Salmahsubtu wrote: Google Penis park in Samcheok-si ~ do it now! Do not pass go! Do not collect 200$!

kha343 wrote: There is also a japanese penis festival !

I wish you all could see me flap my arms excitedly over both the penis park and the penis festival. Seriously. I want to go to there.

Also realized belatedly that the video that I posted is an annoying English dub---that's what I get for trying to post while in the library. So here's a bonus Cathy's House skit in the original Japanese:

And for those of you with kids in the midst of their potty-training:
MarikoYuki48 wrote:

Only Japan could make eating pasta so terrifying.

I...I....I don't even know what to think. O.o
Hino wrote: I...I....I don't even know what to think. O.o


i actually want one of these, it's amazing
Ajib wrote: ^this

i actually want one of these, it's amazing

what in the hell?!!! I totally want one! Seriously Japan...That rocks.
Ajib wrote: ^this

i actually want one of these, it's amazing

o.O That seems like a lot of technological hassle for a spill. Now, if it could remove a spill from my shirt without leaving a stain, I'd be on board.
Ajib wrote: ^this

i actually want one of these, it's amazing

I'm DYING to know how that works. You're right, it really is amazing.
i read that it was designed for bakeries, a much bigger version of it, to move dough that's hard to handle
but they decided it might be useful for other things and made a smaller handheld version. last i heard it's not on the market yet but probably will be soon
Japan has a LOT LOT LOT better ads than Finland has D::::
even that creepy "learn to potty" ad is better than the best ad that airs on Finland's TV D::
some very silly Fanta commercials. my favourite is Blackbeard-sensei :D
hahahah thiis is my first time seeing something like this so i am laughing my ass off :P ... nice one all girls
Thalia wrote: some very silly Fanta commercials. my favourite is Blackbeard-sensei :D

Haha, I watched all these and they're sooo funny. The deadpan one-liners at the end of each ads crack me up. :D Nice find.
haha yeah i almost gave up after the first 2-3 but they get funnier as it goes along lol
I just saw the MOST DISTURBING film I have EVER seen. And this is coming from someone who likes strange movies and doesn't mind japanese gore films. It's Takashi Miike's Visitor Q. It is so new level craziness I have no idea what to say. I just had to tell someone, and this thread is seemed appropriate.
haha yeah i've heard so many good things about Visitor Q but I'm somewhat afraid of Miike films. some are good but some seem to be gorey and strange for the sake of being gorey and strange which doesn't do it for me. and some of the people who've recommended it to me do like gorey and strange so i've avoided it thusfar, but i'm curious.
I knew nothing about it. One day, I added a bunch of recommended Japanese movies in my netflix queue, so I get the randomly. I casually popped in the DVD and I had no idea what was happening. I'm still not sure if I know what is happening lol. It is not gorey, just strange. Very very very strange. So strange that I would not recommend it to someone unless I personally knew they could handle it. However, I would not say it was all shock for shock sake. I got the point, and I think that it makes a very interesting comment from a literature point of view. I won't watch it again, and I may not have if I had heard about it before I saw it, but I'm glad I have. Idk if that makes sense.