :P
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Mar 18, 2014

The awesomeness continues

OMG!!! I need to watch the next episode NOW. It stopped at a very crucial point. Now Young Won finally learns the truth la-la-la-la. I usually get happy at truths and revelations because they make the plot more enjoyable.

It's amazing how this drama hasn't bored me till now whereas most dramas run off steam after ep 6-7. I love how the writer is taking things one step at a time and yet the pace seems nice.

I love Young Won and Eun Soo a lot!! They are my OTP.

I also sort of root for Jae In & Kang Jae together. They form a good bad guys pair. Kang Jae is too awesome for words. For once, we have a hidden bad guy with a conscience. He's bad but not entirely bad. His actions aren't excusable but I at least understand where it all comes from. :)

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Mar 11, 2014

Still funny

I liked this episode. It had a lot of funny moments. I however find certain parts of it slow and boring too.

I really hate Yi Kyung. I don't want her to be back and be a hurdle between Doo Rim & Kang Joo's relationship. -_- Her mother is also such a bitch.

The scene where Doo Rim and oppa go grocery shopping was so cute!! The lady at the store called them 'newlyweds' haha. :D

Also, Doo Rim is so dense that she watched the entire movie without realizing who it was next to her. :P
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Mar 2, 2014

Went downhill in just one episode

I thought the first episode was rough and might improve eventually. However this just went downhill and I totally found myself losing interest.

The first ep had so many cute moments in the flashbacks. I couldn't care less about the couple in the present time. Makes me yawn and I hit the fast-forward button without regrets.

Now I'm going to just finish the drama to find out the ending. At least Mimi and Changmin are pleasing to look at. :P
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Oct 22, 2013

Finally getting exciting again!

After too much of in-your-face romantic moments between the leads, this episode was a step up! The things shown in the latest episode didn't seemed forced and I think the story flowed more smoothly.

The drama continues to be slow but it is not boring anymore. The excitement I felt while I watched the first episode seems to be back now. The previous two episodes wavered my interest but all's well now.

Right now, my top favorite in this drama is Won Bin. I've never seen him act (or maybe I have since he seems familiar) and he has completely won me over!! I wish he was the main lead. Things would have been 10X more interesting. Haha *wishful thinking*.

I think the next episode will be interesting. Things seem to be in forward motion than remaining stagnant.

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Mar 30, 2013

Not sure how I feel about it

I have mixed feelings about this one. I find a couple of characters interesting but most of it seems predictable. I can't compare it to Season 1 because it seems so different. Maybe a couple of episodes more and then I will decide what to do with this drama.
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Dec 14, 2012

It's so good, but I am sad :(

I am loving it but my heart is also breaking. I happened to read the spoiler about who Nao ends up with in the end. He is soooo perfect. I don't like the Aruto guy.

However, this drama is relatable because I am a student of Engineering where girls are fewer in comparison to boys (not as few as in this drama though). I was laughing because they make us do the stuff (like welding) in reality which they showed in this episode. I love how realistic Japanese dramas are.

I will watch it till the end because there's going to be some good character development in the story. And- I am a big fan of Takei Emi. Great first episode!
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Nov 25, 2012

Great start!

I think this show has a great first episode. It met my expectations. I officially love Kimura Takuya. He showed his versatility in this episode itself.

I love Halu's character. He is proud, a little stuck-up and very sarcastic. Also- he struggles within his own self and cares deeply about the people he loves. I was surprised to see him cry after the coach died. And he went to Aki after the funeral! Haha.

I do like the romance part. It's clear something already sparked between the two. They have different personalities but actually are similar in some ways. I think they both have their problems and struggles with themselves. I'd like to know why Halu behaves the way he does. Past demons, perhaps?! There are questions that I have.

Other than that- the life of a sportsperson is depicted well. Their life is hard and I understand that. Though I have never been into hockey, I will try to develop some interest while watching this.

I look forward to the rest of it. :)

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Oct 7, 2012

Remains interesting!

It still keeps me interested. I am getting a good sense of the characters. Some of its events are quite cheesy and wow- there are two bad psychopaths in this show.

