Winny Aye:
plot hole

I'll try to express myself clearer :).

What I mean is how can people, generally, understand what's going on in a story, regarding the FL -with whom, how and why - when they skip (as I read in main comment section quite often from XL fans ) all parts from the novel and/or the drama that isn't related to their favorite character? That's just impossible :) ! 

They have such plot holes that the TH story isn't the same, neither the characters arcs and overall actions , and the decisions that are made seems empty and the story boring. :D


He's bad temperament was the first thing Xiao Yao as Xiao Liu experimented and feared :)

yep...i cant deny her uncomfort. Yangzi just acted out directly. Thats not again to deny her playful sight teasing him and sympathy she felt for him. She helped him fight Xuan until she learnt of Xuan identity. So yep. But about the uncomfort, its definetly true to near end. For example like she's  uncomfortable with furball eating out seagull demon (who came to assasinate her). and so his fans excuse it for him being "demon". So yeo i take it as demon thing too.  I don't think its in her that she  count him as spending lifetime as she was to Shiqi naturally.   


I'll try to express myself clearer :).

What I mean is how can people, generally, understand what's going on in a story, regarding the FL -with whom, how and why - when they skip (as I read in main comment section quite often from XL fans ) all parts from the novel and/or the drama that isn't related to their favorite character? That's just impossible :) ! 

They have such plot holes that the TH story isn't the same, neither the characters arcs and overall actions , and the decisions that are made seems empty and the story boring. :D

keke..what i understand is that you are meaning the plot holes is made by those who only watch it for certain characters and refused to watch (or understand) certain important characters and therefore the overallstory becomes emty and boring for them. And not all parts are for one fav character. When people skip, there's gonna be plot holes. Interpretation on this same story by TH become different . Am I right this time?

 Winny Aye:

Sharing the same life goals is not to be minimized- yes - and she observed him/TSJ/Yeshiqi very attentivly from the very begining , even as Xiao Liu , as we said before :).

 Winny Aye:

keke..what i understand is that you are meaning the plot holes is made by those who only watch it for certain characters and refused to watch (or understand) certain important characters and therefore the overallstory becomes emty and boring for them. And not all parts are for one fav character. When people skip, there's gonna be plot holes. Interpretation on this same story by TH become different . Am I right this time?


I'm always afraid that my englo-french isn't understandable :D Yes yes, It was me who didnt translate you well I guess :D *cheering* :D!<3 

(bb :)))


To Jing, he felt XY didn’t have him in her eyes, so instead of taking advantage of her, he’d rather suffocate or quickly climb up to breathe. Other men would’ve kissed her for air, but not Jing cos he respects himself & XY, that’s also why he didn’t kiss her when she kissed him, remember she felt irritated to why he didn’t kiss her cos maybe he didn’t like her that much.

I totally agree with this as  well.  Jing does not take advantage of her.

but not Jing cos he respects himself & XY, that’s also why he didn’t kiss her when she kissed him, remember she felt irritated to why he didn’t kiss her cos maybe he didn’t like her that much.

I totally agree with this as  well.  Jing does not take advantage of her.

Ch 2:

"Xiao Liu ate his portion and watched Shi Qi.

 He was still the same, every gesture was elegant and refined, as if he was seated at the most lofty banquet eating the most incredible food".

And described as such since the beginning :)=> a gentleman : raffiné & elegant. Taking care to eat even the "common folk" food as if it was the "most incredible food".

Also him carring her as a gentleman, 

giving flowers

When she bites him:

He don't go mad :) (some would :p)


How could this man take advantage of her ??? :D



I'm always afraid that my englo-french isn't understandable :D Yes yes, It was me who didnt translate you well I guess :D *cheering* :D!<3 

(bb :)))

no your english is good...its just sometimes we can go confused at times ..? yes cheers ...yeahhh



To Jing, he felt XY didn’t have him in her eyes, so instead of taking advantage of her, he’d rather suffocate or quickly climb up to breathe. Other men would’ve kissed her for air, but not Jing cos he respects himself & XY, that’s also why he didn’t kiss her when she kissed him, remember she felt irritated to why he didn’t kiss her cos maybe he didn’t like her that much.

