kdrama or jdrama where mc tries to find biological  parents or unexpectedly finds them

I don't know a drama clearly about finding parents or the second one, but these have it included in the story.


This is romantic drama, but he tries to find his biological father https://mydramalist.com/298-winter-sonata

I think I can include this OP crime drama here as well https://mydramalist.com/21687-tunnel

  • Oh My Geumbi
  • Birth of a rich Man
  • I am Sorry, i love You - but this has a revenge plot and hss spawned many adaptation
  • My Husband got Family - unexpected found his family
  • Movie: Scandal Makers, My Father

  1. Black | crime, mystery, supernatural/urban fantasy, romance, comedy, melodrama
  2. Healer | action, romance, comedy
  3. Fight for my Way | slice of life, romance, comedy, action, friendship
  4. Lawless Attorney | action, crime/law, romance, comedy
  5. Missing You | action, crime, romance, melodrama
  6. Oh my Ghostess | action, crime, romance, comedy, friendship
  7. Pinocchio | crime, romance, comedy, friendship, family