For a character named after a flower, does it have to be the character's actual name or can it be a nickname/stage name? In Light the Night , one of the leading ladies goes by the name Rose while at work.

do we have to explain for every title in the notes why we used it? i changed my layout recently and got rid of the notes box.. T_T i will add it again, if needed...:D i just assumed, with the amount of people participating in the challenge, no one would go through every show and check links, time stamps etc and because i liked the layout without the note box better, i just deleted it, oops.

We only really encourage the use of the notes to explain choices where the MDL tags dont show the prompt (either in general or for that title specifically).

"We do not check all your challenge entries, but the community will and will let us know if your choices did not qualify.  We cannot watch every title everyone chooses."

honestly, I read and read these instructions but I STILL don't really understand how this year's challenge works.. I feel like I'm missing something OR completing this incorrectly?? 

(1). Do I include the titles of the first round in the second?

(2). Does Each block have to completed in its entirety for it to count in each round? 

(3). Can I (for example,) complete any 27 titles for the first round? 

Post Link 

 night jasmine:

honestly, I read and read these instructions but I STILL don't really understand how this year's challenge works.. I feel like I'm missing something OR completing this incorrectly?? 

(1). Do I include the titles of the first round in the second?

(2). Does Each block have to completed in its entirety for it to count in each round? 

(3). Can I (for example,) complete any 27 titles for the first round? 

Post Link 

1. No. In the first round, you watch 3 titles per block. In the second round, you watch 4 titles per block. The 3 titles from round 1 doesn't count. You need to watch 4 additional titles. (Did I understand the question right?)

2. Like I said for 1. In round 1 you watch 3 titles per block, in round 2 you watch 4 titles and in round 3 you watch 5 titles. It's also explained in the rules. :)

I think I don't understand the third question. 😅 For completing the first round, you need to watch 3 titles per block. I think, there was this addition that you only need to complete 2 blocks to hand in your sheet, but that's not the complete round. 

In the first round, you watch 3 titles per block

Ok thanks! I'll just make it simple for myself and just do this then, but...

It's also explained in the rules. :)

.....This definitely wasn't clear (at least to me?) in the rules.. I get it now, but its so busy and overly complicated imo 

 night jasmine:

Ok thanks! I'll just make it simple for myself and just do this then, but...

.....This definitely wasn't clear (at least to me?) in the rules.. I get it now, but its so busy and overly complicated imo 

I also didnt got it at first, but its explained pretty easily here, if you understood it, this is way easier to read again:

For Round 2: Complete  an additional 4 prompts out of 5 in each block, and 4 out of 7 prompts in the last block. Receive a butterfly on your badge.

For Round 3: Complete  an additional 5 prompts out of 5 in each block. and 5 out of 7 prompts in the last block. Receive 2 butterflies on your badge.

For Round 4: Complete an additional  5 prompts out of 5 in each block, and 7 out of 7 prompts in the last block. Receive 3 butterflies on your badge.

I wanted to finish every round, so i planned 316 titles in total, which would be round 3 plus 7 titles for bracken. I overlooked round 4 T_T And for a few prompts i wont get another 5 titles in each block, so i guess i can't make it fully. :D so i reduce my planned titles and just aim for round 2. :D

Its a bit confusing because for the bracken block it says 4 out of 7 titles in round 2, but in the sheet it says /3, /6, /7, so i thought for round 2 you need 6 titles. :'D

ive got a question for the flowers. it says "Cherry Blossom Round 2 : Complete 52 Blocks= 178 titles*" 

How did you end up with 178 titles?

if you finish all 3 titles for round 1 in 26 blocks, you have 78 titles.

for round 2 we need 4 titles. if we finish all 26 blocks, its 104 title. that would be 182 titles in total? ^^'

 night jasmine:

Ok thanks! I'll just make it simple for myself and just do this then, but...

.....This definitely wasn't clear (at least to me?) in the rules.. I get it now, but its so busy and overly complicated imo 

It really is complicated at first. I also struggled. Here's what Shiro replied to me, it was most helpful for me, maybe it will be for you too. 

"Yes once you are done (with round 1, which requires 3 titles per block to count as completed) you get to start over, and re do the same prompts in the blocks, you may chose the same ones + 1 or 2 new ones + 2 of the old ones.  But indeed that means you complete the same prompts twice."