I totally agree with this as  well.  Jing does not take advantage of her.

well it is explained in chapter 33 that he would not do anything inappropriate ...? but once he does,i mean once he kissed, he become the wolf..♡♡

 Winny Aye:

well it is explained in chapter 33 that he would not do anything inappropriate ...? but once he does,i mean once he kissed, he become the wolf..♡♡

Have you the line in the book please!? :)))) <3


Have you the line in the book please!? :)))) <3

from these lines in chapter 33...

Jing saw that Xiao Yao agreed with his conclusion and continued “Yi Yang must know that so she knew the love potion couldn’t make me….sleep with her. So she had my grandmother put a mystifying spell on me so that I mistook her for you. But Yi Yang doesn’t know how much you mean to me. Because that person is you, I would never ever sleep with you under those circumstances.”

Xiao Yao asked “Even if I threw myself at you and you still wouldn’t?”

Jing said “If you threw yourself at me, I would control myself even more. If you are willing it means you trust me, so I will try even harder not to let you down and give you everything you deserve. Xiao Yao, back then Yi Yang tried to kill herself and I went to see her, but that was another woman’s room and another woman’s bed. I want to be with you openly and legitimately, how could I have slept with you just like that on another woman’s bed? That would be shaming and hurting you! No matter how confused I was, I firmly believe I would never betray my deepest convictions.”


@ Winny Aye  

Jing saw that Xiao Yao agreed with his conclusion and continued “Yi Yang must know that so she knew the love potion couldn’t make me….sleep with her. So she had my grandmother put a mystifying spell on me so that I mistook her for you. But Yi Yang doesn’t know how much you mean to me. Because that person is you, I would never ever sleep with you under those circumstances.”

Xiao Yao asked “Even if I threw myself at you and you still wouldn’t?”

Jing said “If you threw yourself at me, I would control myself even more. If you are willing it means you trust me, so I will try even harder not to let you down and give you everything you deserve. Xiao Yao, back then Yi Yang tried to kill herself and I went to see her, but that was another woman’s room and another woman’s bed. I want to be with you openly and legitimately, how could I have slept with you just like that on another woman’s bed? That would be shaming and hurting you! No matter how confused I was, I firmly believe I would never betray my deepest convictions.”



Thank you ! Exactly! :)  Was searching them :D => I would never betray my deepest convictions. Yes a gentleman :)!

 Winny Aye:

well it is explained in chapter 33 that he would not do anything inappropriate ...? but once he does,i mean once he kissed, he become the wolf..♡♡

                                                                                                 The wolf

                                                                           (that she is too with him <3 omg :D)

Lol ...i get to reread chapter 14 ... and im loving it...their interaction and touch ♡♡

Xiao Yao didn’t know how much time had passed when she finally touched something solid. She grabbed onto it tightly and opened her eyes. It was a rock and her entire body collapsed on the rock. She could see in the distance a dark figure standing alone on another rock.

The sun was rising and the dawn was cold and misty. The figure seemed to blend into the rock, standing in the distance, appearing to wait forever more.

Xiao Yao didn’t know if she was too tired, or happy, but her voice was gone and she couldn’t call out. She weakly raised her hand to wave but nothing moved. Finally the figure saw her and didn’t even bother to walk along the shoreline and instead dove into the ocean and swam to Xiao Yao. Jing held her up and the two of them were treading water. Xiao Yao was so exhausted she was shivering, and for whatever reason, Jing was also shivering.

Xiao Yao said “Don’t….don’t….in the water.” After a night in the water, she didn’t want to be here anymore.

Jing carried her on shore but after taking a few steps his foot slipped and he fell back. He was afraid she would be hurt so turned to land on his back with a loud thud.

Xiao Yao laughed “You………nine….fox…..stupid…..”

