
It happens  to me as well 

Top là! *hand check* :D!!!!


@jrrg. (ep.33 cover)


Top là! *hand check* :D!!!!


loves those fluffy raccons ♡


For our LYF  scrapbookers from TW/X=>

Get your cisors and print mashine on :D! <3 owner

such beautiful craft piece ....:)♡

 Winny Aye:

such beautiful craft piece ....:)♡

Downloaded for your intention, knew you would like it <3!:)))


Downloaded for your intention, knew you would like it <3!:)))

yes love it so much ...inspiring...♡♡

                                                                                             White and blue 

I saw this comment 

 In this world where there are many bad peopleI like partner/spouse whose character like XL; Responsible, kind, resolute, smart, and strong.
for me, Smart & kind only is not enough as a spouse."

Lol  resolute, kind, responsible, smart  and strong are characteristics that the 3 mls  CX, JTS and XL have not just XL.  Lol

That person only think jing is Smart and kind. My gosh. He may not be strong physically due to having lost his powers but he is mentally strong as demonstrated by TH and XY. He is resolute in his decision to want to be with XY no matter what.  He has been responsible  towards his duties for many centuries. 

ZX  is resolute and responsible in wanting to unify all and have peace.  Smart to use FL. Strong because of his power. Kind to his friends. 

Even FL has these characteristics.

And what do they expect their mam to do against bad people exactly? Kill them? So say man can go to jail? What lol. 

I by far prefer a man who is resolute in his love for me and wanting me to be his all  than 1 who is resolute in making me happy but his resolute in not making me his all. 

Back to YaoJing 

Apparently  XiaoYao  was not given any character development. Just a love story. And all chatacter development in LYF have been given to XL by TH.

This a totally disagree. XY character development came after  the shameful wedding and her talk with the old lady. From them on her character developed till the end where she cut tie with her beloved  ge ge with was something she would NEVER had dreamed of doing 1 day. We saw her deciding to finally fight for what she wanted above all and not change her mind. True that XL did guide her sometime in her journey to realise some of this but to say she did not have character growth is wrong.

What character development did XL have? From begining he has decided to make sure that XY get the happiness he cannot have.  And he does this till the end. Nothing more. Same with Jing, same with ZX. In fact the only male character who goes through a character development is Zx because he has to learn to give up on CX  even that is not something he was still willing to do by the end. Xy had to cut him off her life forever.  So all in all  the 3 mls had so to speak no character development as far as I saw. 

To say that serpent realising that he does not need XY love  to do all he did is a character development  is far fetch because he decided on this long ago in the story.


Is the person trying to say that Jing is not suitable or what? Cos I’m confused? Do they think being physically strong is everything compared to being mentally strong? lol lmao yeah okay, they can go for the serpent then, since they think he’s “responsible,kind & strong” even when he’s an abusive prick too??‍♀️.



Is the person trying to say that Jing is not suitable or what? Cos I’m confused? Do they think being physically strong is everything compared to being mentally strong? lol lmao yeah okay, they can go for the serpent then, since they think he’s “responsible,kind & strong” even when he’s an abusive prick too??‍♀️.

I think they were trying hard to say this. Lol. When I read ot o was like  "try harder please  add more adjectives if you will " lol.

Okay okay enough of this lmao, being physically strong has absolutely NOTHING to do with love or kindness. Physical strength is something you can gain through hard work but when you’re not only emotionally damaged but your mental strength is also shattered. People absolutely give in to the hate & vengeance, but Jing didn’t do that, he rather overcame it even though he’s sometimes affected by it. The girlies who prefer the serpent cos he’s “strong” lmao even he’s also weak cos without XY’s blood he’s nothing. I’d have actually succumbed to my mental deranged mind from Hou’s torture & would’ve wiped not only him but FFYY & anyone who stands in my way. Do you know how difficult it is to move on? You think being strong is the only option? Without a stable mind & emotion,you’d go astray. Even with Jing’s halved power, his mental state became stable & helped CX become emperor, FL became a general. If he wanted to be ambitious, it’d have been easy peasy cos he’d have a LOT of support but he decided to help CX from the shadows. So to me the strongest is Jing,cos without him FL will STILL be where he is & CX wouldn’t be emperor ??‍♀️.


I think they were trying hard to say this. Lol. When I read ot o was like  "try harder please  add more adjectives if you will " lol.

Lmao it’s hilarious at this point, cos there’re soo many FL,CX & serpent characters in this modern day but very difficult to find a Jing. Girrrll, if they dunno how to praise or criticize they should just shush & stop being a follower cos the main comment section is filled with those. All the things she described was pointed at Jing but since she didn’t want to be torn to shreds in the comments,she wrote the other guy lmao. Alright sweetie do you ??


Assistants streching to keep on his hight :D!!!! loool

Waow! found some more :D

even he’s also weak cos without XY’s blood he’s nothing. 

 And may I add her poissons.