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Mar 21, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
Since I've watch this drama on year 2021 and I have also watched a tons of action Korean dramas this past years, this drama didn't entertain me that much(?). This is just one of those typical action drama about revenge. And the female lead (Kim Na-Na) always get in trouble, it's annoying.

I'll give this drama a 4/10. I really didn't like it and this drama bores me so much I skipped a lot of scenes. Maybe if I watched this earlier I would like it. All of the actors and actresses.are good tho I just don't like the story that much.
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Aug 25, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
This is one of the most loved drama of the early 2010`s and is personally one of my favorites too. Not only because I loved the chemistry between Park Min-Young and Lee Minho who are dating in real life at that time but also for the action scenes and the thrill of what`s going to happen next. This drama mostly revolves on revenge and romance a little bit of infuriating scenes. It`s also kind of fast paced which is kind of good in my opinion. The actions scenes also does not disappoint. It really showcased how good Minho is on this type of drama.
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May 8, 2018
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
I started watching this drama with my doubts. When I saw the previews, I thought, "oh...another cop/revenge show with a good looking lead that they'll exploit just to get fan girls to watch."

But in the first episode, it showed that it would be the storyline that would be focused on more. And it is a good story. I wasn't sure how Lee Minho would do in this role, since it's quite a different character from what we'd expect. (Would it be just another lady killer prowling the night?) But--as each of the characters were introduced to us, we were shown different sides and watched as Yun Seong carried out the tasks in a way that he believed was right.

What I love most about this drama is that with this type of storyline, the acting and the actions taken by the characters could have all become a bit too over the top and take on the over-dramatic quality that so many Asian dramas have. But here, everything was just right. The characters showed that they could be calm, calculating and collected, but also passionate when the situation arose, which made them so much more believable. So for that, I have to say the writers did a great job for putting absolutely no annoying characters in this drama.

Nana is perhaps my favourite female character in a kdrama, for always maintaining what she believed in and being such a great support for Yun Seong. There was a good balance of entertainment from the side characters as well. I also really liked the prosecutor character, who is determined to catch the City Hunter, as this was what he believed to be the just way.

The ending, while some may wish it was more expanded on, I felt was appropriate for the drama. There were heartwarming moments, but also lots of action and the viewer is always drawn in to cheer for the City Hunter whenever he succeeded. There is a hint of romance, but it doesn't overshadow the main action of the story.

I would definitely recommend this, as it was a nice break from all the cheesy, romantic, or overdramatic dramas out there.

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Feb 4, 2015
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers
For starters I watched this drama because of who else but Lee Min Ho. It was still one of the first dramas I watched and I wanted to see Lee Min Ho in everything I could. Before watching this one I had seen Min Ho in BOF, Faith and Heirs so I had already had a taste of him in an action role and of course in a love role, what was most impressive and intriguing about this drama was that my love for it is not based on Min Ho's acting. While I think he did a great job I was really impressed by the story line, plot and suspense in this drama. I liked all the action scenes and I think the entire production team and Min Ho did a great job at pulling it off.

The first couple of episodes were a little weird in setting up the back story, but once Lee Yoon Sung (Min Ho's character) starts to really get into the whole revenge plot it becomes really interesting and exciting. Of course Lee Joon-Hyuk also deserves major credit in his role- that is all I can say without putting in spoilers :)

Overall this drama makes your heart race, your blood pump through your veins. You want to slap some characters and save others and it kept me enthralled till the end.

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Aug 18, 2015
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
I don't know what to begin with, I have so many mixed feelings on this drama. I was interested in this drama basically because it's a revenge story -which I really like-. Watching this drama I realized it wasn't just revenge, it was war.

The script... Um, it was good. Well written. I didn't really focus much on it, but nothing bugged me about the script and gladly, I don't think there's a good scene that was ruined. So I can say I'm happy with the script.

The acting was great. Specially Kim Sang Joong who played Lee Jin Pyo, he was so awesome and gave me the chills with his acting. His character was the most complicating character I've ever seen. A lot of people here were just fabulous with the acting and some were meh. But generally it was great.

