Hey guys, this might be my last post for a few days because major hurricane Beryl is expected to make landfall in Jamaica early tomorrow morning and so utilities are expected to be shut off and/or damaged so there is no way of knowing when electricity will be back after the hurricane passes. Yup.  I won't get to watch WE ARE tomorrow *cry emoji*. Anyways updates:

Source: X (Twitter)

Hey guys, this might be my last post for a few days because major hurricane Beryl is expected to make landfall in Jamaica early tomorrow morning and so utilities are expected to be shut off and/or damaged so there is no way of knowing when electricity will be back after the hurricane passes. Yup.  I won't get to watch WE ARE tomorrow *cry emoji*.

I hope you and your family stay safe! (I promise I'll put all of my We Are posts under spoiler.)

Hey guys, this might be my last post for a few days because major hurricane Beryl is expected to make landfall in Jamaica early tomorrow morning and so utilities are expected to be shut off and/or damaged so there is no way of knowing when electricity will be back after the hurricane passes. Yup.  I won't get to watch WE ARE tomorrow *cry emoji*

Yikes! I hope everyone there will be safe. Fingers crossed it won't take long before you're back online and watching We Are! Be careful!

I'm watching UWMA and the grandma/sister scenes are brutal. My heart can't handle it. >(


I'm watching UWMA and the grandma/sister scenes are brutal. My heart can't handle it. >(

Omg those got me too ;;


I'm watching UWMA and the grandma/sister scenes are brutal. My heart can't handle it. >(

As with quite a few magical moments in UWMA, I get all teary just thinking of these scenes (her first meeting with Dean, then later with Pharm) and the superb acting. (It's ironic that UWMA is both my all-time favourite BL and also the one that makes me cry the most, even though I've watched it at least 30 times by now ...)

Just came here to say hi besties!!! <3

It's pretty quiet around here :-)

We Are  EP 14

What I liked:

The gang's shower scene. It's not like it sounds, unfortunately, and a wasted opportunity, if you know what I mean. (Thought I'd mention that in RXinw's honor today.)

Puppy Phum's portrait with the devil's horns, haha.

Aw, Peem naming his painting "Happy" is so sweet.

Kluen's smile when his nose wrinkles up a bit. I hope to see him in future series.

Peem's auntie Pui is the cutest, something I've neglected to mention up to now. And really pretty.

What I didn't like:  NOTHING!!

Hope to see Phum & Peem have some real together time as a couple in the last 2 eps.

:) TanFang are the cutest! <3 

 American Fan:
What I didn't like:  NOTHING!!


We Are EP 14

This is a long show, but it has never once felt like it. Two episodes to go, but I want to keep watching 'We Are' forever. 

  • I liked how we got PhumPeem dating at the end of the last episode, and then we worked back a little in this episode before getting that confession. They did a good job filling in the gaps. 
  • We got a name for Peem's painting. It's HAPPY. How sweet ;; 
  • Peem's family is so cute and they call him Cat omg-- he is totally a cat
  • Phum's longing at seeing Peem happy with his family, my poor bb
  • Chain and Pum ummm-- cuddling to sleep--  I see you two
  • PREVIEW!!! "THANKS FOR BEING BORN SO I COULD LOVE YOU." The way I screamed. Also, a PhumPeem bed scene--

Hi everyone; I hope you are all doing well. I was just wondering what you guys are watching.

I'm a bit all over the place with my watchlist, lol 

25 Ji, Akasaka de 3/1

Hidamari ga Kikoeru 1/12 ( This show is going to wreck my whole existence.) 

Love Sea 3/10 (I honestly need to see the first three episodes again because I don't remember anything)

My Love Mix-Up!  3/12

OMG! Vampire- 7/8 (I would like to watch a show that focuses on the relationship between Joe and Nicky as the main couple. !)

Takara no Vidro 1/11 (I enjoyed the first episode.)

