
Welcome! Of course you can join, dear friend!

We have no restrictions or conditions. You can share books from all countries, translated in English or not.  After all, we all are from different parts of the world :)

Looking forward to your reading updates and recommendations.

yayyy I'm currently reading my local books to finish, about to finish one. I have bought 4 books hahaha TT w TT

 Krystale Mitaesa:

yayyy I'm currently reading my local books to finish, about to finish one. I have bought 4 books hahaha TT w TT

Great! If one of those is worth recommending (or not), you can share your thoughts anytime :)


Great! If one of those is worth recommending (or not), you can share your thoughts anytime :)

will do :D


Hello there, my awesome book clubbers! 

Hope you all had a wonderful July! Lots of users went on holidays, as did I albeit just a short one for a much-needed R&R :)

Just to share my reading update for the upcoming month...

July & August 2022: Ministry of Moral Panic

Two-thirds into the anthology of short stories, will be completing this one in August. It's quite an interesting read that features various themes of human drama and slice-of-life, with a balance of seriousness, emotions and humour.  Definitely relatable and draws parallels to real life situations as well.

In addition to being therapeutic, short stories like these are conveniently manageable particularly when one has time management issues lol

Have a lovely August ahead as you continue to enjoy your books and dramas!  <3

Ooh! Another anthology lover out here! Very nice! I also have time managemet issues which is why i typically watch miniseries or movies, but i recently cheated with a full length series 😅

Only worked in one book this month-Thich Nhat Hanh's "Breathe, You Are Alive!"

(click pic for link)

Hi!!! My first post ,,,,,, lets go <3

This is my current read: Before the coffee gets cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi.

I've only read the first chapters but the writing style is something I haven't read before and I'm really enjoying it so far.  Each chapter is a different story but follows the same premise. It's like a small window into the characters life which I think is a cool storyline. 

The blurb: 'In a small back alley in Tokyo there is a café which has been serving carefully brewed coffee for more than one hundred years. But this coffee shop offers its customers a unique experience: the chance to travel back in time.

In before the coffee gets cold we meet four visitors, each of whom is hoping to make use of the cafe's time-travelling offer, in order to confront the lover who has left them , receive a letter from their husband whose memory has begun to fade, see their sister one last time, and meet the daughter they never got the chance to meet. 

But the journey into the past does bot come without risks: customers must sit in a particular seat, they cannot leave the café, and finally, they must return to the present before the coffee gets cold ..."


Ooh! Another anthology lover out here! Very nice! I also have time managemet issues which is why i typically watch miniseries or movies, but i recently cheated with a full length series ?

Hehe, I totally feel you on that. Anthologies are easier to handle, I agree :)

i haven't read for so long, i need to pick up the pace. maybe 1 day a week for book day


i haven't read for so long, i need to pick up the pace. maybe 1 day a week for book day 

That's a good start! A few hours, or a few chapters, or even a few pages in a day is a good motivation and a promising way to start reading again :)

Made some new badges for this club with my Elongated Hexagon template, posted them here:

hello I would like to join the club :D


hello I would like to join the club :D

Welcome, dear friend! Of course you can join our bookclub! You can post your reading progress and comments whenever you feel like it :)

Thank you very much @Rien for all these beautiful badges for our club members 🤗

Hello, I'm Farihat/Fari and this is my first post! Since last year I've been trying to create a good habit of reading and it turns out I do like reading novels and such. 

My last finished novel was 'The Red Palace' by June Hur and I totally recommend it. A really great novel with mystery and a touch of romance!

The book I've picked up to read this month is 'One of Us Is Lying' by Karen M. McManus. I have read the first few pages and I'm still not sure how to feel about it yet. With school and such, I've been having a hard time having time to juggle some reading into my daily life but I hope to finish this novel by the end of the month <3

Blurb: "Five students go to detention. Only four leave alive.

Yale hopeful Bronwyn has never publicly broken a rule.
Sports star Cooper only knows what he's doing in the baseball diamond.
Bad boy Nate is one misstep away from a life of crime.
Prom queen Addy is holding together the cracks in her perfect life.

And outsider Simon, creator of the notorious gossip app at Bayview High, won't ever talk about any of them again.

He dies 24 hours before he could post their deepest secrets online. Investigators conclude it's no accident. All of them are suspects.

Everyone has secrets, right?
What really matters is how far you'll go to protect them."