I didn't hate the main female character, and I'm very pleased with that. Usually the girl is annoying and pisses me off. So I'm very satisfied. And I liked the chemistry. Lee Min Ho deserves at least one good chemistry in his dramas, and Park Min Young was a good choice.

I liked a couple of songs in this drama. I didn't 'love' them, I'd say I enjoyed them. But the background music was oh my god amazing. I absolutely loved particular sounds that come on action scenes, it's an instrumental piece called "Sad Run". It excited me so much. The sound tracks in this drama are so awesome. I think I'll download every instrumental piece.

This was a great drama. It totally had played with my emotions. There were times were I was really pissed off. and times were I laughed like crazy. and times I was on edge and times I was excited. and times my eyes were teary. And I would even sometime shout at my screen. I like a drama where I'm not numb while watching it.
I wish it had more episodes because I really enjoyed it. More bad guys to bring down and more action scenes! I have to say the action scenes were pure awesomeness. They were the heart of this drama.

I think this drama deserves a re-watch. And I recommend it to anyone.

So goodbye, don't cry, and.. smile! :)) (a song from the drama~)

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May 20, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.5
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Lee Min Ho fans just go for it. Others who want to watch it for story should think again.

Lee Min Ho was the only reason why I'm watching a 2011 drama in 2020.
Lets get a little critical about this.
1. Lee Min Ho
The first episode made me fall in love with Poo Chai. Awwwww how cute. The way he was curious about things, was an emotional guy, how much he loved people around him was something I really loved. But then as the drama moved on, this nature of his was desolving some where amidst his revenge. Lee Yoon Sung grows up to be the perfect bad boy we people love. How he used girls to reach his goals was somewhat not too good.
2. Park Min Young
She is that one cute vulnerable character who is supposed to cry many times. Why should she cry? Being such a strong person on outside, she is still very gulliable. When she was hurt by Kim Young Joo was and still she moved on without pondering over what to do showed that she has finally matured.
3. Lee Joon Hyuk
Mr prosecutor is that one person you like so much but you hate them a lot too. Why does he have to be after LYS even after knowing that he is doing such a good job? I totally loved how he is that one hard working person who is never going to back off from his duties.

Well , a lot about the main characters. Lets get into the story now. The story started off on a good note and how the first person was caught all nicely and quickly. But then this father- son war was sparkled through this.
Ajussi was really lovable due to his habit of home shopping.
Actions scenes were top class and how LYS disguised himself according to the situations was also amazing.

I'm still trying to figure out why he was named city hunter and who exactly named him. Since this name was given only after catching the 1st person, it makes no sense to call him a "Hunter".

Kim Young Joo ( the prosecutor), did not deserve the heroine and actually did not get her. Ahh!! Something very logical. He was way tooo much intrested in the "Sweep Mission" and his curiousity was illogical as he had litreally no connection with it.

The vet doctor was being way too concerned and motherishh by not reporting city hunter. Being a civilian, you should do it. She didn't! Irresponsible person.

I did not kind of enjoy the end because it was too sudden to let LYS die and then cone back at the end without any scenes showing what happened and how he was saved.
How was his mother treated if he was missing for some period of time?
The director might have added an episode or may have cut unnecessary scenes from initial episodes and should have elaborated how our hero was saved and still not end up behind the bars after all these people knowing his identity.
Also, they did not mention what happened to the president.

What was all this about LYS saving the president just because he is his father. Except for the genes, they have no other reason to be connected to each other. What is with all this about father- son love vetween two people who havent met for 30 years!!

Overall, a good drama with nice action and everything but the plot in the last 2 episode just spoiled the whole drama. Had it not been the ending episodes, I might have stopped watching the drama. Lee Min Ho fans, must watch. You're gonna fall for him again.

