68 people found this review helpful
Jun 24, 2023
Completed 4
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

One of my favourite movies of 2023!

I usually don't write reviews, but for this one, I couldn't resist!

I went to watch this at the Japanese film festival in Toronto a couple of weeks ago, and I was very pleasantly surprised! As a fan of Snow Man and Meguro Ren, my expectations were honestly pretty high. Because of this, I was preparing myself to be a bit let down, but somehow, he's done it again!


As soon as the movie was announced, I immediately went to read the manga. Seeing as the manga isn't completed yet, the movie did a great job with pacing and making sure the ending was both satisfying, yet ambiguous. They had to cut out a couple of details, such as Kaya's husband having feelings for Miyo and vice versa, but it didn't really hinder the story much, so I don't really mind it.

Throughout the movie, Kiyoka and Miyo have some really cute moments with each other, with patient Kiyoka slowly encouraging Miyo to come out of her shell, and Miyo learning to express herself. One of the best scenes in the movie is when Miyo was kidnapped and being tortured to give up Kiyoka; refusing to do so, and Kiyoka literally BURNING DOWN THE ENTIRE ESTATE TO FIND HER. It really shows how much their relationship developed. And although there wasn't a dramatic "I love you" confession scene, or a kiss, this is one of the rare times that I thought it wasn't necessary. While you could tell that the main genre wasn't romance, the movie did a good job balancing it with the action and historical elements.

If I had to have one "complaint", I would have enjoyed this as a drama! There is so much lore and questions left unanswered that a 12-16 episode drama would definitely have me hooked.


Since fantasy was a first for Meme, I was curious as to how he'd do. The result? Honestly, pretty good! He seemed to have completely immersed himself in the role, and he managed to play the cold but secretly warm-hearted Kiyoka pretty well! Seeing that the manga version of Kiyoka had more delicate and soft features, I was worried that the movie version would not provide that big of a "gap moe". Again, I was thankfully proven very wrong.

I was familiar with Imada Mio from Hana Nochi Hare, but that's about it. She definitely had a BIG transformation in both character and style from that drama to this, and it definitely shows her range as an actress. She looked really cute in the traditional clothing, and I found myself really believing she was Miyo, rather than an actress playing her.

MUSIC: (may be biased)

Having listened to Tapestry by Snow Man beforehand, I thought it was a great match for the overall "feel" of the movie. Unfortunately, it only played at the very end of the movie, but I was still very excited to hear Snow Man playing at an actual theatre in Canada for the first time. The other soundtracks for the movie were all fine for me; no complaints here.


Yes. Just a yes. If a sequel does come out, you'll definitely catch me watching this again in preparation for it. Here's to hoping more Japanese films play internationally!

OVERALL: 9.8/10

TL;DR: Whether you know of Imada Mio and/or Meguro Ren or not, I whole-heartedly recommend you check this out. You won't regret it.

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Dylan Rodrigues
32 people found this review helpful
Jun 10, 2023
Completed 3
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0


THIS MOVIE WAS AMAZING!! I came for Imada Mio, Meme, and some fluffy romance tropes, and I walked away happy.

now look, the plot was extremely fast paced and rushed, which makes sense since they had to compress so much manga and light novels into one film. the lore and worldbuilding was all given over voiceover and I absorbed *none* of it. I had no idea what was going on in terms of the magic system wise throughout the movie but it didn't matter because....

I came for the romance and the romance delivered. Imada Mio and Meme were just so cute together, their chemistry was decent too. my fav trope is a couple healing each other and I was 100% left satisfied on that score. yeah, the FL cries and whimpers a lot and can be a damsel in distress but it makes sense bc of her awful childhood. it was heartwarming watching the ML build up her confidence and strength thru sheer kindness. and it was so touching to see her melt his heart. another fav trope - seemingly badass general is actually a shy, awkward softboi? check ✅. and Miyo turns out to be badass and not defenceless and worthless like everyone told her before her marriage... but I won't spoil it.

