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most comforting and nostalgic drama that beautifully captures the essence of youth
this is genuinely one of the best coming of age shows i've ever watched and can always bring me to tears just thinking about these characters and their beautiful friendships and journey through life together. the cinematography complements this mood so well and will be rewatching. very nostalgic if you know what i mean and i aspire to have this kind of friendship and relationship. love how they explored all of the main characters' storylines and romances (not guan fang tho lol hes single for life haha) and i felt connected with them in every way possible. im shocked they managed to pack so much in in 24 episodes without making it feel too rushed. their relationship development and character growths were done so well and had me kicking my feet and giggling countless times as well as taking a lap around the room in second hand embarrassment. such a heartwarming show i can always turn towards, highly recommend!!Was this review helpful to you?

A fun, wholesome and beautiful drama
If you are looking for something wholesome and laid back to watch then this is THE drama for you.It's very rare for me to fall in love with a drama this much....the story, the characters, the setting, the music - literally everything is perfect.....you might think I'm exaggerating a bit and maybe I am but this sure deserves it.....
While I fly towards you might not have the fast paced plot or the twists and turns or the thrill that all the other dramas have but it sure will stay with you forever.......this is the kind of story I can see myself watching over and over and never getting bored of.
The drama is soooo well written, well portrayed, well executed, it's hard to find a single flaw.
While I fly towards is a slow burn romance and I seriously just could NOT stop smiling at all those cute scenes between the leads and literally every other scene....
Along with the eye pleasing romance, the friendships are something to talk of..... the friendship between the characters is soooo strong and it's just soo heartwarming to watch them together..... also the relationship every character has with their families or teachers is just soo beautiful.....
It just feels like the whole drama is soo thought about and very well revised that there is literally nothing wrong with it...
I could go on and on praising this beautifully wholesome drama which hits you in all the right places but I'll just end it here saying that you guys need to watch this. ASAP.
EDIT: Even though I absolutely loved this drama, after completing it.... I have come to realize that this is a very idealistic plot and honestly very plain and simple....One could say that these are the charms of this drama......something to be watched in order to destress and smile....
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A love letter dedicated to youth
Ah!... I love romance, I love seeing people falling in love. I loved the couples in this drama. But I gotta say, my most favorite thing here was the group. I loved everything in this drama but I simply ADORED their friendship. I wish I had friends like that in my teen years. Damn I wish I had friends like them today!This drama made me feel so much nostalgia for my school days. But also, it made me feel sad for not having that for myself. A lot of moments I kinda felt were bittersweet because of that. But I think that's good cuz it's meaningful in a way. Actually this drama can be very deep sometimes. Like in the end of ep 10, all of what Zaizai says about grandmas, but especially the part when she says that she misses her grandma but doesn't dare say it to her father cuz he certainly misses his mom too. It was so beautiful! I almost cried. Other moments and quotes I liked are:
- In ep 19 when Gu Ran wrote a letter to Jiang Jia and he says "all life encounters are reencounters after a long time apart" it resonated to me and I felt it;
- At the end of ep 9, Zaizai says "every existence is meaningful to someone" and that everyone is somehow special for somebody;
- In ep 18, the conversation between Guan Fang and his grandma after her surgery. It made me really feel how time passes and one day we'll have to be the ones taking care of our parents.
Second couple is really cute. I liked them just as much as the main couple. Unfortunately they only get together in the penultimate ep so they had practically no screen time together doing couple things. It was sad bc they had a lot of potential and I really liked them.
ML's parents were the worst, I hated them. The way they treated his younger brother Luli better than Lurang and always put all the blame for anything bad related to Luli on Lurang infuriated me. It was so sad seeing Lurang distancing himself from Luli due to that and Luli sad for not being able to have a brother relationship with him. I just wished that when Lurang become an adult he stopped talking to his parents bc they don't deserve him. Fortunately, they resolved their issues and now they can be brothers for real, regardless of what their parents do to Lurang. And the drama kinda forgets all this plot after the brothers reconcile so we don't know if Lurang still goes through this after graduating.
I missed them as a group in the final eps. They chose to focus on the main couple after graduating from school and the side characters were left aside a little. They could've showed more of the leads's friends after graduating. What they were working or anything in specific. Although I loved them as group in school (and I loved it all for real, the best part of everything) they spent too much time working on their time at school that when they became adults it all felt rushed. The drama lost a little of what made it so special. But it was good regardless of that. It was well-rounded and complete the way it was.
OSTs for this drama were really good. Besides there being many, they really set the tone and energy for each scene. I loved their vibes. And the visuals on the overall are stunning. The opening is so sweet with videos of the group filmed with a recorder. It's all so nostalgic it put me in the right vibe for the eps.
So that was it. I super reccomend this drama if you like slice-of-life youth dramas. It had the perfect amount of romance, friendship, a little bit of found family and healing. What I want to say is that I felt so moved watching this. It was a love letter dedicated to the youth.
