Hi Guys, I'm having a quite hard time with my mental health and I wanted to ask what your favorite Drama to watch is, when life's just a little too much...

My messages are open for all if you have a hard time yourself! Let's take care of each other on this website! 

Hang in there loves!

So sorry to hear that you're suffering.

Are you looking for show that help you to mentally escape? I like all the Harry Potter movies for that. When I've really felt like I was underwater, I watch the movies back-to-back. Getting transported to Hogwarts is like a short vacation for me.

When I'm looking to forget for a while or just to be calmer and less stressed out, usually  four or five episodes of one of my favorite shows is pretty helpful. I try to pick something I haven't watched so often I can recite the actors lines.

I hope other people will write about the dramas they watch when they're trying to help themselves feel better, too.

Wishing you a better, happier place. 

THank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to reply in such a manner. 

Yeah, I feel as though Hogwarts can help to get away from things, especially during winter/Christmas time. I love those movies so much so this is a great idea. 

Again thank you so much and I hope you're doing fine. Reach out to me anytime you're struggling, you know where to find me now:)

GTO  is the franchise I adore. Whether it's the anime series, live-action, or remakes and movies, it always helped me relieve my stress. The show reminds me of my earlier (school) life(which I think was the best part of my life and I should've cherished more) and inspires me to take on the tough time. 

When the going gets tough, variety shows could be better than dramas, as variety shows are usually light-hearted and comical too. There is this list of variety shows on MDL that you can check out. Twogether can be pretty healing with travel still very much restricted. Hope you get through your tough time soon.

Eulachacha Waikiki    is a light, friendly, funny series about a group of young people living together. It's purely comedy and friendship, much like the american Friends.