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bhumka sharma
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Dec 27, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
I completed city hunter yesterday and i found it really worth watching. The only thing i was not satisfied with was its ending as i was expecting a bit more... but overall it was a trio pack of romance, comedy and action. The supporting castes were also very well framed.. Love part in it was again typical Min ho types which i love to watch. chemistry between the two were also very well shown..
A bit different than other series of Lee Min Ho...
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Sep 29, 2017
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 5.0
Ah, those were the day of my fangirling of Lee Min Ho! Those days are so over. I wouldn't say that Lee Min Ho is not a good actor because truth to be told he is, but I just find something on him that makes you start him slowly like less. Maybe because he is choosing similar roles. But I think that the real reason is, for me particularly, the extension of your/mine knowledge of drama world. There are better and hotter actors, therefore I'd say the, otherwise lovely Lee Min Ho, is just slightly overrated and this drama is an example of that. It was okay, the story is okay (although it is dying for the wow effect). I don't see any special chemistry between Min Ho and Park Min Young, who btw is one of my favorite Korean actresses. The ending is truly lame and the drama is kind of forgettable. This drama is very similar to drama titled Healer (with Park Min Young also in the main actress role), but City Hunter is not half as good as Healer is.  I truly think this was rushed and starstruck by Lee Min Ho. I'd say watch it. Watch it yes, but watch it BEFORE you watch healer. You'll save yourself from a big disappointment and you'll be satisfied with the decision after watching healer. I made the mistake of watching Healer first and loving it, since City Hunter is almost the same I was left unfulfilled after finishing this drama. First came Lee Min Ho with City Hunter and left me unhappy, but thank you lord Sauron you sent us Ji Chang Wook and gave us one of the best dramas ever.

Saruman is okay with this one, but would rather watch Healer and sexy Ji Chang Wook.

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Nov 18, 2017
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
City Hunter is my second drama. This drama solidified my position as a drama addict.

I  love almost everything about this drama. I loved Lee Min Ho in this. He  looked quite better than his BOF Days. I also like the chemistry  between Min Ho and Park Young Min. This series used the Batman trope,  which is one of my favorite tropes in drama world. A guy who is  nerd/arrogant in front but actually kicks ass behind? Me likey. Kim Na  Na is again not the damsel in distress but actually bad-ass. I think Na  Na is one of my favorite drama heroines. She will be vulnerable, but  when the time comes, she will do whatever it takes to help you.

The  character of Jin Pyo as Lee Min Ho's adoptee father was a strong one.  He was a grey character who thought what he did was right yet his  revenge went too far. Even the Prosecutor Kim Young-Joo's character was a  good one.

The song "Suddenly" is really good. "Cupid" is another  bubble gum pop that sticks. The screenplay dragged the last half of the  drama. The last half dragged so much that the last episode seemed to   be rushed. Because of this, I felt we a had shitty finale not really  closing all the threads and giving an unsatisfactory ending. But even  then I loved this series very much.

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Feb 12, 2015
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
SUPERB music score. I have to admit I only watched this because Lee Min Ho looks so good being a badass. There were some makjang plot points but the story was so well-driven that it can be overlooked. Great acting by Lee Min Ho. I watched this as it aired and two things that are memorable to me are: Lee Min Ho's acting and the great music score. Don't watch if you can't take intense plot lines because it can be pretty heavy.
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Mar 19, 2012
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Ok, Lee Min Ho, I could stop here, but!! This was a great drama: action, romance, hotness, revenge, revenge, revenge. This made the drama great.

The plot thickens, trying to find out the guilty party, surprise also when it was revealed who was the father.

Lee Min Ho was great, no outstanding in this role. Loved the kiss scene also, not fake like so many other k/dramas. Already re-watched and definately worth watching again.
Really this is worth more than a 10.
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Aug 17, 2011
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
One word: AMAZING! Lee Min Ho as always gave a great performance, but in this drama he was EXCEPTIONAL.The fighting scenes with MinHo left me breathless(so sexy) ^_^. The story is filled with revenge and intrigue which will leave you wanting to see the next episode right away. The cast was amazing and the plot is great. It is a must watch. I have to admit that the ending left me a little dissapointed. I wanted to see every relationship develop a little bit more before it ended, but overall I loved it and recommend it 200%!
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City Hunter (2011) poster



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