Winny Aye:

before I sleep...want to add 2 more aesthetics..

great great time..

see u

amazing work Winnyyy?????❣️ one with kind of throwback and one with the impt parts of yaojing journey. *⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*(⁠^.⁠^⁠)

 Winny Aye:

before I sleep...want to add 2 more aesthetics..

great great time..

see u

Have a good rest Winny!! ! Did you did those? <3 love them!

amazing work Winnyyy?????❣️ one with kind of throwback and one with the impt parts of yaojing journey. *⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*(⁠^.⁠^⁠)

Yes! <3 Hope she'll rest well and you too!


Yes! <3 Hope she'll rest well and you too!

?? this angle ?? 

@Winnyyy have a good rest.? ohh thanks, likewise. ?


ill just add here his weibo update {im sure almost all of us have seen it already haha} 

ahhh ive a video for that second photo, ill add in a few mins :⁠-⁠D thanks for that reminder haha. i like the edit. that first one really is one i hope he'll get a chance to play, like CSI ? love it. owner :)

Yes please If y find that video link, I'd gladly show it in some form of pic to pic, it's really well done <3 Thx in advance Sapphire *hugs*

Re: Leaked image, I was thinking it should be her dream scene where she dreamt that Jing was kissing her but when she woke up everything was bitter.

Anyone read about the history behind DW’s beloved necklace? The twisted silver one he had for many of his photos? I was curious about that as it must have strong sentimental value for him to keep wearing it despite the jewelry choices he has now with his new found popularity. The fans even have a name for it - life saving necklace 

@Winny Aye

"Remark: XL death to XY was a devasted surprise Shock to XY with words piercing dagger through her heart. If I havent read XY heart was pierced like that before ,. I did not remember where yet"

When CX confessed having a part in Jing's death she felt like dagger pierced her heart.  I think not sure someome correct me.

 "mean if she just enjoyed advanture more and was into deep raw romance, she may long for XL type for sure"

I do not get why assuming that deep raw romance = XL .

No offence but it kind of look at XY feeling for TSJ as  safe. People forget that   Nice guy can make woman love them with passion and longing. TSJ did. 

From the meaning of deep raw love,  I read on Google, it is exactly what she has with TSJ/ YSQ hence she only longed for him all the time  _-him being alive or dead she did.  TH made sure of that.  She even showed it to the highest level during their break up period. 

So I do not get where the XL = passionate love or raw love come from. 

Jing being husband type does not mean there is no passion or deep raw love or romance in his relationship with XY.   TH showed that there is indeed.

I could be wrong  of course. May be it is in the novel. And XY  feel passion for and from XL.  

I need an extra from the novel. 

And not those where she get excited  because he is biting her because those do by no mean = their love would be deep raw. Is it because XY said XL was not the type a woman wants?to pit in her dream?  Lol if that  is the case people are reading too much into this. 

I am not saying this to defend Jings at all nor hate on XL. But because I saw s this a lot o. Youtube where people have been saying XY/XL love = passion,. Pure, deep and now raw... I am like where?

So I need extra  because in the drama so far there has been none of tthat. So I must have missed these when I read the book.


Yeah I was kinda irritated when I read the novel, cos even tho Jing took the pill last min before his fight with Hou, tong Hua STILL felt the need to use guy #3 to be the savior, which shouldn’t happen or else what’s the use of the pill???‍♀️?. So if s2 is changed to Jing escaping then I’ll be happy.

Not only that but she kept maining Jing like  there was no tomorrow. I could not help but compare. 7 tails cut viciously.  Producing unimaginable  pain b. It was not even needed for the fight and dear Hou having been stabbed to death still delivered the deadly blow.  Sorry I hate that fight where Hou was the tiger. Actually is he not a fox as well? 

Sorry for my rant I apologise. 

 Winny Aye:

this windia getting me again....but this is a reminder that ...argueing with that  side is just so waste... ?

sounds like that to me...

total different take on what love is..that s what i reply..hopefully this is the last time  i share something like this here..hop

What make them sleep better lol. Soon they will say XY was mentally challenged hence her choice. She has no mental capacity. How TH wrote  XY and how she verbaly describe her are 2 different things.   

Not wanting to be abandoned  is not what  made XY heart  open to TSJ/YSQ  or made her fall in love with him.  Because we all know TSJ  DID abandoned her and got married to YY for many months maybe even years( cannot remember).  XY  still pinned for that unavailable, may I add married man  who abandoned her big time.  She came back to him in a heart beat, forgot all about and throwing all caution to the bin, decided to put her back into it (the relationship) and helped break his marriage .

The epilogue did not move me at all. It was nice but nothing more. It was recapitulation what we already knew XL did. Like TH wanted to hammer in my  head what her fav did as if I did not know already or was thick in the head to  have missed it . I was disappointed  because I wanted to read about CX coming back and realising that XY was gone for ever. I was so looking forward to read about him since he was the 1rst ML and I like him a lot.

Back to our lovebirds 

And TSJ is XY lover but TH doesnt say XY loves him(to her)? ..that owrson must be thick in the head. Because  TSJ is XY lover = XY love him 

A lover is someone you love or someone you are cheating on your spouse with. In TSJ  case for XY    he  is the former( the 1 rst one)

Sorry I hate that fight where Hou was the tiger. Actually is he not a fox as well? 

I was also confused about this. 


@Winny Aye

"Remark: XL death to XY was a devasted surprise Shock to XY with words piercing dagger through her heart. If I havent read XY heart was pierced like that before ,. I did not remember where yet"

When CX confessed having a part in Jing's death she felt like dagger pierced her heart.  I think not sure someome correct me.

Chapter 47--- It was you!” Xiao Yao thought she had experienced every type of pain in the world, but who knew the most painful thing in the world was the person you love taking a knife and carving out your heart. Every part of Xiao Yao hurt, her insides, her bones, her skin, her head, none of the pain she experienced in the past could hold a candle to this. She was in such pain she wanted to die. Xiao Yao closed her eyes, unable to look at Zhuan Xu “Get out!”