Blueberries Field:

It is a machine learning algorithm, sentiment analysis. And it's fast. The one that is taking time is getting 'good' data, scrapping data from the novel itself.

yeah but I dont have a machine like that.

So I just use mostly my eyes (the drama had mostly grabbed me, compared to the novel as  I'm more into SF or a classical reader in general ). I saw XiaoJing heading to the same love & life path.

Fan art :p owner!

 Blueberries Field:

This is doable. It's sentiment analysis in ML. Assuming that we can scrap the data from Tong Hua's novel website (a legal concern).  We can determine if XY has more positive emotions towards XL or TSJ. 


Sure it is :) But a computer is handier :p 

Im making notes on my phone ?

XY is attracted to YSQ. .got red cheeks even when the guy is crippled and bandages are all over and on the face too although having refined manners.  In chapter 1. YSQ knew WXL was a female because shes shy in front of him. 

XY is attracted to XL. .in chapter 2 it is XL is handsome charisma with silver white hair.  XL knew WXL is woman because she could fei fei out. 

XY regards XL frenemy. ...she had certain share of fear but later realized he wont really hurt her after he saved her life and she didn't really died at any circumstances. She would like to let out her traumatic experiences in front of him . In that case i think she is just letting herself out. But that made their bond started.

XY is longing feelings towards because she sort of make her feel comfortable and he's by her side.  She wanted to cut this longing by testing him if he would save her when she was to taken to Gao Xing/Haoling. She wouldas jealous of women around him. 

The gorilla mirror, love bugs, romantic calling crystal ball is all symbols of XY affection and attraction for XL.

For yaojing, there's several actually. Magnolia,  amethyst are example. However, yaojing is mostly action driven. They are very clear that they love each other and want to be together. Their love is confessed. And XY would put him in her mirror but will steal kiss him whenever possible. ?

  YSQ has only 1 life, and he would like to spend it with the one he loves. And follows her in death.

XL loves XY but he could not confess because he didnt think he could be the life partner XY had dreamt of and he could not give up his army life. So instead, he protected afar by not letting her love him.  However,  spend time with her as playboy like FFB,  taught her archery, used up his lives to save her by feeding his soul blood which also share his ability too and also supporting Yaojing. And gives her ocean map, in case she didn't really have any place to go. 

Jing wanted to be with XY the rest of his life. He did healed her but he also needed healing from her. Just like decent guy he wanted to marry her honourably. It was his priority in his heart but in reality it took time for him to cut off from his family and engagement issues. He is very jealous of XL. But concerning love bugs, he is more concerned of her life than his jealousy. He had insecurity a lot but once hes certain that XY had genuine affection for him, he became more playful with her. He knew how to handle XY quite well and yet he respect XY in her decisions and would not make her feel any uncomfort. In this case i  think XY felt more equal around him than other two guys. 

Jing got stolen kisses from XY and had his passionate wolf kiss which they both consented. XY felt sweet everytime they kissed.

XL only kissed and embraced  XY when shes not complete conscious. He also initially forced bite her neck initially. Her feelings of sweetness is not written.

Whether XY would love XL more if he confessed is not written. But once YSQ confessed and asked XY to wait. She accepted it with heart although he had fiancé. It's likely she's giving him and herself this chance.

Lol. ..its lot now. There s still many left?

Confessed/ not confessed.

Not conscious/conscious.

Dont touch/touch.


.... yes we all here know that, and we skip here all the details. :D. 


Fan art :p owner!

Sooo cute Tehehe ? 

As XY said,’ a man forced me to kiss him, but now all I want to do is kiss you’ to Jing. That should tell you where her feelings hints. Her feelings for Jing wouldn’t change even if the other guy confessed but also know this, XY would NEVER go against family for a man. Family means everything to her. Whether she’s attracted to another despite being in love with Jing or not, in the end she CHOSE Jing out of her free will & heart. Now let’s move on & wait for the proposal scene from my in-law Jing in s2.


As XY said,’ a man forced me to kiss him, but now all I want to do is kiss you’ to Jing. That should tell you where her feelings hints.



Confessed/ not confessed.

Not conscious/conscious.

Dont touch/touch.


.... yes we all here know that, and we skip here all the details. :D. 

lol atleast with the 2 XY initiated the kisses, touches & being pouty with 1 man. Tsk tsk 1 was willing to give even if it took eternity, which man has the time & patience for that? Lmao by this time XY would’ve been ignored or cheated on ????‍♀️

Her feelings for Jing wouldn’t change even if the other guy confessed but also know this, XY would NEVER go against family for a man. Family means everything to her. Whether she’s attracted to another despite being in love with Jing or not, in the end she CHOSE Jing out of her free will & heart. Now let’s move on & wait for the proposal scene from my in-law Jing in s2.

I'm ready too @ pop corns are already cheering <3

No but anytime symbolika 1 puts the HOT KISS from YaoJing, I always giggle ? cos why does it keep playing in my head?


I'm ready too @ pop corns are already cheering <3

Ayo this s2 scene makes my heart soo happy cos she looks soo in love with him, my gawwwwdddd??


No but anytime symbolika 1 puts the HOT KISS from YaoJing, I always giggle ? cos why does it keep playing in my head?

....Same as me ? => Joy <3


Ayo this s2 scene makes my heart soo happy cos she looks soo in love with him, my gawwwwdddd??

I'm ready too @ pop corns are already cheering <3

Ayo this s2 scene makes my heart soo happy cos she looks soo in love with him, my gawwwwdddd??

       Aigo me tooo! :D Pure joy <3


Confessed/ not confessed.

Not conscious/conscious.

Dont touch/touch.


.... yes we all here know that, and we skip here all the details. :D. 

Lol yes Death / Life

XL theme song : The waiting that can't be waited for

Jing theme song: Heal


       Aigo me tooo! :D Pure joy <3

She’s like,’ yeah I’m about enjoy his sweet kiss again,lord help me to control myself cos I may not be able to do so lol