Ps. I dont like tossara and dropped it at ep 1 hehe sorry
"Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion, it is not the desire to mate every second minute of the day, it is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every cranny of your body. No, don’t blush, I am telling you some truths. That is just being “in love”, which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident."
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Love Mechanics:People who have read the novel knows how the story of Mark and Vee started. For those who haven’t, they might be turned off by romanticizing assault in this series. However, if you can go beyond that aspect, you’ll appreciate this series in it’s entirety.
Story: This TV adaptation highlights the best parts of the novel and soften the tone thus making that delicate aspect of the novel appears to be consensual rather than demeaning.
Acting/Cast: Both leads has good visuals and great chemistry to boot. This series is better acted than it’s predecessor TOSSARA. You will root for their characters to end up together. War (Mark) nuances and facial expression were good. This time I wasn’t cringing watching the series.
Music: Some may not like the musical scoring however, as for me, it captures that feeling and mood.
I usually watch the previous episode prior to watching the new episode to have that feeling of continuity. I am glad that they made Vee’s character different than the novel. I just hope that they have extended this to about 6-8 episodes instead of just 4 by including Vee’s family and Mark’s mom rather than making the series revolves around their friends and exes.
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Best they could have made out of the story in such a short time
This one started out a solid eight. Compared to Tossara it was a lot better, had a lot less holes and for me did a better job at keeping my attention. Then there was this one moment were it shot up to an 8.5 and by the end I would have given it a 9.Let’s start off with the actors. I honestly have to say the actors portrayal of their roles honestly made this Drama for me. They were alright for the first half of the Drama, but by the second half they both had me 100% convinced of their every move and expression. Big kudos to those two, honestly.
Now story wise: I am not and will never be a big fan of love stories where the conflict ist based off of one person having a Partner. While it is not really the cheating part that bothers me, it is more the „acting sad because said partner does something, while you are doing the same or something much worse at the same time“. Once you betray your partner you have lost the right to be sad. You break up with them or you apologise, stop what you were doing to hurt them and hope they forgive you.
I think because this is one of these story lines I was a bit resistant at first. However in my opinion this Series dealt with this conflict one of the best ways possible. I don’t know how else you could have dealt with such a story line to make me still really ship the main couple until the end, especially in such a short period of time.
The one thing that I have mentioned in my review of Tossara that I will mention here again is the problem of conveying the feeling of time passing to the viewer. While I think this one fits together a lot better, doesn’t have that many radical developments over (for us) a short period of time and gives us at least some clues, it was still extremely hard to make out how much time was actually passing.
I would definitely recommend to give this one a go. It was short, interesting and beautiful.
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The best one in the En of Love series
StoryThe story though the timeline is very messed up it is still pretty good. The story especially makes a lot more sense once you read the story on Wattpad. If they added like "one month later" or something like that it would have been a lot easier to understand.
I think that Vee and Mark's actors were amazing!! Though I think that Mark's could have had a little finesse. I hope to see them in another show. Their chemistry is there but not like "WOW THAT WAS AMAZING CHEMISTRY!!!".
Like most of the En of Love series I just don't think that their music was that memorable. It was there but it wasn't like I hear it and think of the plot or characters.
Really shows how trust really affects a relationship. Very good and recommend. The best one in the En of Love series I think.
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Must watch and i heard that this series will have extended version
I like. I don't why but it hurt my heart sooo much while the conflict begin. It starts good i don't have any complain. But because of just 4 eps i think it makes me angry. But when i heard that this series love mechanic will have extended version. I will watch thissssss till the end. I hope that the extended version not ruin my imagination. War is so good at acting poker face makes me into his acting. And yin acting is good but i still not get the wow acting from him but it still good 😍😍😍 you have to watch it cus i have watch it many times wkkwkwwkwkwWas this review helpful to you?

