Can somebody recommend me a drama in which I can occasionally see some abs? Or generally some muscle.

I would prefer if the story isn't too naive. Also I don't really like comedies, because they are usually stupid.

try movie No Breathing - it's about swimmers ;) (the story is nothing extraordinary but it was watchable) it'S not romance focused though. maybe check out the "swimmer" tag and you will find some good dramas (if that's the type of muscle you want to see, haha!)

I ended up watching Thai drama "Dark Blue Kiss". They have at last one shirtless guy in every episode. Although it isn't exactly what I was looking for, it is totally different culture, it felt differently then Korean dramas.

Hehe, the amount of replies says a lot about the difficulty of seeing abs in k-dramas  :D. 

I'm no veteran, but from the ones I've seen, the only one that comes to mind is Oh My Venus, with a couple of abs scenes on the 16 episodes run, both by the main lead, and by his friend. 

Also, in Her Private Life, there's a scene with the second main lead once by the end haha. 

Both are rom-coms with some drama thrown in, though, so maybe the seconds of abs shown won't be worth it to you.

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Nam Joo Hyuk  is a swimmer with LOTS of scenes in the pool. 

What's Wrong with Secretary Kim - Only one bed scene near the end of the series with some REALLY nice abs ... but WORTH the wait.

Marriage, Not Dating - The ML is shirtless pretty often but he's not really ripped... There is a beach day episode and the SML spends most of the episode shirtless... It's a beautiful thing.

Fall in Love With Me - Taiwanese Drama - Aaron Yan has a few shirtless scenes (including a shower scene). I gave up on the drama half way through, so I can't vouch for more. 

Most of these are romance or rom/com. I found that What's Wrong With Secretary Kim had the most adult story line (there is a huge childhood trauma involved, but it's portrayed well and will hurt your heart when it's all revealed) 

I'm sure there are many more, but I'm a relatively new drama fan, and haven't accrued a large 'Watched' list yet. Hope I was able to help a little!

The Bride of Habaek has the same ML as Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo, playing a water god and spending a lot of time in the bath :D

  • +1 Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo

  • +1 What's Wrong with Secretary Kim

  • Fight for My Way

  • The K2

  • My Love from Another Star

  • Uncontrollably Fond

  • My Secret Romance

  • I Hear Your Voice

Dramas where the SML has really great abs:

  • She Was Pretty

  • While You Were Sleeping (the scene that *everyone* giffed)


QingQing zi jin

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