Queen Purple:

I look forward to more adorable bts moments like these on season 2.     ? 

Those are on the front page of our thread, just brought them back to enjoy them with my tea :D!

Thanks so much for compliments and supports ....and everything ...? It gives me so much energy ...

sureee we're purple babies after all. :⁠-⁠D??

                                                                                         Purple Day


                                                                                         Purple Day

Purple moon..and all those goodies...yeo purple day?

Not only that but she kept maining Jing like  there was no tomorrow. I could not help but compare. 7 tails cut viciously.  Producing unimaginable  pain b. It was not even needed for the fight and dear Hou having been stabbed to death still delivered the deadly blow.  Sorry I hate that fight where Hou was the tiger. Actually is he not a fox as well? 

Sorry for my rant I apologise. 

no worries. ? the way Jing was tortured again by hou with his tails being cut off not in one blow is like "killing him softly" the way Jing's pain was described {w/c is unbearable} and hou still wanting to hear from Jing's mouth "i lost" makes me so infuriated. 

. ill add here later.

Can't wait :D


:D taste good I love it too !:D But I really eat meat like no more half the week, and very little :D Yeah poor animals!

Wowow...u are good. ...i eat meat almost  everyday. ..but i do like some vegetables too...but this is life..??

 Winny Aye:
Yes I want to see more of his 9 tails appearing..but please dont cut it off...?

Hou  on XY/ XL on XY =>I can't with any of those cruelty parts...


Hou  on XY/ XL on XY =>I can't with any of those cruelty parts...

omo....thoses foxes are too cutee..??

 AH :

I was also confused about this. 

Glad to see I am not the only one  lol.


Chapter 47--- It was you!” Xiao Yao thought she had experienced every type of pain in the world, but who knew the most painful thing in the world was the person you love taking a knife and carving out your heart. Every part of Xiao Yao hurt, her insides, her bones, her skin, her head, none of the pain she experienced in the past could hold a candle to this. She was in such pain she wanted to die. Xiao Yao closed her eyes, unable to look at Zhuan Xu “Get out!”



it's okay, we may get to see more when the drama comes, i think. (⁠^⁠^⁠) or yes, you may get more about when you reread. for me, i think im fine and imo, his response was wrong. but also their granny should have done more like when she exposed who his real mom was, she should've followed it up coz i think the way he let both like get past this and reconcile and don't harm each other anymore kind of thing isn't enough coz he had this piled up emotions, hurt, confusions, and it reached its peak with the revelation and it all blew up, he was like outraged, how he was treated, and his state of mind i think is "i don't deserve this"

yep I know he screwed himself up. He wanted to make Jing inferior. ...I only wish that there had a scene of transformation from loving brother to total hater... the journey of emotion  change because of the mother. All i get so far is his total screwed up damaged side because of jing mom. Jing did not hate him because of his mom and because of hes ONCE loving bro.. but turn 360° once mom died and learn of his being maid son..I did not feel any love from him at grown age.....but when they were young he did...It actually doesn't make sense turn that much for me personally...so i wish there were scene of that transformation. ..or else TH should not have make him loving since young age...or at least had some scenes of his jealousy since young age...at least a little. ...so yep...but anyway I really like and get all the main 4 characters, XY, CX, TSJ, XL are all well written character. ..even the emperors,  Ah Nian and Xing Yue, Fenglong are well written....even granny is more understandable than him in her actions..old woman didn't think much except to continue the clan in 100% following rules and care about the one who flattered her Yy..   omo?. .so yep I dont blame much...maybe once i reread I may understand why its  not needed..


Those are on the front page of our thread, just brought them back to enjoy them with my tea :D!


Winny Aye t

only wish that there had a scene of transformation from loving brother to total hater... the journey of emotion  change because of the mother

hiii, thankss. ah, like a more detailed description of him growing up to fully capture his change of behavior. ? 

it'll be great to hear more insights abt hou from other yaojings here.? 





                                                                                         Purple Day

let me get some purple energy today--- ? ?