I loved seeing other actors I stan in this:
- Tao (she served so hard I didn't even mind all the flashbacks scenes with the admittedly gorgeous kimono)
- the Kanokari ML. no, idk his name. yes I appreciate him. yes we exist.
- the ML from Neko.
- my new crush, Takaishi Akari from JK to Haijin. even tho the latter was so evil in this. nice acting tho.

my only complaint would be that this movie needed more time with the couple instead of the fantasy/action elements. bc, let me be honest, I didn't come for that and neither I did the rest of audience I think.

otherwise I really loved this movie. as a romance movie, it was a solid 10/10, but I wish that was all it was. shoutout to the sound effects, visuals and gorgeous cinematography as well.

so, overall, i'd say this is a solid 8.7/10. def lived up to the hype.

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10 people found this review helpful
Oct 11, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

A Faithful Live-Action Adaptation of Anime Magic

In the depths of "As Long As We Both Shall Live," we're beckoned into the heart-wrenching life of Saimori Miyo. She's a girl born from the chilly, loveless grip of an arranged marriage, and her existence takes a cruel twist after her mother's passing. Her father's mistress and her daughter, Kaya, step into the scene, relegating Miyo to a life of servitude. In her family's eyes, she's the daughter with no merit, bereft of the psychic abilities that bless her stepsister.

Miyo's journey is one of pain, a painful marriage born from a painful upbringing. Her betrothal to Kudo Kiyoka, a military captain known for his rumored cruelty, seems like a sentence to torment. But here, expectations take a drastic turn. Miyo's new husband defies the grim rumors, revealing a heart brimming with kindness. What follows is a marriage drenched in joy and eternal bliss, defying the dire predictions.

"In As Long As We Both Shall Live," I discovered a transcendent live-action adaptation of the anime world that resides so deeply in my heart. It's a meticulous mirror, near perfectly reflecting the source material. As I ventured into this cinematic realm, it felt uncannily familiar. Lines and scenes from the anime echoed in my memory, etched as if with indelible ink.

The movie's pacing is an art form in itself. The anime's early episodes delve deeply into Miyo's life, her struggles, and her lack of psychic gifts. It carefully constructs her world and the emotional maelstrom that surrounds her, revealing supernatural aspects later on, around the fifth or sixth episode. The movie, however, unveils these wonders from the start, a clever dance that balances Miyo's quiet existence and her inner demons with the revelation of a gifted world.

Music is the movie's beating heart. It weaves seamlessly with pivotal action scenes, enhancing their emotional impact, and eases into gentle melodies during the blossoming romance between Saimori Miyo and Kudo Kiyoka. The score is more than a soundtrack; it's a guiding force, leading us into the depths of their evolving relationship.

The movie is a symphony of masterfully filmed scenes, each a visual masterpiece, leaving you entranced by their sheer beauty. Attention to detail is awe-inspiring, capturing the anime's essence and translating it into breathtaking cinematic art.

From the very first frame, the movie bewitches your senses. It's a mesmerizing dance of music and visuals, drawing you into its tender embrace. The scenes are meticulously chosen and sequenced, submerging you into the narrative's profound depths.

The storytelling in "As Long As We Both Shall Live" is a precision symphony. Action sequences, woven seamlessly into the gradual growth of a profound connection, add layers of depth to the characters. I'd love to delve into more detail, but spoilers are best left avoided.

The live-action adaptation leaves no room for doubt. The cast is impeccably chosen, embodying their characters to the core. The film's dedication to the anime is visible in every frame, transforming it into a cinematic journey that feels like a masterful recreation, in the best possible way.

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8 people found this review helpful
Jun 12, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5
This review may contain spoilers

Well-produced, Romance-Fantasy Film Delight led by Meguro Ren and Imada Mio!

I had the opportunity to watch this recently at a Japanese film festival, and there's one thing I need to say about this film - do not miss it! Meguro Ren and Imada Mio have a delightful chemistry in this beautifully-shot retelling of the story.

