Is anyone watching his Route 66 documentary?
It's called "Yamashita Tomohisa Route 66 Tatta Hitori no Amerika" ("山下智久 ルート66 たった一人のアメリカ","Tomohisa Yamashita [Route 66~Lone America tour]"). I definitely suggest watching it if you understand Japanese. If you only understand English, you can still understand some of it because they don't do voice overs for the English-speaking parts.
LisNoir wrote: Aya, you probably don't know the rule since you are newbie, but oorie admin, Skyekeiku, has a no shirtless pictures rule as awesome as they
There was a sexy picture of a half naked woman in one of the ads on the front page last night (it may have been the night before). If I see her again, I say we revolt and post topless male pics freely, lol.