They finally reached shore and Jing carried Xiao Yao to rest under a cliff outcropping. Xiao Yao’s face was white and her lips were black with cold. Jing put one hand on her back and the other on her palm and transferred power into her. Gradually it moved through her body and she stopped shivering.

It was bright sun outside by now but under the outcropping they were in the shade.

Jing saw that Xiao Yao was warm and took back the hand that was on her back, and was going to release the hand on her palm. But he didn’t bear to so his hand released and then tightened. Xiao Yao teased him “You were much bolder back then, when did you lose your courage?”

Jing released her hand “Now is not the same as before.”

“What’s changed?”

Jing looked at her and then swiftly lowered his eyes.

Xiao Yao touched her wild and wet hair and the patted her cheeks. Her face was likely no better off and equally a mess. She decided when she got back she was going to teach that Ah Nian a damn painful lesson. Xiao Yao stood up “I’m going back.”

Jing hurriedly stood up and grabbed her arm, but then released it like he was shocked by electricity, his face blushing red. Gao Xing’s clothes were light and airy, so after it got wet the robe was plastered to Xiao Yao. It wasn’t as noticeable earlier since she was sitting down, but now that she stood up, from her trim waist to her full bosom, it was all on display.

Xiao Yao noticed Jing’s expression and glanced down at herself before immediately squatting into a ball and wrapping her arms around her knees.

Jing sat down across from her and said softly “Can you stay for a bit before going back? Just a little bit.”

Xiao Yao said nothing.

“I waited for you all night and thought you weren’t coming.”

Xiao Yao said angrily “If you thought I wasn’t coming, then why keep waiting?”

Jing didn’t know how to answer. If she didn’t come, then he didn’t know where else to go. In this dark deep place, he once experienced the sweetest happiness, but the one who gave him the happiness was Xiao Liu. It wasn’t this girl before him now. If she took back her promise, he would completely understand.

Xiao Yao got on her knees and faced him, her eyes reflecting her anger “Do you think waiting all night was hard? You have a fiancee! You step out with her all the time together, and then you find any opportunity to remind me of my promise to you. If you don’t trust me, then why ask me to promise? Let me tell you, last night I tried to keep the promise and almost died!”

Xiao Yao shoved Jing hard “I don’t want to play anymore. I take back my promise! You scram back to Qing Qiu and go marry Fang Feng Yi Yang!”

Jing didn’t dare do anything back to her but he also didn’t budge “I won’t marry her. She doesn’t like me so she likely doesn’t want to marry me either.”

Xiao Yao stopped shoving “I don’t believe it! Why reason does she have to not like you?”

“I’m a cripple and I can tell she’s shocked and dismayed. One time she saw the scars on my body and was shocked…..” To say “shocked” was an understatement, Yi Yang’s face was stark white and she was petrified, not daring to look at him in that moment. Since then, when they were alone together, she would purposely keep her distance from him.

Xiao Yao felt terrible, she knew Jing had a crippled leg and his scars were truly scary, but that shouldn’t be a reason to dislike him. Xiao Yao said “You guys have been engaged for tens of years, shouldn’t she not care about such external trappings?”

“In truth, before I saw her in Qing Shui Town, I didn’t even know what she looked like. We never met before and she was chosen by my mother. By then my mother was very sick and I didn’t want her to fret over my marriage so I agreed immediately. I took care of my mother and ran the businesses so I was so busy I didn’t care much about this. It was my brother who went off to meet her and came back with a smile and told me “congrats, she’s beautiful and smart”. After mother died, I had to take care of my despondent brother so was in no mood for romance. After my grandmother revealed my brother’s birth, I was even less inclined to think about this. Then my grandmother wanted to set the wedding date and that was when I remembered I had a fiancee. My grandmother is elderly and my sister-in-law is of no use so the Tu Shan clan needs a lady of the house to help my grandmother with her worries. After my grandmother discussed with the clan elders, they set a wedding date but before it arrived, I was already captured by my brother.”