Having read the manga and anticipating the anime, I had low expectations for the live action film adaptation, despite my high anticipation for Meguro. Usually, manga-based films attempt to cram as many plot points and scenes in, or cut out a lot from the original subject material - it's less about the way the story is told, and more about hitting the plot points in the end with one-dimensional storytelling. However, I was delightfully surprised at how this was adapted for film!

The cringiness or "over the top" acting that usually accompanies some of these manga-to-movie productions was nowhere to be seen, and the cinematography was quite unconventional. It was quite beautifully shot and edited - from the scenery and interior design to the outfitting details (i.e. Kiyoka's uniform and the kimono, etc.). Narrations were brought to life by Tsuda Kenjiro himself.

Meme and Imada Mio's acting were both delights to see. I haven't watched Imada Mio in a role since Hana Nochi Hare, and she completely shed her "spoiled girl" character to meld herself into the character of Miyo. I didn't even recognize her! The way she was styled for the film suited the original character completely. Both leads' acting was very detailed, helping to further immerse the viewer in. From shyly glancing back and forth at each other for a beat too long to sharing secret smiles, the chemistry left you wanting more.

As a fan, I was surprised by Meme's seriousness in this role. Despite the coolheaded demeanor of Kiyoka, I enjoyed how he interpreted the role, adding in some sheepish sides to the character. His charisma really made the character stand out. Imada Mio's acting made me completely relate to and feel for her character, and it was heartwarming to see her slowly try to stand her ground and want Kiyoka by her side. Sometimes it did feel like she was very "damsel-in-distress," but I think it was more due to her lack of self-confidence.

Some fighting scenes did look a lot like the same moves were being used and it was a little awkward at times, but I understand that the fighting choreo was not the main point of the movie. The acting for minor characters were pretty standard - Ryusei was quite good in his role as well! The other characters weren't focused on as much as the leads, so they were pretty one-dimensional (i.e. bad guy is bad for the sake of being bad).

*spoiler warning*
The fire scene had me fangirling. (iykyk!)

Overall pacing was really well done considering how much they had to cram into a film. Compared to how other manga-to-film movies have been adapted in the past, this was a standout. I do agree with another review made here that it would've been great to see even more romantic scenes between the two actors, but I understand that the director and screenwriter probably wanted to have a balance of the worldbuilding and storytelling (which was a little complicated to understand at first). So, while my fangirl heart wants a little more, I'm still pretty satisfied!

There were a few jarring cuts from scene to scene that kinda confused the viewer's flow at times but overall, it was fine to deal with.

When this officially releases for DVD, you'll definitely catch me rewatching again!

PLEASE note that there is a post-credits scene as well - many people left without noticing! Hopefully this teases a sequel movie with the same actors... *crosses fingers*

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6 people found this review helpful
Jun 10, 2023
Completed 2
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

A sumptuous period fantasy that delivers!

I have not read the manga nor was I familiar with the story. I knew that it had Ren Meguro in it and I was swayed by the trailers -- especially the elements of fantasy -- to watch it. And I am so happy that I did! It premiered at the Japanese Cultural Centre in Toronto today; and I am so glad that I went. There is something to be said about the experience of watching a movie with an audience that is wanting to be charmed by what they watch unfold on screen.

Without spoiling the movie, I will say that the production quality is incredible. I think they used heritage sites for most of the filming and it really shows in the movie. They add a depth of place and history that you wouldn't find otherwise. The costumes worked well too. I'll agree with the earlier review that they had a challenge in compressing a significant and complicated story into 1 hour and 57 minutes but they did a reasonable job. As a newbie, I didn't find it rushed or choppy, which is a testament to the script writing and editing, especially since so much of the film relies on cutaways.

The leads were terrific. Their chemistry was on point. And whoever thought of putting Ren Meguro in a grey wig with long hair and a navy military uniform is a genius. It worked perfectly. He looks in part formidable military commander, a leader with hidden warmth. and a man in search of the warmth of hearth and home --without even knowing it. He is the archetypal hero but with a strong streak of pragmatism, which makes the character even more attractive. Especially when the commander is replaced by a fumbling young man hesitantly exploring the dangerous territory of his emotions. Mia Imada is lovely as the wide-eyed damsel in distress, who possesses unexpected depths. So much of her resistance is hidden under a dramatically vulnerable exterior. The grief and pain of her history manifest in unexpected ways, reminiscent of a trauma survivor. Watching the two of them open up to each other is done well. It's very lightly handled with more left in side long looks, and aborted gestures than what is actually said out loud.

