
What are they saying? I don't visit the main board because some people can get very irate whenever your opinion doesn't aligned with theirs, no matter how neutral/reasonable your phrasing is. I don't know how some of these people function in the real world.

They're throwing insults back and forth. Today one of them called me a dumb 12-year-old and that TinaL person called Kokuto a loser.

I'm sorry, I can call Jing, a FICTIONAL CHARACTER, whatever adjective I feel like it, just as they do with Xiang Liu, but attacking real people because of their opinions is a bit much. They really are losing their decency.

They're throwing insults back and forth. Today one of them called me a dumb 12-year-old and that TinaL person called Kokuto a loser.

It's a mess really. That's why I don't reply there that much.

I'm sorry, I can call Jing, a FICTIONAL CHARACTER, whatever adjective I feel like it, just as they do with Xiang Liu, but attacking real people because of their opinions is a bit much. They really are losing their decency.

I'm never going to feel guilty criticizing Jing. He's not a real person. He's fictional lolol. And, yes. They're attacking us XL supporters. I bet if they met us in real life, they wouldn't say stuff like that to us. It's immature.


I can't take credit for that bad boys quote. It's from Julia Michael's song. Heaven. The anthem for lovers of fictional (and maybe non-fictional) bad boys everywhere. 

I don't seems to have the embed video function, but here is a link to the song.


And I shared a lot of yours opinion on why Jing wouldn't make a very good partner. He'll be fine as a business partner, but his ineffectual ability to deal with family relationships would make him an absolute nightmare as a romantic partner. 

It's a good thing for XY that he essentially doesn't have much close family ties left by the end of the novel. Funny that the author set it up so that their relationship can only works after Jing gave up everything and replace them with XY.  Not exactly a healthy relationship  dynamic. It works for XY  'cause girlfriend.got issues, but really isn't a good way to have a relationship. 


In my version of Tong Hua’s world, XL would have confided to Gong Gong that he was deeply in love with XY, how extremely well they got along (after he started trusting her), etc. Then, Gong Gong would have kicked XL’s arse out of the army and told him that he wanted a better life for him than the rest of their doomed lives. That looks more like real love to me.

What doesn't sit well to me is XL relationship with Gong Gong. XL is his adopted son because they bonded so well and love each other. Now did Gong Gong think to ask his son why did you sleep in the ocean everyday for 37 years? With a bond so close XL shouldn't lie and Gong Gong should be able to tell his son has fallen hard for this XY. I know he does disappear from camp but to not sleep in camp for 37 years... May come back during the day... That has to be strange... If you know your son is so in love that he sacrificed a life and nursed XY for 37 years everyday and if he ever found out about the lovers bug... Wouldn't you insist he get out and live a life with her? Especially after hearing from the leaked script where he told the soldiers to go if they wanted to. I know XL wouldn't abandon him but surely as a dad he should take extreme measures for his son once he finds out his son has such a strong connection and is so dedicated to XY..

Maybe that's just what I hoped had happened...

LOL!  Why does Elise always have the RIGHT gif?  This is exactly how I felt.  I was everyone in this gif at one point or another.

It's a good thing for XY that he essentially doesn't have much close family ties left by the end of the novel. Funny that the author set it up so that their relationship can only works after Jing gave up everything and replace them with XY. Not exactly a healthy relationship dynamic. It works for XY 'cause girlfriend.got issues, but really isn't a good way to have a relationship.

The set up was one of the themes of the book, IMO.  Jing, XL and XY basically give up everything.  Sadly, XL is the only one who wasn't allowed to live after doing so.  Perhaps, because he was the only one who had conquered his trauma, his demonic aspect, his worldly attachments and selfish wants.  He had achieved nirvana or at least the next level.

Yo, but I'm now concerned that that woman has lost her mind. Either that or it's just an epic trolling. People arriving at the main comment section will be so spooked ahahah

 AH :
Is she reading the novel right now?

Not yet, and I am not sure I want her to yet since she is already so upset as it is just with the events in S1, and knowing of his death. Am trying my best to distract her but it is no easy task, as I can personally attest to on my own part. 

 AH :
Also, CX's parents, XY's parents, and TSJ's parents made choices that greatly harmed and traumatized their children. But one of the (mostly) positive things about LYF is that the next generation is determined not to perpetuate that cycle. 

Great observation. I do not know if push comes to shove, Xiao Yao would choose not to abandon her child should Jing die when she seemed to go down the same vicious cycle as her aunt in that sense. However, I am of the opinion that thanks to Xiang Liu, she need never be faced with such a decision, and her children need never suffer the meaningless loss of both parents.

As for Cang Xuan, I don't believe that he is the kind to easily throw his life away, especially since he had already determined to view Xiao Yao as his sister for the rest of his life. And unless he found a way to open up his heart to other women who do truly love him, such as A Nian, I doubt he would ever find any reason to give up on life should anything happen to them. In addition, with the world literally at his feet now, his ambition and vision would far outweigh any personal setbacks.

In the case of Jing, he was the only real father figure Zhen had ever known, so to be honest, I found it selfish to still leave the boy in the care of the clan elders instead of seeing the boy through his formative years, even though I can understand his choice for doing so, having come so close to losing Xiao Yao yet again through his own near-death. Some things should have been related to Zhen by him personally, especially with regards to his relationship with Hou and why it turned out the way it did, but it is what it is, and in the right hands, the boy will still have a chance to be the kind of man his father could have been.

I just saw jingger's comments in another thread, they said we are toxic, they said, if it's not love, why didn't xy marry someone else after jing died?


I just saw jingger's comments in another thread, they said we are toxic, they said, if it's not love, why didn't xy marry someone else after jing died?

Oh, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You should see the main comment section. Things were wild today.

It’s the first time I’ve witnessed something like this. We must have really hit a nerve.


I just saw jingger's comments in another thread, they said we are toxic, they said, if it's not love, why didn't xy marry someone else after jing died?


Do YOU think people in this thread are toxic?  That's the only opinion that matters.

That's stuff from season 2 or the book, which I haven't read.

But I thought she was grieving after Jing died?  Was she supposed to bury him and then marry Feng Long the day after the burial?  I mean, how long was Jing dead?

I can't keep time straight in this story.


That's stuff from season 2 or the book, which I haven't read.

But I thought she was grieving after Jing died?  Was she supposed to bury him and then marry Feng Long the day after the burial?  I mean, how long was Jing dead?

I can't keep time straight in this story.

No, Jing died before his wedding with XY. Funny thing is TH didn't even bother to give us a description of how YX reacted when she found out Jing dissapperead and is belived to be dead. 


No, Jing died before his wedding with XY. Funny thing is TH didn't even bother to give us a description of how YX reacted when she found out Jing dissapperead and is belived to be dead. 


I.  Will.  Be.  Strong.



No, Jing died before his wedding with XY. Funny thing is TH didn't even bother to give us a description of how YX reacted when she found out Jing dissapperead and is belived to be dead. 

Okay.  Now that I've stopped laughing...

So, how long was it between Jing's death and she found out he was resurrected?  And what was she doing?  I mean, didn't she go to Mountain Jade?  And didn't she confront CX in that period?

XL gave her hint about Jing “s assassination 6  year after.

when jing when to jade Mountain, it was 7 year after his missing


XL gave her hint about Jing “s assassination 6  year after.

when jing when to jade Mountain, it was 7 year after his missing

Okay, so technically maybe only a year, right?  I mean, she knew he was missing, but not certain he was dead?