It seems so long . I will continue in another reply .

continue lovely chapter 14....their attraction 

So Qing Shui Town was their first meeting, no wonder Fang Feng Yi Yang was disappointed…..Xiao Yao’s feelings were so conflicted, she felt angry and upset, but also somewhat happy. She really didn’t know what she was thinking.

After a moment, Xiao Yao said coolly “Miss Fang Feng is definitely very beautiful and she’s quite capable. If she’s got high standards that’s normal, don’t feel too bad about it.”

“You. Are the most beautiful.” Jing said that and then lowered his head.

“Even now?”


Xiao Yao burst out laughing “Now I know why the young girls are putty in Zhuan Xu’s hands with his honeyed words. Even though I know you’re not telling the truth, I still like hearing it.”

“I’m telling the truth, Xiao Yao. I never imagined you would look like this. If I had known you were like this…..even in the dark prison I would have never dared to reveal my greatest wish….” Jing’s back was straight but his head was still lowered, like a tree growing in darkness. “My body, my voice….do you know why I never got my crippled leg healed even knowing I can? Because I know that even when I’m healed, the real injury is inside that no medicine can heal. I can wear clothes to cover up my hideous scars, I can use rare medicine to cure my crippled leg, I can talk less to conceal my voice, I can lie to everyone that I can still the dashing Young Master of Qing Qiu, but I can’t lie to myself……Xiao Yao, I’m not good enough for you! This time, there will be many handsome, smart, physically whole young men…..”

“Jing, raise your head! Tu Shan Jing, raise you head.”

Jing slowly raised his head and Xiao Yao put her face right in front of his and murmured “Last night, a man forced me to kiss him, but right now all I want to do is kiss you.” Her lips softly landed on his lips and Jing’s body shook and he darted backwards “No….Xiao Yao.”

Xiao Yao closed her eyes and raised her face, her cheeks bright red as her body softly shivered “Jing…..Jing…..”

Xiao Yao’s soft voice was so low he almost could hear what she was saying, but Jing was shaking as his lips touched the peach blossom birthmark on her forehead and it felt like a fire burned from Xiao Yao straight to his head. His cold heart warned up, with the hope that one day those scars concealed deep within his heart would also heal.

Jing tightly embraced Xiao Yao and buried his face in her neck, this joy like a dream where he just wanted to hold Xiao Yao forever and never let go.

Xiao Yao murmured “You’re suffocating me.”

Jing immediately released her with his face bright red. Xiao Yao chuckled and rested her head on his arm and looked at him. Jing was embarrassed so turned his head slightly “You said just now that you almost died last night, and also said…..”

Xiao Yao waved her hand casually “It’s nonsense, I just said it to scare you.”

Jing looked at Xiao Yao with doubt in his eyes, but he knew she didn’t want to discuss it anymore.

Xiao Yao laughed and pointed to her lips “Why not here?”

Jing said in a low voice “Now’s not the time yet.”

“What time then….” Xiao Yao lowered her eyes and used her hands to cover her face and her embarrassment.

Jing couldn’t answer because the choice was with Xiao Yao and not with him. It wasn’t that he didn’t desire her, but what he wanted was her love. He didn’t want her pity and care for him, she already gave him too much, he didn’t want to continue using her kindess.

Xiao Yao peeked at him through her fingers “I thought you men when you see a girl all want to push her down on the pallet and rip their clothes off….” Xiao Yao couldn’t continue, ever since she returned to being a girl, she couldn’t be as shameless as Xiao Liu anymore. Especially now, she was dying to take what she just said back.

Jing may have been very proper, but he was still the clan leader and would often go to places of pleasure to discuss business. Plus the scions of the powerful families were all experienced in the male-female relations, and Jing as a man clearly knew enough. In discussing business, he saw more and heard more explicit things then this and was always just fine with it. But facing Xiao Yao, he felt this fire burning through him and he tried to explain “I am not like that.”

The two were silent, their shyness conveyed in their awkwardness, mixed with the tender stirrings of happiness.