And now to the piece that I loved. I would watch it again just to relive the fantasy elements and special effects. The way Kiyoka Kudo handles a spark of fire is fantastic. It's poetic. Glittering embers of light streak across the screen like fireflies. Its power to destroy and to heal is a visual treat. The fight scenes are well choreographed with sabres flashing and cloaks swirling and magic manifesting. Little is said. In fact, little needs to be said because the physicality and layers of these scenes speak for themselves underscored as they are by a terrific OST. There is a delicious denouement with the villainous family that left me and the rest of the audience clapping in delight!!

All in all, tropes and cliches aside, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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4 people found this review helpful
Dec 24, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

I installed this app just to give a review to this movie!

I've watched countless movies but this movie really stuck in my mind!!! At first, I thought this is like any typical movie where the protagonist is always abused then a man came to the rescue but I was wrong, THERE'S A TWIST! The actors were all stunning especially the main character? I love everything from the actors, the cinematography and the effects. Everything is wonderful. This encourages me to watch also other japanese movies. I'm wishing for the success. I can't wait for the season 2!??
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4 people found this review helpful
Oct 11, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Saimori Miyo was the unfortunate child of a loveless, arranged marriage. After her mother died, her father brought in his lover and her own daughter, Kaya. From then on, Miyo's life was reduced to that of a mere servant. Even worse, while Kaya inherited the family's psychic abilities, Miyo had none—she was truly the daughter with no merit.

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After years of being treated like dirt, Miyo has learned to keep her head down, hide her pain, and obey every order. So, it comes as no surprise that she is arranged to be married to Kudo Kiyoka, a military captain rumored to be so cruel that he has driven away every one of his potential wives so far.

From a painful upbringing to a painful marriage, that's the future that awaits Miyo—or so she thought. Contrary to her expectations, her new husband is actually kind-hearted. What really awaits Miyo is a blissful, everlasting marriage full of happiness!

(Source: MyAnimeList)

~~ Adapted from the light novel series "Watashi no Shiawasena Kekkon" (わたしの幸せな結婚) by Akumi Agitogi (顎木あくみ).

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4 people found this review helpful
Oct 22, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Read the books! Movie does not capture enough of story

First, I really really loved the manga and the light novels!!! I was so excited to hear that a live action movie was being released. I watched the anime series on Netflix, which was well done and followed the manga closely.

Hmmm... however, this movie was okay and touched on the highlights of the story. In my opinion, it doesn't cover much of the detail in the manga, let alone the light novels. You really needed prior knowledge from the books to connect some of the scenes.

If you've read the books, then you may find this movie a bit lacking in the character and plot development, since it doesn't go too much into the back story. If you've never read the books, then you'll find this movie entertaining and emotionally moving enough to enjoy.

The casting was okay....I realize that since this was a live action movie and not a drama series, there's only so much time you have to tell the story. So you don't really get too much sense of the acting abilities of everyone. I would've loved to have seen more screen time for everyone to really shine in their roles.

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7 people found this review helpful
Oct 7, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 3.5
This review may contain spoilers

For fans only!

What have I just finished watching? I am so weak: I keep succumbing to the hype and then I do not understand why I am always disappointed. Definitely, I will never learn! I understand why the japanese never released this movie subbed: it is really only for those already familiar with this story's light novel/anime universe!