The minimum level to complete the first round would be Sampaguita which requires 2 blocks = 6 titles. Cherry Blossom with 26 blocks = 78 titles (3 per block in round 1) is the maximum for level 1. If you watch more, it's round 2 which needs additional 4 titles per block. Again, you can choose the flower of your choice. For example I aim for Lotus round 2 which is 35 blocks total. 26 blocks in round 1 (3 titles x 26 blocks = 78 titles) + 9 additional blocks in round 2 (4 titles x 9 blocks = 36) which sums up to 114 titles. My entry form:


ive got a question for the flowers. it says "Cherry Blossom Round 2 : Complete 52 Blocks= 178 titles*" 

How did you end up with 178 titles?

if you finish all 3 titles for round 1 in 26 blocks, you have 78 titles.

for round 2 we need 4 titles. if we finish all 26 blocks, its 104 title. that would be 182 titles in total? ^^'

I'm getting 181 titles for Cherry Blossom Round 2. 

3x26 titles for round 1 = 78

25x4 titles for round 2 = 100 

+ 3 in block 26 (block 26 counts as 2 blocks when you watch 6 titles, so you only need 3 additional titles in round 2, not 4 like in the other blocks). 

78+100+3 = 181 

No idea how they end up with 178 though. ^-^' 


I'm getting 181 titles for Cherry Blossom Round 2. 

3x26 titles for round 1 = 78

25x4 titles for round 2 = 100 

+ 3 in block 26 (block 26 counts as 2 blocks when you watch 6 titles, so you only need 3 additional titles in round 2, not 4 like in the other blocks). 

78+100+3 = 181 

No idea how they end up with 178 though. ^-^' 

But in the rules, that I copied above, it says you need 4 titles in the last block. :) I also don't know why it should make a difference as how many blocks it counts, since we still "need" to finish all the other blocks.

like I mentioned above, the bracken block is mildly confusing because of the different numbers that are written there. :D 

Little question from my side regarding the following prompt in Block 15 about "Laundering Money" :-)

Would it be enough / ok for the prompt to be validated if within a drama there is a passing mention of a company potentially laundering money ? (Nothing has been proved so far but a journalist ask the question to the CEO of the company which just made a suspicious investment ^^...If there is no proof of the laundering but that it is mentionned in passing, is it enough ? ^^)

Here is the scene I refer to: (Pit Babe ep 2)

Thanks in advance for your feedback #MDL2024Challenge super team <3 ^^


So, I asked this question in the comments of the MDL challenge custom lists but apparently nobody is checking up on those! I wanted to know if the flower boys can be any of the thai bl characters, ukes like Uea from Bed Friend for example who fits the definition you gave perfectly?

Sorry for the delay, as long as they fit the definition or the word Flowerboy is used in their description it works 


Little question from my side regarding the following prompt in Block 15 about "Laundering Money" :-)

Would it be enough / ok for the prompt to be validated if within a drama there is a passing mention of a company potentially laundering money ? (Nothing has been proved so far but a journalist ask the question to the CEO of the company which just made a suspicious investment ^^...If there is no proof of the laundering but that it is mentionned in passing, is it enough ? ^^)

Here is the scene I refer to: (Pit Babe ep 2)

Thanks in advance for your feedback #MDL2024Challenge super team <3 ^^

Yep, it works 


But in the rules, that I copied above, it says you need 4 titles in the last block. :) I also don't know why it should make a difference as how many blocks it counts, since we still "need" to finish all the other blocks.

like I mentioned above, the bracken block is mildly confusing because of the different numbers that are written there. :D 

Ok, nowhere along the way trying to make it simple I messed up the count and didn't notice it until now oh well, sorry about that. 

But round 1 is 26×3 = 78

The additional 4 is for those who complete the tiger badge in round 1. 

Round 2 is 26×4 = 104

So to complete round 2 you must have completed 182 titles in total , unless you use a Lawnmower. I'll 

 try to correct the numbers in this post next time I'm next to my laptop

But in the rules, that I copied above, it says you need 4 titles in the last block. :) I also don't know why it should make a difference as how many blocks it counts, since we still "need" to finish all the other blocks.

like I mentioned above, the bracken block is mildly confusing because of the different numbers that are written there. :D 

Totally agree. The rules say, you need 4 additional titles in round 2 but Block 26 states 6 titles count as two blocks which is confusing. 

The additional 4 is for those who complete the tiger badge in round 1. 

Eh sorry, but what tiger badge?