The Trainee 1/10 (The first episode was a strong start for a series. It actually had more depth for Ryann than I thought. I'm excited to see where the story will go. )

Wandee Goodday 9/12 

May drop :

Sunset x Vibes 2/ 12 ( I feel like something is off about this show, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I'm just not as into it as I thought I would be. )

The Rebound 2/12 ( Honestly, I'm not a big fan of MeenPing, but I wanted to try it. I don't think it's for me, though. )

Watch Next :  

 We Are (I noticed there are many couples in this show. Did each couple receive equal screen time? Sometimes, it's hard for me to enjoy a show when the main couple dominates most of the screen time, especially if I end up disliking them. It can make the show boring. )

 Old Fashion Cupcake

 Papa & Daddy

This month:

This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans -  July - 5th  ( I don't know if I will like this one because I haven't found a cooking BL that I have enjoyed, but it is PonSailub, so I'm going to try it out )

Meet You at the Blossom - July - 11th (Does anyone know if this one is still happening ?? )

We Are (I noticed there are many couples in this show. Did each couple receive equal screen time? Sometimes, it's hard for me to enjoy a show when the main couple dominates most of the screen time, especially if I end up disliking them. It can make the show boring. )

This is definitely a PondPhuwin show-- but it is also an ensemble cast and WinnySatang do get a couple of episodes centered around them. Also A LOT of the show is focused on the friend group and their frindship. Maybe give it a couple episodes and then decide if you like it? I'm not going to say much more because I'm really biased-- this show is easily my favorite of the one's I'm watching. 

Other than that, I think my list looks similar to yours!

Currently Watching:

Hidamarai ga Kikoeru1/12I love this one already.
Love Sea4/12Plot is ok, but FortPeat are so fun to watch. 
My Love Mix-Up!3/12Will catch up this weekend.
Sunset x Vibes2/12Will catch up this weekend.
The Rebound2/12Liking it more than I thought I would. I have a soft spot for sports shows. 
Wandee Goodday9/12It's ok... I guess. Sticking w/ it because of GreatInn.


Between Us3/12This is one of my comfort shows.

Starting Soon: 

The TraineeLooks good-- and I love OffGun.
OMG! Vampire
Takara No VidroI see a Jpanese BL, I watch--
This love Doesn't Have Long BeensI hope Benz has a lot of screen time. 

Recently Binged:

La Cuisine
Rating :
7 / 10
Cringe plot & dialogue, but it was an easy fast watch. I can't believe how much Mick has changed. Pop looks the same. 
PREVIEW!!! "THANKS FOR BEING BORN SO I COULD LOVE YOU." The way I screamed. Also, a PhumPeem bed scene--

Dang, I don't look at the previews!!!! You spoiled me, AHhhh. Sorta kidding...haha

I'm a bit all over the place with my watchlist, lol 

Wow, you're so organized!!

Meet You at the Blossom - July - 11th (Does anyone know if this one is still happening ?? )

MDL page has a date and I posted a trailer (or teaser?) just the other day here. There BETTER be a series cuz I'm ready and watching it from the beginning on the day it starts. 

Other than that, I think my list looks similar to yours!

You got it together too! hehe

I have 9 titles on my list. A mix of BL & Het. I'm lazy and gonna post my WL link below. A few titles I've kinda stalled on, including My Love Mix-Up! 

I *might* also have lost a little interest in Love Sea. 

WARNING: Don't read if you are a diehard fan of Fort. Well, that could be everyone here. I'm taking a deep breath to get the courage to say (in tiny voice) I don't know how much longer I can watch Fort smirking and brushing his hair back throughout the show. I never knew those things bothered me until now. There, I feel better now. NO hate please!! 


 American Fan:
Dang, I don't look at the previews!!!! You spoiled me, AHhhh. Sorta kidding...haha

omg I took what I said about putting EVERYTHING under spoiler seriously and did not take this into consideration lmao, I AM SORRY I have fixed it to save anyone else

 American Fan:
WARNING: Don't read if you are a diehard fan of Fort.

*side eyes really hard* lol

Also A LOT of the show is focused on the friend group


Sticking w/ it because of GreatInn.

I love Great, it is Inn's character I do not like :/  Wandee, to me, comes off as immature and selfish at times, a lot of the time, lol.  And then there's Pod's character; whenever he's on-screen, I feel like I'm watching a soap opera, not a good one.

I see a Jpanese BL, I watch

1000 % accurate!!!

La Cuisine

Wait, hold on; I've never heard of this one before; it looks so cute.

 American Fan:
Wow, you're so organized!!

THANKS, but I think axdxex has me beat the perfectionist in me appreciated  how linear their post was LMAO

 American Fan:
There BETTER be a series

The only thing is, I don't know how the censorship is going to work. It's going to be interesting. Let me know if you're able to watch the first episode, then I'm all in.