I won't even try to write the gist of the movie down: a fantasy world, families with powers, and of course a court conspiracy.
The first half of the movie is Cinderella. The second: any zombie/crazy virus movie! I actually liked it very much at the beginning. Cinderella meets her prince who is cold and forbidding. He stays like that for about 5 seconds and then he falls in love and turns all mushy and the only thing he's interested in is her while there is a virus or whatever outbreak all around! And of course, she saved the day and they live happily ever after.... I was really hoping for a more developed story between them. The ML character actually lacked depth and the sudden change from a block of ice to fluff and cherry blossom was a bit too much to take! I guess he was hiding his kind side behind the cold soldier exterior: it took the girl 48h to make him fall hook line and sinker for her mousy submissive demeanor! Truth be told that demeanor hid a strong willed person who knows how to fight for what she finds important!

I have no knowledge of the source material so I am judging this just like an ordinary member of audience who happened to watch a movie because the title and the poster looked nice! No more, no less! The movie has very high production values: the cinematography is stunning, direction has a sense, writing is solid, the editing is suspenseful enough, the special effect efficient. The actors did their job well, the main couple had good chemistry. Music was really good as well. There is nothing wrong with the product and yet I was bored. Definitely not my cup of tea!

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3 people found this review helpful
May 26, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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From Anime to Live

I really enjoyed watching the anime series when I finally pressed play to watch it (I saved it on my playlist since it appeared on stream, but never took the time to look at it until now)… and was pleasantly delighted when I found out there was a live version of it, but as a movie instead!! I love the choice of actors for the main characters pairing of Miyo and Kiyoka, and enjoyed it just as much as the anime. Miyo’s half-sister Kaya was pretty hilarious too. Too bad she didn’t have the light colored hair like she did in the anime, it seemed to match her personality haha. Both the anime show and the live movie get ten stars across the board.

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3 people found this review helpful
Feb 18, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Once you watch it, you'll be blown away. This is an experience you don't want to miss.

I have never witnessed a more stunning display in my life! This couple's relationship is the epitome of purity and cuteness. Every aspect of their bond is simply beautiful and adorable! His bashful demeanour around her and how he runs to her every time he sees her is too much for me to handle! I must confess, that I did not fully comprehend the intricacies of the Emperor and Dream Weaver and their family's powers. However, I remain hopeful that Part 2 will provide further clarity. Regardless, this masterpiece was undoubtedly a 10/10 and I cannot help but blush every time I think about it!

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3 people found this review helpful
Jan 27, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Must-watch that turned me into a romance-fantasy groupie

Hold on to your enchanted hats because "As Long as We Both Shall Live" is the ride of a lifetime, blending romance and magic in a way you didn't know you craved!

Let's talk about the movie's fancy production – it's so top-notch that even my neighbor's cat would be nodding in approval. They turned heritage sites into a Pinterest dream board, and the costumes are giving off elegance with a side of tradition – basically, a fashionista's paradise.

Ren Meguro as Kiyoka Kudo is the eye-candy you never knew you needed. Grey wig, long hair, and a navy military uniform – he's like the James Bond of fantasy romance, minus the martinis and with a heart of gold. And Mia Imada as Miyo? She's the wide-eyed charm we all wish we had, making us believe in love and magic, even if our love life is more like a sitcom.

Now, let's talk magic – Kiyoka slinging fire like he's headlining a magic show. No abracadabra here; it's embers dancing like they're at a rave. The fight scenes are like a Hogwarts duel but cranked up to eleven – sabres flashing, cloaks swirling, and magic doing its thing.

And the music? It's the DJ at a mythical rave, dropping the beat for intense fights and serenading us with slow jams for those heart-melting moments. It turns every scene into a dance party, and who can resist a dance-off with a sprinkle of magic?

But here's the twist – the showdown with the villainous family is pure soap opera drama on steroids, and I'm living for it!

"As Long as We Both Shall Live" isn't just a movie; it's a rollercoaster of emotions, doused in fairy dust, and served with an extra helping of sass. If I could give it more than 10/10, I'd toss in a unicorn and a disco ball. This film turned me into a romance-fantasy groupie, and I'm counting the days until the next chapter of this epic saga. Let the love flow, the magic sparkle, and the sass reign supreme! ?✨?

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As Long as We Both Shall Live (2023) poster



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