Krystale Mitaesa:


I like below ones, left and right. Above felt unbalanced in terms of text

Thanks Krystale, would the top one look better if I centered the text, so equal white space top and bottom?


Thanks Krystale, would the top one look better if I centered the text, so equal white space top and bottom?

If you make it centered text, it feels unjustified; if you understand the analogy of the reasoning I've stated: it's because contrast creates attention, hence great direction. Opposite method, suffice to say: like if picture is on right, text on the left; whereas if picture is on left, text is on right, since you made it narrow-rectangular shape. Case-wise like banner, since it has wide resolution; you can experiment any direction of texts, be either left, right, center etc

Great badges Rien!

This June was a struggle for me to watch dramas in general. Hopefully July will give me more time. 

@Perfect if you are there can you put the suggestions for the movies in the July challenge? I see some members have made suggestions.

I'll mostly pick from the posted suggestions to watch something for July. How is everyone doing? Did anyone see any occult shows last moth/this month?

 awkward potato:
I stumbled upon a series of short, strange tales from ancient China called, Shan Ye Yi Si. It's a series of 13 eps of around 10mins each. I've watched the first two eps and it has a nice touch for those who wants to be spooked, and yet can't take too much horror XD

This sounds interesting.... and I like that each episode is only 10 mins. ^^

 awkward potato:

They look good! I've already picked one to use XD

The club's been a little quiet lately. How's everybody doing? I didn't watch my fair share of horror movie for June, and only managed to watch Legend of the Demon Cat. It's quite an interesting story with beautiful cinematography, but it falls under thriller instead of horror.

I stumbled upon a series of short, strange tales from ancient China called, Shan Ye Yi Si. It's a series of 13 eps of around 10mins each. I've watched the first two eps and it has a nice touch for those who wants to be spooked, and yet can't take too much horror XD

Another series I've discovered is called Alive. It's also a short web series of 8 eps. Looks interesting as well.

These are a few of my recs for the month of July. Do drop your recs if you have titles which you like :)

Im fine how are you?
I have not been in a horror mood recently the only horror things I watched so far is blood(K drama), All of us are dead(Korean drama & Nanji no Na (Jp drama0

I have seen alive its quite good esp for a short drama (: 

Heyy, I'd like to join!

Heyy, I'd like to join!

Welcome to the club! Hope you'll enjoy your stay here :)

There's a new horror movie which was released on Netflix a few days ago called Incantation. Can we make this title as our July's movie of the month? Besides that, can we also have other suggestions so that we aren't stuck watching only one particular title? (^^,)

I've been wanting to make a post here about what I have watched recently. 

The last three Asian horror films I've watched were:

CUBE: I personally didn't enjoy this as much as the original cube. I don't think it was different enough to bother watching if you have seen the original.

The Sadness: I skipwatched this one because I'm not big on gore for gore's sake (I only really enjoy campy gore, like in one of my favorites Dead Alive). It was just okay to me. I did really like the main zombie, the actor was great at being terrifying!

Cure: I finally got around to watching this film which has been on my to watch list for a while. I really enjoyed it. I don't think it was quite as good as Pulse but the storyline was fairly unique and I liked the hypnosis aspect.

The last three Western horror films I've watched were:

Crimes of the Future: I enjoyed the idea but I think the writing could have been better. Maybe because I'm an artist and know a lot about perfomance art already that aspect of the film didn't feel all that subversive to me. It did have great acting and set design.  But I don't think that Cronenburg will ever top his films from the 80s at this point.

House of Wax: I had watched the remake of this as a kid and actually enjoyed it. This one was fun too. I enjoyed the wax figure effects and of course Vincent Price! I would personally say it was better than The Last Man on Earth but not as good as House on Haunted Hill which is my favorite Vincent Price fare that I've seen so far.

The Black Phone: This movie was super hyped online but I would say that this one was also just okay. The actors all did a great job, especially the child actors, but the storyline was predictable and not scary at all.

I'll have to watch Incantation. It has good reviews online so I'm looking forward to it!

The Sadness: I skipwatched this one because I'm not big on gore for gore's sake (I only really enjoy campy gore, like in one of my favorites Dead Alive). It was just okay to me. I did really like the main zombie, the actor was great at being terrifying!

I also watched the sadness a few days ago! The first half really disgusted me and I kept hiding my screen but I kind of got used to it at some point. And yes, the actor for the main "zombie" did a really good job, he was so creepy..

I'll add the other titles to my ptw list!

I started Incantation and so far it's drumming up the spookiness.

I agree The Black Phone was not a horror imo but a good crime movie it reminded me of The Lovely Bones and if that film had a different ending. 

I also watched Incantation and I enjoyed it! I thought the evil entity was creative and the plot wasn't as predictable as many horror films are.

I highly recommend You Won't Be Alone for anyone who likes films about the occult/witchcraft. A slower paced film but the cinematography was stunning. Similar in style to The Witch but I enjoyed You Won't Be Alone more.

Hi there ! I watched Phone recently, It was decent, 7,5/10 for me. The little girl's acting was fun (well I woundn't stay near her in real life ahah) and the story line was common, but quite interesting for an old movie even if "the child having sexual desires for her father" plot is disturbing. I will remember the fact that the body of the girl was in the wall of the house and her face watched the woman bury her cause' it was kinda creepy °^°, hope I won't have trust issues when buying a house later lol






(watched it in low quality on youtube)

well, this is a club for me 🤣

I literally grew up on horror movies, been watching since I was 6 years old 🙃

Any Horror TV show recommendations? and I don't mean The Master's Sun  or Bring It On, Ghost  type "Horror" I mean Ju-on type actual horror?