
Remove the audio output capture xD you silly

Okay, I removed it. Also, these are my output settings.


Remove the audio output capture xD you silly

Reporting back that I did remove the thing with Audio Output Capture but it still doesn't let me record Boss in Love >_<"


Reporting back that I did remove the thing with Audio Output Capture but it still doesn't let me record Boss in Love >_<"

Ayo! Then I would like to suggest a fresh installation of OBS and just to be sure, check for Windows update, because Win 11 is a pain in the ass. And this time just go with the Tool>Auto-Configuration Wizard rather than tinkering with any settings. Just make sure 'Display Capture' is there as the only Sources. Also make sure the Settings>Video section for Canvas and Output resolutions. Also, for any farther communications on this topic, let's do it in DM, we are just sending tons of notifications to all which are not the topic related :)