So, I have watched the below dramas.. suggest to me something similar interesting.

Nirvana in Fire 1

Nirvana in Fire2

Ashes of Love

Ice Fantasy

Fights Break Sphere

What do u recommend next?

You can try Eternal Love aka ( Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms) or The Flame's Daughter  :o)

I know it's not popular right now and many ppl might skip it since it's very old drama but,

Laughing In The Wind 

Is the best Chinese dramas that I ever have seen. It's very similar to the dramas that you are looking for.

And also for other recommend The Vigilantes in Masks is interesting too I really really enjoyed it !!!

The Rise of Phoenixes (your PTW)

Wanted to recommend Ever Night, but I see you are already watching it :D

If you liked the politics part in NiF, try The Advisors Alliance

The Taoism Grandmaster if you don't mind bad CGI and annoying second leads. MC is generally smart and this show had potential, but it's nowhere near quality of Evernight or even Noble aspirations. 

Tribes and empires - I haven't actually finished that one, but people complain about ending. It looks like something you might enjoy.