Winny Aye:

yess his smile ..♡ And yaojing hot scene 

:D I'm not yet there! :D But you can start if you want..Here is with my ongoing re reading:

So we saw Ch.1 (recap)

:D  => Ch.1! :

"He  took the cloth and started washing himself. From the neck down to the chest down to the stomach and finally lower towards his legs.

Xiao Liu’s eyes followed his hand when suddenly he turned to the side and munched loudly on the duck neck, making crunch crunch sounds.

The man’s eyes opened and he looked towards Xiao Liu. The sunlight shone through the window and bathed Xiao Liu in light. His cheeks were red and it was illuminated by the sunlight like a piece of beautiful jade with red spots on it."

                                                                         "crunch crunch sounds really? :D"



                                                               *Now place to some of CH.2!:

=> Ch.2:

"A fragrant smell came wafting out. Xiao Liu split the chicken in thirds, one part went into the food bag, he gave Shi Qi the bigger remaining portion “You must finish, you are too skinny.” Xiao Liu ate his portion and watched Shi Qi.

=> He was still the same, every gesture was elegant and refined, as if he was seated at the most lofty banquet eating the most incredible food. Xiao Liu sighed :

“Shi Qi, you’ll leave sooner or late.”

Shi Qi glanced at him “I. Won’t.” 

While watching his elegance: it's Xiao Liu pov // (incredible food?? :D) , she feel he is so interesting visualy, that she might loose him...

         OKay:                                          ---Ch. 1: crunch crunch crunch...

                                                                         - Ch.2 : Incredible food...

She want to eat him???? :D

.........................................................................................................................................Answer in CH 3 ? :D=>


That’s the plum jar Jing brought in the earlier episodes after XY found out who he really was & tried being distant to him.

Exactly! :)

That's  why on don't get  when people say that thre story is boring. 

If those people keep on skiping parts of the drama and the novel, because they only enjoy two characters, I quite understand that they DO feel bored!:D 


They treat her as a thing who has no will no opinion and above all cannot make her own  choice based on her want.

Because she choose Tushan Jing :).

But this was in the missing plot holes :D...

@ Winny Aye 

And again that line of Jing, "you did not have me in your eyes at that moment" , to me he's very insecure of himself and also jealousy. I think.

I took that sentence from him differently.  Not as him being jealous or insecure but him having self respect and wanting XY to give him that much.

 like if you are spending quality time with me , respect me enough to no be thinking about another man. Especially  a man who is giving you some TLC. 

The same happened  with    XL  when the  4 ( xY, XL, TSJ and YY) of them were  looking at the bow. XL was not please at all that XY used him to make TJS jealous.  He felt insulted by her action.  He sent her a clear non verbal message : Respect me enough to not use me to make your lover jealous especially  when I am out with you. Spending quality time.

That's  how I interpreted that part.



Wait, XY was checking YSQ out while he was taking a bath??…oh myyyy ?

=> Chapter 1 yes.

Did I miss something? 


I took that sentence from him differently.  Not as him being jealous or insecure but him having self respect and wanting XY to give him that much.

 like if you are spending quality time with me , respect me enough to no be thinking about another man. Especially  a man who is giving you some TLC. 

The same happened  with    XL  when the  4 ( xY, XL, TSJ and YY) of them were  looking at the bow. XL was not please at all that XY used him to make TJS jealous.  He felt insulted by her action.  He sent her a clear non verbal message : Respect me enough to not use me to make your lover jealous especially  when I am out with you. Spending quality time.

That's  how I interpreted that part.

Same  reading again :D


Yeah I realized tong hua could have easily solved jing engagement problem but she made sure they both went through the heartbreak specifically because of xiaoyao.... She needed to learn what it means to be in a relationship and to figure out how much jing meant to her. So as much as it hurts seeing the break up... Their bond became unbreakable due to that experience. 

Yes. It was a very important life lesson for XY. She needed to learn that if you want something  - not material thing-  deeply enough, you have to do the work to get it. 


Because she choose Tushan Jing :).

But this was in the missing plot holes :D...

hmmm...i wonder what u mean by plot holes !

 Winny Aye:


"I am here". He is her loved and desired pivotal man. So while many are heroic, TSJ is her only heart hero, the only one that will conquer it, the only one she is eager to share/confess her love.

Her love.  

Thanks so much for response ....yep 

He's the only one she's willing to share and confessed love. Their love is not easy one like many make it into. lol

Im sure she chose him with her heart and mind. 



@ Winny Aye 

And again that line of Jing, "you did not have me in your eyes at that moment" , to me he's very insecure of himself and also jealousy. I think.

I took that sentence from him differently.  Not as him being jealous or insecure but him having self respect and wanting XY to give him that much.

 like if you are spending quality time with me , respect me enough to no be thinking about another man. Especially  a man who is giving you some TLC. 

The same happened  with    XL  when the  4 ( xY, XL, TSJ and YY) of them were  looking at the bow. XL was not please at all that XY used him to make TJS jealous.  He felt insulted by her action.  He sent her a clear non verbal message : Respect me enough to not use me to make your lover jealous especially  when I am out with you. Spending quality time.

That's  how I interpreted that part.


Yes its not written like that "jealousy" in chapter 18..I mixed it up with chapter 14 actually Im rereading the book...still on chapter 4..? going slow...keep details not skipping any parts...:D


Yes. It was a very important life lesson for XY. She needed to learn that if you want something  - not material thing-  deeply enough, you have to do the work to get it. 

And as she will see a little later, she is going to express him, she regrets how she didn't trust him enough, and how she could have help him out too, hand in hand out of that awfull situation :).

( a part I can't wait see ! :D)