
Someone explained me just (Tw/X friends) -  that this necklace was bought by DW with his very first official pay, and he value it as a symbol of ' hard work & y'll be rewarded'.

For the bell part , I just know he handcrafted at least some parts of it , on his own...

yes, for the belt, {i posted it here before}, diy:⁠-⁠D*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠* thanks still. the necklace story im not familiar, so thanksssss a lot.?

@BabyAqua, here's the answer i think you were looking for. you're right with what you said you read from fans, think that's why it's a life-saving necklace coz it has to do with how he got it and what it meant to him. ??


I read @saphire told that there could be some fan fic be written around those - maybe even poems or a short fairy tale could suit them too..

Yes very inspirationnal <3....(lurking at the new profile pic of our Winny :D<3)


Im imagining Jing in fox form and XY...its beautiful 

 Winny Aye:


ah yes there's one with eng sub on yt i saw before, the longer ver, but this one is also good, it added two more times Yang Zi saying their lyf characters loved each other. "we are two lovers who are together and love each other." and also Hong Yi's opinion for yaojing.? thankss for sharing this here Winnyyy.??

ps-- link --

thanks so much for yt link..i will go see it now

by the way...some correction on second highlighted line

Its actually "If not she won't say she choose him" ...i left out say..typo..but its not much different in overall meaning anyway .right 

welcome, no worries, it still means the same.? 

@ Winny Aye 

And yep their love is built quite quite solid strong foundation with passion and cherishing .

Totally agree 

yep i really like what Wen Hong Yi said♡

Love him ♡♡


The epilogue did not move me at all. It was nice but nothing more. It was recapitulation what we already knew XL did. Like TH wanted to hammer in my  head what her fav did as if I did not know already or was thick in the head to  have missed it . I was disappointed  because I wanted to read about CX coming back and realising that XY was gone for ever. I was so looking forward to read about him since he was the 1rst ML and I like him a lot.

Back to our lovebirds 

Never read the epilogue cos it was annoying me already with the way TH made guy #3  saving Jing & instead of her to write the aftermath of CX-the fucking male lead, she chose to write about her fav character, so off course his fans will use that against Jing in every way. Pretty fucked up. No wonder why tong Hua said she saw a lot of weaknesses when she reread her book! She was supposed to write about CX,him not finding XY,how he felt when he found out she & Jing left the city. But nope, gotta write a “beautiful” tribute to your fav character, okay pookie.

 Winny Aye:


Im imagining Jing in fox form and XY...its beautiful 

ahhh is that why you changed to this prof? it's one of my faves too, one of my "i wish" for the drama and the book. hope some creative yaojing writers would make these photos into stories, even just a short one would do. ??????


@ Winny Aye 

And yep their love is built quite quite solid strong foundation with passion and cherishing .

Totally agree 

same here?.

 Winny Aye:

yep i really like what Wen Hong Yi said♡

Love him ♡♡

thanksss Winnyy for adding it here.? yesss.?? 

-- link -- 

(all this thx to @Winny and @sapphire!!!! <3)

                                                   FULLY TRANSLATED: Yang zi on  XIAOJING LOVE

Question:                                        "Why did Xiao Yao choose Tushan Jing ?"

     -  Yang Zi :   -  "Firstly, Xiao Yao is in love with Tushan Jing,

...otherwise she wouldn't have said that she would choose him.

-------------------- There come an insert of LyF cast press interview with YZi again:

YZi: " We are 2 lovers who are together and love each other.

Shiqi is my official love match."

--------------------------New Insert from TV Show"HelloSaturday"/Yangzi again:

- " Shiqi is my official match." 

- " He is the person I love & the person who loves me,

So because of that, we end up together at the end of the story (drama)."

---------------------------------------------HonG Yi's interview, and POV on XiaoJing---------------------------

-   "I Think we should let Jing and Xiao Yao be together.

-    "Respect the original work. Respect Love."

---------------------------------Zhang Wan Yi interview on same subject-------------------------------

(joking mode):

" We just should have kild Tushan Jing earlier!...

...excluded him!!! " .



his fans will use that against Jing in every way

is what i really don't like abt "some" 

 She was supposed to write about CX,him not finding XY,how he felt when he found out she & Jing left the city.

true though, we didn't get to see that. {chill :⁠-⁠D, there's the leaked yaojing photo(⁠^.⁠^⁠) which i hope to see more:} i read the epilogue and i can understand how you feel, even before i reach that part, i also felt ---but my love for yaojing is as solid as their love for each other that i felt from the book and the drama s1 and it's what keeps me alive waiting :⁠-⁠D ??

there's something id like to ask us yaojingS.

what are you thoughts on Shiqi and Jing? 

i know weve been discussing a lot abt Shiqi and Jing, but i still want to ask. :⁠-⁠D you can detail or summarize how you see the two identities. thankssss a lot. hope other yaojingS will share their thoughts when they see this later too. ??


thankssss too, the complete package, ZWY's so funny there. :⁠-⁠D *rival still haha. ?


I always laugh at ZWY’s answer, cos my guy is DETERMINED to exclude Jing. He’s always been envious of him lmao, this is one of the main reasons why  CX will always have this rivalry with Jing cos he knows how much Jing means to XY.

@Romance_Revenge @peng-peng

Never read the epilogue cos it was annoying me already with the way TH made guy #3  saving Jing & instead of her to write the aftermath of CX-the fucking male lead, she chose to write about her fav character, so off course his fans will use that against Jing in every way. Pretty fucked up. No wonder why tong Hua said she saw a lot of weaknesses when she reread her book! She was supposed to write about CX,him not finding XY,how he felt when he found out she & Jing left the city. But nope, gotta write a “beautiful” tribute to your fav character, okay pookie.

yes the last 2 parts are too heavily focused on XL. I guess that at that time she's totally enjoying to write XL character . And I think it's because of this XL being mysterious till the end is what make his fans yearn for him more like crazy. I actually like the epilouge on how XL blessed YaoJing by putting the man holding mermaid hand to the crystal ball. its touching. But did it make me want XL to end up with XY. My answer is a total solid NO! I also agree you that the ending chapters should be more focus on ZX, and his feels after XY was gone. He's my initial favorite character because I like layered character. But YaoJing was my fav comfort. So its two thing delivered to my favor . But as I finished novel. my fav character switched to Jing. He's very unique and refreshing I'd say. But yep, I hope that in drama, it ends with CX. But before that should be yaojing pleading love. lol...need to sleep now...see ya  all tmr..