Hello there…

I’m just wondering if my kdrama watching habits are the norm or if I need to start a chapter of the KAA (Kdrama Addicts Anonymous). 

For the past year I have been watching from 3 to 5 hours of kdramas nightly..too much?!?!  I usually get started at 10PM or later due to having to live in the real world.  Does everyone watch kdramas nightly or do you guys binge once a week?  Can you just watch one hour, or are you sucked in like me and can’t let go easily?


Now that it's summer I basically watch dramas every day but during school I can (unfortunately) only watch 2 or 3 episodes a day and I get started around 9pm until 11pm or even 12pm...
Mmmm...I  can't say that I watch everyday, but I watch every week. Some days I watch 1 or 3 eps. and some days nothing. Maybe...4-6 per week? Well, I have a habit of watching dramas late at night around 12pm or 2am.
I first took a break from watching dramas after entering university, but I picked it up not long ago. I'm currently satisfied with 1 to 2 episodes a few times a week or on the weekends, just to relax and for the good dreams. ;) But I already put together a loooong list of dramas to binge for the upcoming holidays. 
Back in school I used to watch a 16 episode drama within three days during holidays, so you really don't need to worry hahah. Some dramas are quite intense, so I guess it's only normal that you can't stop watching. Just please don't forget to sleep, it's very important for your health and concentration. 
By the way I have no idea why I ignored Japanese dramas for so long. 20-minute shows are the best if you don't have much time but still need your daily dose of drama. Also the plot moves a lot faster, so it won't feel as if the story drags at the end of an episode which makes it easier to stop, at least for me. :)
Normally I do marathoning (if a Drama is really good) Gu Family Book I watched in 2 days. If i'm hooked I cannot stop. That is why I don't start a Drama before I have enough time for the worst case :p
HAHA This is a great question, my mother checks me(She can not believe I've done everything I needed) , because she is the only one aware of how much time I spend watching various films, series, anime, Asian dramas.But I'm very organized..Since I have 4 children and responsibilities at home (I am currently on maternity leave for 2 years now In the last 12 years I spent 6  on maternity leave) And children go to either school or kindergarten. I have episodes in watching from 9-12, then from 15-18, again 22 until I fall asleep mainly about 2. I'm waking up about 6 and if the school break is like now I have time until kids get up and it's mostly around 8 ..Sometimes it is different when one of the grandmother takes one of the children for a day or two then it is just a holiday for me. I look at the tab while I'm in the kitchen, when I do something like ironing I usually look at something. Sometimes I have a break from everything, because I seriously number over 5000 titles of everything. And while the children are well in every sense, the food is on the table, the house is clean, and no one is dissatisfied,except me with myself. 
Oh, and I'm working with children and my older children help me a lot..
I'm sincerely blessed with a really good, healthy and clever beautiful .. hahaha I'm not exaggerating ... kids .. OMG (I sound like my mom) !
And I've always hated to sleep..that loose feeling to miss something ( I'll sleep when I die!!! ).
My habits include eating snacks (unless I'm on a diet -.-) or night-time watching. There's just something different about watching dramas at night ~ early morning, kind of like indulging in a guilty pleasure while the world is asleep lol. (I sometimes watch during the day, but I noticed the difference in feeling, mood, and even pace. Sometimes when I'm free I just waste time procrastinating until I notice it's 9PM and that's when I'm suddenly possessed by some kdrama marathoning spirit xD)
Smoking while watching with matching hot black coffee.
I usually watch drama while eating dinner on tv :)
I never mean to but I either do an ALL Nighter or just 1 or 2 a night 
I'm with real Mokona. I'm a notorious drama binge- watcher. I don't start a drama unless I know I have at least 2 days to watch. Once I started 4 dramas in the span of 2 weeks and then they nicely aligned so that I could watch 2 episodes of different dramas a day Monday-Saturday. Normally though, I watch dramas 2 days straight.

Workday: when I go home, I shower, put my pajama on and lie in my bed. I can usually watch 1 episode before I eat. After eating, I make a cup of tea and go back to my bed where I can watch up to 2 episodes before it is 10PM (as I wake up early > go to sleep early). IF this last episode has such a cliffhanger, I usually watch half of the next episode or just enough to satisfy this unbearable ending. Otherwise I can keep watching until midnight but it is rare as I regret much in the morning.

Weekend: basically I am in my bed all saturday with my cats, tea and whatever I can eat and on sundays, I watch my drama while bathing usually 2 or 3 episodes with 1L tea and whatever I can eat inside (mainly fruits I prepare beforehand: can be ananas or mangoes or oranges or grapes, etc.). I keep watching after my bath 1 or 2 episodes

Well of course all of this apply onlly if I am not bothered by social activites

Btw, I am the marathoning type, I usually wait for an airing drama to be (almost) completed before starting it

I basically try to fit real life in around my Asian dramas.  ;P

I mostly watch when I am eating lunch or dinner, because if you live alone is very weird to sit and eat alone lol 

But I will watch my currently airing dramas as soon as possible. On weekends I like to watch all day if I dont have plans. I just won't watch if I am really busy.

I think in a normal day I would watch 1-3 hours of dramas... yeah, please put me in your KAA program lol 

Here are my watching habits -At lunch at work one episode 

Get home watch 3-5 hours of Jdrama or movies.

On my days off i have been known to kill an enitre series (12 episodes) and start something else.

I usually only have 3 currently watching shows (one for lunch, one for home and one I am going to finish --most people put them on hold..I just leave them in current so they nag me)

But I am an old empty nester who works opposite shifts as her husband so my JE Boys keep me company at night.