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The cutest drama I ever watch
this drama give me really fan and also the importance of friendship, the story line of drama is really amazing and unique there's a lot of inspiration words that they give you the first I notice is the importance of friendship no matter what your status is the important is your stronger band of friendship then I notice the being student is not easy I recall my highschool years because of this drama and also the both artists have innocent and cute chemistry for each other. the best recommend chinese drama is very worth it to watch.Was this review helpful to you?
i rewatch it 4 time already, and didn’t plan to stop
it’s literally the best cdrama for me until now, its healing, give vibes that i just cant find in other dramas. all characters really balanced out each other and it’s just sooo 🤌 PLUS, THE OST!! YESS ITS REALLY GOOD making me miss the drama every time i listen to it😭not only the main characters were cute and have a very good chemistry 🧪so did the support roles, they have their own story and it’s were almost as good as the main characters. it’s best to watch if you’re planning to set your standards up to cloud🤣 or need motivation in your school life, exams, etc. ♾️/10Was this review helpful to you?

If you want a fluffy, heartwarming and relaxing watch!
I´m not over exaggerating when I say that I was never this happy and bubbly while watching a drama as I was when watching this one.I literally CONSUMED every episode and I never got bored while watching. All of the actors did an amazing job at portraying their characters and the chemistry was just amazing!
I´ve never watched such an excellent youth drama. I was in awe with how good and wholesome the friendship was portrayed between the main characters. The relationship between the main and second couple where also very cute and heartwarming where you just have to pause to scream and giggle into your pillow because you can´t handle the cuteness.
Even though this was a typical high school youth drama like many others, never did WIFTY feel boring or too cliche.
This was a very refreshing watch and it will forever have a warm place in my heart.
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Great drama!!!
I really enjoyed this drama! I saw clips of it on TikTok and had to check it out, plus i was watching another drama at the same time with the same FL. My favorite part about this drama was not even the romance, it was the friend group (ESPECIALLY GU RAN). I really enjoy simple dramas with a good storyline and characters! Also i'm so happy they didn't kill off the grandma because I really enjoyed her character! The only thing that made me mad in this drama was RangRang's mother, smh - I dont know what is up with Chinese dramas and giving the male leads terrible moms. I wanted to come through the screen a couple of times , and I didn't like how we didn't really get a resolve with it , it got swept under the rug :(10/10 would recommend!
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Pleasant series, but “nothing new under the sun”
Growing-up and puppy romance series, which begins in high school and continues into adulthood. The ML, a brilliant but lonely student with poor self-esteem (perpetual comparison with his more brilliant brother), arrives at a new high school and meets a warm and cheerful high school girl (the FL), whose unconditional love will soon bring him out, barely out of its shell.PROS:
+ Excellent ML (Zhou YiRan)
+ All the characters are nice (a little too much "cinnamon rolls") (゚ペ)?
+ simple story, without villain or break-up
- very very childish FL character, and the actress has a annoying voice.
- plot so classic that it is worn out.
=> Nice for a rainy weekend, but I don't think I'll rewatch it. ヾ( ̄o ̄;) NO、、、
Série Grow-up et puppy romance, qui commence au lycée et se poursuit jusqu'à l'âge adulte. Le ML, élève brillant mais solitaire et avec une mauvaise estime de soi (comparaison perpétuelle avec son frère plus brillant), arrive dans un nouveau lycée et rencontre une lycéenne (la FL) chaleureuse et enjouée, dont l'amour inconditionnel va le sortir peu à peu de sa coquille.
+ TB ML (Zhou YiRan)
+ Tous les personnages sont sympas (un peu "bizounours")
+ story simple, sans villain ni break-up
- personnage de la FL très très puéril, et voix agaçante.
- plot tellement classique qu'il est usé.
=> Série agréable, mais "rien de nouveau sous le soleil" ヾ( ̄o ̄;) NO、、、
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Rang Rang, | love you!?????
meu deus, eu amo muito assistir Cdrama! esse dorama para mim combinou "friends" to lovers TÃO BOM, você percebe eles se apaixonando e que bonito. apesar da maioria dos chamas ter essa meio que fofice em protagonistas, esse deu para suporta bem, além de ter partes que ela se impõe bem!amei acompanhar e perceber o tempo passar desde que eles se conheceram aos 14 anos e começa a namorar aos 16/17/18 anos , que LINDO !!!
agora já na faculdade... que perfeição!
amei também o desenvolvimento do casal secundário de amigos, já nos 45' do segundo tempo , muito bom!
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Both ML are green flags and along with the secondary characters/best friends carry the series. ML’s character is better than the FL as is his acting.
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If you're looking for messy drama, this isn't your cup of tea!!
From the start this was a heart warming show that had me giggling under my sheets, skipping the outro just so I could see more of Su Zaizai and Zhang Lurang.The story follows Su ZaiZai, a true definition of a sunshine girl, who meets a handsome mysterious boy at a nearby convenience store in the rain. She immediately has her eye on him but guess what? she gets his name wrong.
She comedically mistakes him for his best friend Gu Ran and you can guess what happens from there.
I especially love how this show was able to showcase all of the lovely relationships and how real and true it was. Gu Ran and Jiang Jia were absolute end game and I love how there story was written. they were the true definition of enemies to friends to lovers. there was a true growth in their relationship that most people don't showcase when they write.
Also the cuteness overload is intense, so prepare to have aching cheeks by the time you're done. i hope you guys enjoy like light, heartwarming drama as much as I did❤️
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