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vee sucks
disclaimer : i love yin so much but i hate vee. ok first, i salute the production team for this one. it was short yet they made it good. i even love it more than tossara. and as i said i hate vee. i hate vee to the bones. i don't like how his character was, he was an asshole indeed that it made me want for him to not be together with mark. vee literally sucks in all matter but what i hate about it the most it that part when he kissed his ex girlfriend. wtf? who would kiss his ex? considering he's been with mark. even if ploy asked for it, who in the world would kiss his ex when he already has someone?! vee must be out of his mind. and when he got the chance to talk and explain to mark, no sorry has even come out of his mouth. vee wasn't healthy for mark. he was the one who always suffer when vee's being an asshole (which is all the same). i'm never getting over how frustrated i am for his character. moving on to mark, war (the actor who played mark) di really well. tbh it was his acting that made the series better. he doesn't have to talk, only his eyes are enough and i love him for that. he delivered the pain and all of the emotion so well, i really salute him for that. anyway the story line is what confused me the most. it's understandable bc it's only 4 eps but it could be better if they put something like 3 months later when the time line changed from the previous episode. nevertheless, love mechanics is the only one who stand out among all, for me.Was this review helpful to you?

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there are many parts from the novel that weren't included in the series. I think Vee's character is more better in the series. Since this is a short series wherein they pushed 30+ chapters into 4 episodes, there are parts that are not shown. I am actually amazed on how the actors portrayed their characters especially Yin and War. When you look at War, you could see the emotions overflowing. Yin is so good for a first timer too, I could see the emotions from their eyes. I really love their chemistry too. It felt like they were real. they are so into it. The soundtrack comes in a right timing and scene in the series, but it's too sad. I really love Yihwa's and James' character here too, they know Vee is wrong so they did not side with him.I've read some reviews about this saying it's all about toxicity and they said the story is bad too, well we have different views/opinions on things.
there are things I would like to say.
1. Vee
- many people are mad at Vee because of what he did to Mark. There are times when we are confused of our feelings. We want them to stay even though you are not clear. We keep being jealous of them because we want them for ourselves. Vee finds comfort from Mark, a feeling where he wants to stay but he is still confused because he has a girlfriend that time, he never felt something for a boy before that.
If we are confused of our feelings, we should not lead other people on. We must be clear before saying things that would make them fall for you more. It is also hard for Vee's part, he had to make decisions he had never done before. he needs to be clear.
Also Vee and Ploy's relationship is not that good anymore. Yes, they still love each other but I guess that's the only thing that's left. They both have "someone" who they found comfort with. but Vee is still a btchass but I kinda understand him though.
2. Mark
-Poor Mark, he fell hard for Vee. It is hard to stop yourself from feeling something. He waited for Vee for a long time. The worst feeling of all is being hurt. You keep asking yourself what you did wrong, why is it like that? You will keep overthinking about it. well love hurts doesn't it? I really felt pain for what Mark has been through.
I think the story facing is just too fast that Mark forgave Vee that easily.
Well I think this series is like from reality that happens around with relationships.
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People are better to skip Tossara and go straight to this one. Looking foward to the last of the trio.
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This series is drama. If you want a love comedy kind of materials to watch, this series might not suit you. With only 3.5 episodes, I think the studio did a good job of delivering the story. There are several good things from this series. First, I like the acting from War (Mark). His expression through eyes is really good. He definitely has a future in the industry. Yin (Vee) actually did a pretty good job given that this is his first series. I like his crying scene. I really feel bad for him. Their chemistry is good. (this couple is way better than Tossara. I dropped out from Tossara since ep1. Just can't finish it.)
Second, I think this series is beautifully shot. I like the colors they used in several shots. The one I like the most is the ending. The ending scene of this series is so memorable. I love it!
Third, OST of this series definitely represents Mark's feeling of their love story. Sad but beautiful.
I think the worst part of this series is that it's too short. They should add more content to make the timeline less confusing. The show would have been better if the writer were to add more content about how long Mark and Vee have been in their relationship before Vee actually cut ties with his ex. This would have made the audience more understanding of why both Mark and Vee was hurt, once Mark was gone when he saw VeePloy last kiss.
Some people complain about sexual assault. I mean in the novel, it is sexual assault but in the series, it's not. The story from the novel is quite sad. Their love story is sadder than what the series is shown but it's realistic. Love can't just be sweet all the time. Their love story is just another love story that starts with sad. Their love story is complex. This couple has to fight to get the love they have at the end. I think it's realistic. Overall, I think it's definitely worth watching. I really enjoy the series. Acting on point!
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i usually doesnt watch someting twice even if i really love the series or movie, but this one i can easly rewatch it and recomend it not only to the People who love to watch bl stuffs, but for everyone. The actors did good job, even if for some of them it was their first project or series.
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