The way Ahmon and Qi Yue are falling for each other is almost funny. They don't seem to be thinking about the future. I really want more of their moments because they're so adorable. I don't want any guy or girl coming between them. I smell a lot of drama in the upcoming episodes. Can't wait to watch it unfold! Hope it succeeds in holding my interest.
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Sep 6, 2012

Interesting concept!

Changing of partners isn't unheard of in stories, but I am really curious to watch this drama unfold. Because there are so many people involved, it should be interesting to see and guess who ends up with who. The first episode was very funny. Also this is the first adult comedy drama that I am watching! It is a light watch and I hope all the episodes are equally good.
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Oct 22, 2013

Still funny!

The second episode just as funny as the first one. I loved it!! Though it is a bit slow at times, the rest of it is entertaining enough.

I was thinking of how the cast doesn't seem attractive as compared to the first season but viola! There three new handsome guys who were introduced in this episode. I love them all!!

It seems like Koreans have a talent with school dramas. I always enjoy their school dramas. Anyway, the fun part of the drama is figuring out 'Who is the husband?' just like the first one! I think it's kind of obvious after this episode but I'm still expecting to be surprised.

P.S. The 'kiss' scene was totally PG-13ish. I was laughing out loud while watching it. It was funny and kind of hot. Haha. I think everyone should watch that scene. It's not always we get such a scene in a Korean drama. ;)

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Oct 11, 2013

No plot development at all!

This episode is a huge let down compared to the first one. Sure, the first episode had its boring moments but the rest of the stuff was interesting. This episode felt like it was the same stuff all over again and there was nothing interesting.

The only thing I liked was probably that the decent amount of screen time the leads had together. Their moments are sweet but so far their acting hasn't pulled me in. I won't say the romance seems forced but it doesn't flow as freely as in the other Korean dramas. I am kind of feeling meh on the romantic front.

The secondary characters seem really poorly written so far. There are too many tangled plotlines and characters going back and forth and so far I have not really liked any of them yet except for Minhyuk's charater.

Of course, I'll keep watching till the end simply because I hope that it'll get better since it's too early on to say much. :)

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Dec 13, 2012

Getting too complicated

So the questions keep piling up but the answers are all a long shot. I think this is called being overdone. But how is it that I am still glued? The dull moments keep coming but never drive me to extreme boredom. BTW the cliffhangers this episode provided are great. Makes me question every character's motive.

And that father plot? That Uncle is bluffing. Where's the solid proof that Zai Tian is the Boss's son? WTFery. This is done for the drama- I am sure it will get cleared up later. I am sure.

This is the quality this show has. When it does something not great, it redeems itself the next scene by something dramatic (and unpredictable). Thank Goodness for the show not being predictable otherwise I would have given up on it a long time ago.

Despite the lame characterizations, I am enjoying it for the solid camera work and great direction. It definitely deserved the Golden Bell for that. It is one of the best directed dramas that I have watched till now even if the writing isn't top notch.

Actually- the writer paid more attention to keeping the plot interesting than concentrating on the characters or romance. I guess that's okay. As long as the cops do their work I am here.

I always say that some dramas are meant to be enjoyed without thinking- this is one of those. I am over-analyzing stuff and ruining my watching experience. Okay, I will stop thinking now and just watch. Hehe.

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Nov 4, 2012

Back on track!

After a somewhat disappointing episode, I liked the new developments in this one. Yi Lei's condition is deteriorating and he wants to suffer alone. It's not good that he has decided to fight his condition on his own than telling Mei Li about it. Mei Li's departure will give him the perfect opportunity to push her away "for her own good". This is a big cliche in every single drama or movie where an illness plot is incorporated. Thankfully, this manages to keep my attention alive because otherwise I find plots revolving around death or illness boring to watch.

Yi Lei's character has great depths. He is definitely my favourite character of all. While Mei Li's sister-pretension plot is guillable, it provides as a good plot device for some last moment twists and turns which maintains the level of interest in me.

Another great incident in this episode was Xuan Xuan's accidental attack! The writer managed to let her remain as pathetic and pitiful as ever. She is in fact a bad caricature of a villainesque female. I do hope they continue this particular sub-plot, because it provides for some black comedic relief.

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